Caught in a Storm of Red (WarriorTiger_Tigress + dleibman)

Jul 21, 2012
Danielle ran through the forest, packed densely with firs and spruces. Her blue eyes pierced the trees for her prey. The setting sun making it more and more difficult to see. The sorceress she and her Sister of the Agiel, Tayna, hunted had been especially elusive. Danielle continued her chase, her hunt. Her only thoughts were focused on capturing the sorceress that evaded them.

"Danielle, on your left!" she heard Tayna shout at her from across the way. Danielle looked to her left and saw her prize. She risked everything and lunged at the one she chased.
Mira turned to see one of her pursuers getting close. She would've taken her by surprise if her companion hadn't blurted out her location. The young girl turned to see the woman getting close and waved her hand to form a symbol as a bold of energy began to appear in her hand. The young evoker's eyes narrowed as she launched a bolt from her hand at the woman barely missing her. Despite her knowledge of the arcane arts Mira was fairly inexperienced in their use, which was obvious as she missed her target at close range. Her eyes widened in surprise as Danielle was soon right in front of her, as soon she looked into the woman's eyes, a mix of both fury and fear in her own.
Danielle dodged the bolt of energy the evoker cast at her. It would be no good to turn the magic against her. A sly smile came across her face. She had other plans for the girl. The lunge that she planned, worked perfectly, and she soon found herself in front of Mira. Her blue eyes pierced the girl's. She looked up only briefly to see Tayna closing in behind her. Danielle lifted her hand up, a sign to Tayna not to put the collar she was holding around the evoker's neck. She grabbed the girls chin, forcing her to keep eye contact.

"Why did you even bother run from us little one? You should know it's pointless to run from a Mord'Sith, much less two." Her words were spat out like venom. She shoved the face of the girl away from her. "Lesson One: never look me in the eyes unless I command it. Do you understand?"

She didn't even bother wait for the answer when she motioned for Tayna to put the collar around her prize.
Mira was still full of fear and acted irrationally. As she was pushed back she formed another bolt and was about to fire it off when she soon felt a collar being placed around her neck. She stopped casting the bolt and tried to grab it and take it off but it was already to late. "L-let me go!" she demanded pushing herself away from Tanya now in the middle of both women. Her eyes quickly looked around desperate to try and find a means of escape only to see that Mord'sith had her trapped.
Danielle smiled at Mira. "Let you go? But my pet... we worked so hard to catch you."

Tayna pulled on the chain that was connected to the collar around the girl's neck. She smiled at the reaction it caused. It hadn't been hard enough to throw the girl's weight off, but it had been hard enough to tug at her throat. She remembered that not long ago she had been the one in the collar; it was good to have the tides turned. She reflected on how stunned, and honored she felt when Danielle, her former Mistress had requested that she join her on this particular hunt. She knew that she would have to wait for Danielle to give her permission to begin training their new slave, new pet, but she had learned patience.

Danielle stepped closer to Mira and putting her red leather clad hand to Mira's chin, pulled it close to her face. "You will call me Mistress, or Mistress Danielle. She," she stated pointing behind the girl at Tayna, "will be Mistress Tayna, always. You will never call her Mistress." Danielle leaned forward close to Mira's ear and whispered, "Do you understand me, my pet?"

Danielle licked the girl's left ear before abruptly standing back upright. She let the evoker go. "Let's get back to the temple, if you're good we won't begin your training until we reach it."
Mira froze as the chain was placed around her neck. She felt the soft leather glove on her chin and as she was forced to look into the woman's eyes her own were filled with tears. She stayed still waiting for an opening for her escape, still thinking she could flee from such experienced hunters. She listened to the woman's words. "Y-yes mistress." the girl said a hint of disrespect in her voice. She shuddered as she felt her tongue lick her ear and quickly tried to devise a plan to escape. Like many before her she was rebellious, and the closer to the temple they got the more uneasy the Mira became. She became for fidgety, and looked around as they got closer, the air about the temple bothered her, and soon she didn't want to take another step. "P-please I beg you don't take me there." she said as it slowly came into view.
Mistress Danielle stood and placed her hands on her hips. It was good to be home. Her red stained lips curled to a smile. The fact that the evoker didn't want to be her gave her all the more pleasure. Danielle had let Tayna hold the chain for most of the trip back, letting the younger Mord'Sith a chance to be in charge. Danielle hadn't expected Tayna to be quite so accepting of this position. Danielle's smile got wider. Her and Tayna did have a special relationship that a few of the other Sisters had. Danielle could almost sense the fear, and unease in Mira, and at that moment took control the the chain.

"Tayna, toss me the chain. I will be the one taking my prize into the temple," she stated in a monotone voice.

"Yes Mistress Danielle," Tayna replied. It was hard for her to get out of calling her Sister that. She raised her arm and threw the chain out behind Mira to Danielle. Danielle expected for Mira to run. In fact she looked forward to it.

