The Long Maternal Walk (Maiesiobreed x Overlord Matt)

Jun 14, 2011
::Christy couldn't hear anything but a low dull roar as the semi pulled up somewhere. The 18 year old prisoner had been unceremoniously been yanked out of her cell earlier on in the day, a burlap sack placed over her head, her lovely long red hair mussed and constantly getting into her mouth as she guards of the juvenile prison shoved her and what seemed like 30 others into the back of the huge truck. Nobody knew what the hell was going on, none of the guards said anything as they screamed for an answer...visions of a mass grave filled Christy's head as the truck stopped. Several other of the girls started to whimper...they weren't hardened criminals, several were just petty thiefs.

It had been like since ever since the new regime had taken over New America in 2031. Millions were starving under the totalitarian government, Christy's family certainly one of them. The lithe, athletic redhead had been captured six months ago trying to steal a loaf of bread from a bakery in town to give to her family...there was no judge, no jury, just a TEN year prison sentence handed down to her.

The pale girl's eyes were suddenly filled with an explosion of light and a huge roar from a crowd of people. They...they weren't going to be killed, they were going to be entered into of the governments competitions! The only entertainment the new government allowed was twisted versions of old sporting events, usually resulting in horrific deaths or transformations of its contestants. Christy looked down at her body...she was skinny, about 5'5, with no muscles to speak of. Boys had described her as "pretty", more of a girl next door type. She had small, but firm breasts...not that those would matter in a fight.

"Ladies...welcome to the Maternal Walk!" A voice said over the loudspeakers. The girls looked at each other, confused...what was the Maternal Walk?
Miranda shook and screamed uselessly into the rag an exasperated guard had finally shoved into her mouth to silence her constant stream of begging, bargaining and empty threats. Black hair in tight ringlets were matted to her face under her sack and the heat in the truck had caused her to sweat profusely. The already thin prison issued jumpsuit clung tightly to every curve of her voluptious frame. Her father had been a leading politician until he was found trawling for gay sex in a bus station. Now, a mere week before her 18th birthday, she had been plucked from the lap of luxury and deposited into a den of depravity. She had always run a little to the chubby side but carried it well, in her breasts and hips. She stumbled off the back of the truck and fell heavily onto the dirt. The burlap sack fell free and revealed that the guard who gagged her had done so with a sweatu sock and a bootlace. She stared around, automatically expecting help but was merely shoved roughly into line with the other girls.

"Yo, this is Clive Harington broadcasting live from the latest Maternity Walk. He wore designer jeans that cost more than the median household income, a shirt decorated with foil skulls and a fitted cap. He was mounted on a ruggedized segway and had a camera crew following close behind. Artificially inflatwd biceps strained with every step he took.
"As always, the first order of business is to get to know our contestants. Let's get started." He came to the first girl in line a removed her hood with a flourish. The brown haired mouse of a girl had her face set as she was presented on camera.
"Tell the folks at home what your name is honey." She spat on the outheld microphone. A nearby guard jammed a cattle prod into the small of her back. She fell shrieking to the ground and writhed for a good ten seconds before struggling back to her feet. Clive repeated his question and the girl Amy, for what it's worth, recounted her age, place of birth and how she came here.

Clive moved on to the next girl, a thin redhead. "Tell us ginger, what is your name?"
"It's um....It's Christy. I'm 18 years old and I come from Havertown....can't anyone please tell us what's ... " She said into the microphone, but it was snatched away from her face before she could ask what the contest they were in would consist of. The Emcee of the event looked at her with a mixture of pity and excitement, something that made her stomach turn. Shit...he knew something and it wouldn't be good for the contestant. She watched as he ran down the entire length of the contestants, almost 50 in total. The fireplug that was next to her was still pissed off, it seemed to be the logical emotion that most were experiencing. Christy was just trying to figure out what the hell was going on...but was then stunned into silence when a huge, hulking figure appeared at the podium. The President?! He was here?

"Ladies...welcome to the first inaugural Maternal Walk! You should be honored, your contest is going to be broadcast to the millions in New America," The President said. Not much was know about the man who conquered the nation, but he was an imposing figure, wearing an old WWII military era uniform. "I suppose you're wondering what twist this competition will have...well first lets get you prepped."

Christy heard a huge rumbling coming from down the line. A huge MAC truck was driving in front of the girls with two soldiers manning a ray, passing in front of all the competitors, bathing them with a strange red aura! Christy wanted to run, but doing so would most likely rsult in her being shot. As the ray went past her she felt funny for a few seconds, a strange tingle, and then intense nausea! She keeled over, dry heaving on the ground, unaware that most of the other girls were doing the same.

