The mistake? (MissBubbles x skydive78

Sep 3, 2011
Lexi's shook her head as she tried to push the thoughts of that jerks hands all over her. All she had been thinking about the last few days was Draco. It made her sick to her stomach. She would have never had that many drinks if she knew that ass hole was going to be anywhere near her. Lexi never once blamed them hooking up on Draco, she knew he was just as drunk as she was. Nothing pissed her off more then knowing all she could think about was him.

Kicking her long tan legs up on the bench across from her as she sat alone in a compartment on the hogwarts express, her stomach turned as she thought of facing him. She hadn't spoken or seen him since they hooked up. Usually she was excited to be back at school but not this year.
Draco sat with his usual cronies in the carrage as it rattled through the countryside. He felt quite alone though, his mind had been entirely occupied by memories of his night with lexi. He was still confused, about how he should feel. Ashamed because she was beneath him, happy because he could see her again, lustful, sad that he was so drunk he could barely remember? He sighed and watched the word go by.
Pressing her head against the window Lexi watched as the trees passed by. Thoughts of seeing Draco were making her feel things she never wanted to feel about him, excitement. The train finally came to a screeching halt and Lexi sighed as she got up from her seat. Dressed in her school uniform she grabbed her robe throwing it over her arm. Looking out into the hall she saw all the students filing out of the train. She was hoping she could go as long as possible without seeing Draco.

Lexi stopped immediately when she spotted him stepping out of his compartment. She couldn't stop herself from biting her lips and squeezing her legs together. Just the sight of him made her wet, which wanted to make her vomit at the same time.
Draco knew he would need to snap out of it, he knew he had an image to maintain. And he needed to work out how to handle her and the rest of the school. He didn't know what if any rumors would be flying about school. He didn't want to be assosiated with a non pure blood, and yet his thoughts had been dominated by her. He started walking toward school with his entourage, he dare not look for her in the crowd, he needed fo figure out the stance he was going to take first.
Sighing happily when Draco didn't notice her Lexi walked with her friends towards the castle. They all talked about their summers and Lexi made sure not to mention her encounter with Draco. Lexi wondered if Draco was going to tell anyone. The sick feeling came back to her, she didnt know how she would deal with people knowing she had slept with Draco. "Hello. Lexi where are you?" Raven's voice snapped Lexi back to reality and she forced a smile continuing on with the conversation.

Lexi managed to go most of the night without having to speak to Draco. She knew they were going to cross paths sooner or later. As Lexi and her friends made it to the common room after a boringly slow dinner she relaxed on the couch in the common room.
When Draco entered the common room that evening he was fairly confident that there was no rumours arround the school concerning his drunken night with Lexi. When he saw her in the common room he was going to walk past, but his feet turned him away from his friends and he found himself sitting next to her. All he could think was 'what was he doing and by the gods she smelled good' "Hello Lexi" he said.
Lexi was busy reading when she felt someone beside her. Lexi looked over with a smile which quickly faded when she noticed Draco. Lexi swallowed hard before she spoke, "Draco" Lexi had no idea what to say to him. Why was he even sitting near her? Lexi kept her eyes on his refusing to look him over knowing it would make her feel a way she was disgusted to feel.
It was almost unheard of for Draco to be lost for a response. "Erm... How have you been?" He asked. The fact was, he was horny and he knew her in the biblical sense. He was arrogant and guessed he could pick her up and put her down. Why wouldn't she want him? He was Draco Malfoy.
Lexi didn't break eye contract for fear that her eyes would betray her. Lexi barely noticed she was biting her lip when she finally took a breath to speak, "I've been fine. And you?" Lexi had no idea what to say to him but she knew very well what she wanted to do with him. The thought made her finally break eye contact. Crossing her legs Lexi's already short skirt rode up her thigh. "Ummm Draco do you mind if we talk in private for a moment?" Lexi dreaded talking about what happened but she felt like the sooner they got over talking about it the quicker things could go back to normal.
Draco smirked, he knew it, she wanted him! "of course you can!" his arrogance wouldnt let him even contemplate she wanted anything other than his body. She looked good, better than he remembered from their drunken clumsy romp. Shame she wasn't suitable to take home to mother.
Lexi watched Draco smile and she assumed it was because he thought there was going to be a repeat of their drunken night. He was wrong. Rising from the couch Lexi finally looked Draco over and couldn't help but bite her lip again. She may have despised this boy more than anyone she ever met but all she could think about was how good he made her feel.