She knew that they had already crossed the threshold of the temple's magic, and while she hadn't actually controlled the chain yet she could course magic through it. The circular boundary that the temple emitted was unseen by the eye, and would prevent any trainee from crossing over unless accompanied by their trainer. If a trainee tried to run with the collar around their neck and they hit the boundary, pain would course through their bodies. It was the almost always the first lesson they would learn. Blue eyes watched Mira, almost daring her to run.
As the chain flew through the air Mira saw her chance. Her muscled tensed up, and when she could first dart away she did, sprinting off towards the boundary. She bolted,, running as fast as she could even though her muscles burned and her breath was short. She sprinted Away not even looking behind her as she ran. The unease she felt drove her, and soon just when she thought she might be safe she bit a barrier of unseen force, her body wracking with pain as she tried to struggle through it. She continued to go, doing her best to escape but soon the pain was to much. Mira fell onto her knees overpowered by the barrier, and soon she curled up tears rolling down her cheeks and her screams echoing through the wilderness.
Mistress Danielle let the girl run. She knew that she wouldn't get far before the pain overtook her. She walked over to Mistress Tayna and smiled. "Do remember when you were a young trainee and had the same notion in your head to run?"

Tayna looked over to her. "Yes, and I remember the pain that it caused. But that is a weakness I no longer have, thanks to you Mistress."

"You were always one of my favorites," Mistress Danielle stated, running her red leather clad hand across Tayna's face. She placed a soft kiss on Tayna's lips before the sounds of screams reached them.

"Well I suppose that we will have to finish this later. Come now, let's teach my pet about pain."

The walked in the direction the girl had taken off too, not much in a hurry to reach her. Once they reached her Tayna walked over and put her hand on Mira's shoulder. She did not try to comfort her; she just wanted the girl to know they were there. Mistress Danielle picked up the chain, and released the pain the girl was feeling.

"Do not try to run from us. The next time you do, you will feel more pain than that of today. Come now, let's get back to the temple. Oh and Mistress Tayna, let her walk."

"Yes Mistress." Mistress Danielle gave a slight tug on the chain as Tayna stood up. The time they had spent chasing the evoker, and the time they had spent walking back to the temple was almost too much for Danielle. At the present moment she longed for a bath.
Mira clenched her teeth as she laid still, the pain steadily getting worse. She tried to crawl despite how overpowering it was and soon she felt her hand on a boot. As she felt a hand on her shoulder she looked up, seeing Danielle picking up the chain. As soon as she did so the young girl screamed loudly, soon crying as she was forced back onto her feet. Though it had ended the memory of the pain still lingered. As the chain was tugged she stumbled forward, fear now completely taking her. Steadily she walked towards the temple this time making sure to hurry hoping that they couldn't just drop the chain and cause that sort of pain again.
Mistress Danielle strutted her way through the dark wooden door of the temple. It's white bricks had been in view for longer that she would have liked, but she didn't want to push her pet too much. Mira had done well with keeping up, and Danielle was beginning to think that she had resigned herself to her fate. Tayna followed behind then, quiet and lost in her own world. Several of the other Sisters greeted Danielle and Tayna with smiles and congratulations.

"Mistress Danielle, so lovely to see you again. I see you caught your prize. What do you say I come help you with training her?" Mistress Cara asked.

Danielle stopped dead in her tracks. As much as she respected Cara it was unusual for her to offer her services. Danielle wanted to back hand her for her insolence, but simply replied coldly, "I'm tired Cara, perhaps another time, after I've had a bath and some sleep."

She continued her walk to her chambers and once there shooed off Tayna. She dropped the chain on a heavy looking table. The pain did not come for Mira. "These are my personal chambers. As long as you remain good you shall be allowed to stay in here. Do anything that displeases me and you will find yourself in a place much worse than this." Her voice was soft, tired. She removed the chain from around Mira's neck and replaced it with a collar.

"This collar will allow you to move freely within the temple, but you will not be able to leave. Now straight down the hall, last door on the left is the water room. I want you to bring buckets of warm water to fill my tub there in the corner. Oh and pet, make it quick, I would hate to have to punish you for the water getting cold. The bucket is there." Danielle pointed to a buck sitting on the table. She waited to leave before she began striping, starting with her gloves.
Mira quickly left grabbing the bucket. Mistress Danielle knew exactly what was going through her mind, and as she walked down the hallway she looked at the various other Mord'Sith watching her. She shyly walked doing her best to keep to herself. Eventually she arrived at the water room, and quickly grabbed a bucket full of water and hurried back, walking into the room to fill the bath as Danielle began to strip. She worked her way to the corner and poured the water in, and quickly left to grab more, hoping that it stayed hot long enough for her mistress's bath.
Mistress Danielle waited until her bath was full until speaking again. "Get out of your clothes. When you are done grab that brush over there and come bath me."

Danielle stepped into the still warm bath. Mira was better than she had anticipated. She was almost disappointed that she wouldn't get to punish the girl yet. She made sure to keep her long braid out of the water; she would have Mira wash it later. She leaned against the back of the tub, letting a sigh out. The water felt good against her aching muscles. Now the only thing she had to worry about was whether or not Mira would be sleeping on the floor.
The fear of angering Danielle hastened Mira's actions, and soon the young girl's clothes were in a heap on the ground and the young evoker was moving close to the bath. She grabbed the brush on her way to the bath and stood there behind her. "J-Just start wherever m-mistress?" she asked shyly. Thoughts raced through her mind, should she follow orders and be good, or should she use an electric spell and fry the woman where she way laying. In her mind both battled it out, as Mira waited for her orders. She stood there thinking, and suddenly came to a descision. She could fry her right now, it was an accident, something wrong with the collar... anything, she could come up with it after the task was done. Mira chanted softly under her breath, almost silently and then pointed her finger at the water, but instead of a powerful shock hitting th tub it seemed to arc back inside her, forcing the young girl to her knees as the electricity arced through her.
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