"Don't worry ladies, we're just getting the first month out of the way, morning sickness isn't fun in a competition." He said. Morning sickness, what did he mean? "That ray you were just subjected to is a wonder of modern medical science. You were all picked for your fertility...and lets just say that I'm staring at a number of mothers to be!"

Christy gasped, and she heard several girls cursing and yelling out about not wanting to be pregnant! Her hand went to her stomach...she was going to be a mother? This was not right!

"But don't fret my dears, you won't have to wait nine months to meet your brood! You see, this is a walking competition, like The Long Walk, but with a twist. Instead of walking until you drop and then being shot, you'll be walking and swelling with children, becoming more and more pregnant with each mile...and each challenge you fail. Our Emcee Clive will be announcing the challenges every five miles. But what if you can't continue? Well then my dears, you will have reached your due date and you'll go into labor on the street! Now enjoy the games!" He said, rasing a gun and then firing it.

Christy couldn't believe it as she started to walk, slowly with the other girls. What had they gotten themselves into?
Miranda shuddered and bent double, retching bile onto the concrete. Like a doe in headlights she started around at the other girls moving off but was too stunned to move. Fear paralyzed her. A lifw of pampering and priviledge had left her completelt unable to deal with stress. Her eyes clapped on the president and a wave of relif surged through her body. She had met him at functions with her father and was sure he'd recognize her. He knows me. He has to know me. With uncertain stumbling steps she lurched toward the platform and inadvertantly entered the ray a second time.

"Mmmfffff!" She had forgotten that she was gagged. She fumbled with the foul gag, spitting to clear the taste from her mouth. She opened her mouth to beseech the president for mercy but only bile came up and again she was bent over. Before she could even stand back up a guard slapped her ass so hard that it drove the breath from her lungs then shoved her after the mass of walking women.

"Don't you know who I am?" She asked indignently to the guards and women both. "My father is James Cole and he'll have you all killed."

Clive pulled alongside the lagging girl. "Here is Miranda Cole, daughter of notorious criminal and sadomite, James Cole. Tell us Miranda, will your young be as fat as you? Or only as ugly?" For the sake of the home audience he poked a finger hard into her side so that she jiggled slightly. The teenaged girl burst into tears and sprinted awkwardly to join the pack of women as the camera crew hooted with laughter.

Miranda came to be next to one of the redheaded girls and asked breathlessly, "What did they do to us? Are we really pregnant? Why do I feel so sick? What are challenges? Oh god are we going to die?"
"To tell you the truth, I don't know what's going to happen to us. What did you say your name was, Mary or something like that? What happened up there with the president, you said you knew him?" Christy said, trying to rack her brain to figure out a way out of this. As they were walking for the next five minutes, many of the girls in complete silence, Christy was looking around for any way to escape. She noticed that soldiers were all around them, driving in trucks, on foot, in jeeps...all of them were heavily armed and keeping an eye out.

It was then that one of the girls, a diminutive asian with purple hair, suddenly piped up loudly and sat down on the street. "Fuck this! I quit! We're not guinea pigs for the government to do what they wish! If we all stop now, what's going to happen? We're not nearly far along enough to give birth!" She said, as she sat down, the crowd booing. The rest of the girls were watching her as the president gave a signal and the truck with the ray came up and shot her with another blast of something.

"Hey...hey what do you think you're doing to me! What did you do?" The asian girl said, as she grabbed her stomach...all of the girls saw what was happening and instinctively put their own hands on their stomach. Her belly was expanding rapidly, as she screamed louder and louder, barelling towards full term.

"This...this isn't fairrrrr mmmmmmoooooooooooo! Somethng....something is happening in between my legsssss moooooo!" The girl cried out, her hands clamping down over her mouth...what the fuck, Christy thought, did the girl just moo? She watched in horror as the asian girls belly swelled out farther than she had ever seen a pregnancy go before...until her prison outfit couldn't take it anymore and almost exploded off of her body. SEveral of the girls screamed as they saw what she had been talking about...a huge pink udder was growing just above her pussy, below her writhing and swollen stomach.

"You see ladies, this is your incentive to win! If you lose, you'll be sent to the birthing hospitals to be a birther for the rest of your lives! And as you can see by our lovely asian here, it's not limited to just repopulating the earth. She looks pregnant with a calf in there, we all need to eat right?" the president said, lovingly patting the girls stomach. "Hell, you might pull a fetishists job as well, lots of pregnancy lovers in our country, could serve out as a permanently pregnant porno star for the rest of your life!"

"Well, does that answer your question?" Christy said, as seh put a hand to her own stomach as she turned back to the race. already felt puffy, she had a potbelly! She was already growing!
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