Lexi led Draco to the hallway which was mostly a ghost town since everyone was in their common room. Refusing to look at Draco she finally spoke, "I think we should talk about what happened over the summer. I was hoping we could come to an agreement and keep that little mishap between us." Lexi finally locked eyes with Draco and smiled slightly hoping he would for once be reasonable with her.
Draco's smile faded quickly, he understood why he could see it as a mishap. But how could Lexi see it that way? He was baffled and angry a fling with him should be seen as a badge of honor. "What?" He asked
Lexi was confused, she had no idea why he was getting upset. Draco was very clear in his dislike for her so she assumed he would want to keep this to himself just as much as she did. "I assumed you wouldn't want anyone to know just like I wouldn't." Lexi didn't want anyone to know but she sure as hell wanted to do it again. Just thinking about that night cause her to bite her bottom lip. "Let's just be adults about this ok?"
Draco was stunned but equally he was to embarrased to make a scene, he felt a little crushed. His ego was bruised, why had he taken this so badly? he thought. His ego was usually bullet proof. He regained his composure to an extent, "erm yes of course," he said quietly. and paused, "I see we have history of magic class together tomorow afternoon, would you like to sit with me?" he asked.
Lexi was shocked by Draco's question. Why on earth would he want to sit with her. "Umm sure I guess'" she finally replied. Was he trying to play some game with her? Being this close to him was making her crazy she decided it was time for space, although she wanted to be much closer to him. "So everything will just be as if it never happened. I'm going to go back into the common room." As much as she wanted to be close to him she thought the more space the better.
Now he knew he couldn't just have her, he wanted her very badly. His family and friends would disaprove of a relationship between them. He wanted to rebel against all those who had his life planned for him and he really wanted this girl. he'd had a taste of her and he wanted more.
Alexis turned and headed back for the common room before she changed her mind. It annoyed her immensely that she wanted him so badly. They may have both been drunk but it was still amazing. It would probably be even better if they were sober. Shaking the thoughts from her head she walked inside trying to think about anything else.
Draco retired early for the evening and lay in bed thinking of lexi. He wanted her, he wanted her a lot. He remembered very little of their night together, only that the memories he had made him hard. Now it seemed she didn't want to hop back into bed with him he wanted her more, he knew several girls whom would readily spread their legs for him, but they weren't Lexi. He was supprised to realise that the idea of a forbidden romance excited him.
Thinking of Draco was not part of lexis plan but it was all she could do. Lexi tossed and turned all night dreaming of him, the boy she hated more then anything. Finally waking in the morning the girl was extemely tired.

Making her way to class Lexi knew she was going to have to face Draco. She hoped he wouldn't bring up anything to her about there night together. Thinking about it hat made her in need of him.
When Draco made it to the dusty history of magic class the room was pretty empty. He chose a seat at the back in the poorly lit room. As he room slowly filled with students he twice had to prevent others from sitting along side him, now all he had to do would be hope lexi would sit with him. He already had a plan to try to make her jelous, he was ever a schemer.
Lexi walked into class and recalled telling Draco she would sit next to him during class. With a sigh the girl took the seat beside him without looking at him. "Draco" she said acknowledging him. Sitting next to him was just enough to make her remember how much she wanted him. She hoped he wouldn't bring anything up about they're night together. It was taking all in her not to tell him she wanted it again. She would never admit anything out loud.
"hello Lexi" he said as she sat. He sat through most of the boring class taking occasional notes, but really trying to find a way to speak to her, but she oozed hostility and allure in equal measures. Several times he had words on the tip of his tongue but none would come out. With the class nearly over he gave up trying to be clever and simply put his hand on her bare thigh. She felt silky smooth and her body heat delighted him.
Draco spoke to her once during the class and she wondered if he was going to speak again. Lexi decided to ignore him as best she could. Class was close to ending when Draco laid his hand on her thigh. Lexi took and involuntary deep breath when she felt his hand. She decided against looking over at him because there was nothing but want in her eyes. Ignoring his hand would be her best option for now. What was he doing anyway? It was possible he wanted her as bad as she wanted him.
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