League Of Corruption (SpecialKay & Dysy)


Feb 1, 2011
The plan was simple, develop the hack, build the equipment, and then force your way into the game to put the plan into action. A strange idea that had come from nothing, simply sick and tired of staring into the face of boredom itself an idea simply concocted itself from the depths of his chaotic and decrepit parts of his mind. It sounded like science fiction to anyone of the naive minded, something that could not be accomplished by any means. Something one would expect to see in some sort of low pudge SyFy produced movie as a way to take in the extra three and a half dollars made by the dim witted who believed movies like Sharktopus was the epitome of art. To cut it short, it was all real, oh so very real.

Taking five months out of his boring, and quiet life. A normal everyday student with the ability to keep his nearly nonexistent social life away from his own personal and home life. He had worked on this hack for months, creating a device that activates and works with every part of your body, not just making you see and feel what you wish; nay it put you into the shoes of your character to do with as you pleased. Further tweakings with the hack, had created it to be a weapon of which he loved and enjoyed dearly, not only could be bring himself in, he could bring other players in to portray there characters and do with as he pleased.

"It's time."The figure spoke calmly, a hand ran through his dark shaggy short cut hair. His crystal blue eyes lifted to the monitor before him as he took a seat in the specially developed leather chair. Small half circle like objects shifted out of the back of the seat pressing into his back gently as he adjusted. His fingers moved swiftly on the keyboard as he logged in to his account. His finger shifted over to the mouse as he moved to activate the long awaited hack. This was no mere normal day, no this was a test...just how well did this newly developed device work?

The queue popped up as he waited to find a game. The hack displayed when the opponents he would play against were female, if he locked in at least two, he would be able to work easily with this test. His eyes lit up slightly as the noise activated, the flash of the icon that asked for him to join the game, it was time to test. "Finally."He muttered calmly, his fingers pressed against a champion located close to the top row. His body shivered as he felt stronger, his fingers activated the hack as his body shifted away from what used to be the real world. His mind placed in a much stronger, and faster form. He was in the champion known as Darius nonetheless. His eyes lit up as he stood in what appeared to be eternal darkness, a sort of limbo until his opponents and team finally connected. It was time to go to work, his fingers snapped as he was now placed in a but like area, four cage like structures were placed before him as he checked the scoreboard. There was four females on the other team...more than he could have hopes for.

"Activate."His voice was loud, and boomed as the game began to react. The women on the other sides of the monitor would be pulled into the game, their characters would disappear from the game altogether, only to appear in four separate cages placed in front of him. His arm tucked behind him as his fingers interlocked, waiting for the arrival of his test subjects.
It had been set up properly, and test or not the game contorted around the boy’s whim. The four female champions had been set up to lane, but before their feet cold touch the plush ground of grass beneath them, they found themselves placed upon metal bars. Ahri, the fox was placed the furthest on the left, Akali the ninja beside her, and further down the line, Riven, and lastly Ashe settled on the far right. All women were geared up for the battle, ready to fight their way through the League, when they were transported here. The costumes they had adorned for this particular battle, were transported with them, but any powers or weapons had been instantly muted upon entering the new ‘realm’ of sorts.

Ahri was the first to speak out, her tails twitched anxiously, but not in nervousness. She was too prideful of a female to show any sign of fear, but this was certainly new to her. When attempting to summon her orb, Ahri stared down at empty pale hands and frowned, her tails continuing to anxiously twitching and twirl around her. Not only was she stuck in this so called cage, but her powers null to none. “What is this? Release me at once!” She shouted to no one in particular. Fox ears flicked around trying t pick up any minute noise in the room, and when no sound was picked up, Ahri turned to her fellow champions. “What are we doing in here?” Eyes darted from face to face, meeting faces of confusion and similar frustration.

“Don’t you think, if we knew, we would’ve told you already? Or at least gotten out of here?” Quipped an already peeved Riven. She tugged gently at the fake rabbit ears of her costume and frowned. “I don’t even have a sword. A broken sword is better than none at this point. I can’t even bust out of here. “ Leaning back, Riven only found herself more frustrated as she bumped her poor rabbit tail against the cold bars of the cage, eliciting a small groan of frustration.

“All of our weapons were removed.” Ashe answered quietly tugging her cape closer to her body as she settled upon the floor of the cage. Of the four, she seemed the least stressed. But, being married to a once barbarian Tryndamere, being in a cage didn’t really frighten Ashe in the least sense. Brushing a few strands of silver hair from her face the frost archer looked at her fellow champions and only let out a sigh, her gaze finally returning to the fox girl.

The fox had barely noticed Darius’ form, but when she did she let out an almost primal growl, baring canines a true fox would be proud of. “Summoner!” She called out sharply, calling the attention of all the females to turn their either worried, sorrowful eyes to turn into icy glares at Darius, “Release us at once!” It came as a united demand from all the females. Ahri and Riven seemed the most spirited in being released, while Akali and Ashe settled themselves into their cages.

The four women finally stood in the fronts of their cages, wrapping their hands around the bars, all nearly pressing their faces against the cold steel to get a better look at Darius. "How could you?" Akali finally spoke. She had remained silent this entire time, tugging at her nurse outfit, but now her hat was clenched in a tight fist. "You're one of us!"

[I actually would’ve picked Sona just based on looks, but it’s no fun to play a mute character. And I forgot the name of her instrument.
Also, unf – how can you not have MF in this group?]
Darius's eyebrows lifted in question as the women seemed to fall into place one by one. They all seemed to react in the same remarkably redundant way. The way they shifted about Nd tried to use their nonexistent abilities and weapons brought a gentle smirk to his face. So naive, did they really not realize what was going on? Sure, this hack has never been witnessed or disclosed before this moment, however such a unique room and location should've said something was up. Ahri and Riven worth both remarkably hotheaded, however the last two seemed to be quaint and satisfied with waiting out the situation.

"One of you? No...I am not one of you."Darius finally spoke, his all too familiar voice piercing the air. The sudden realization that his hack was working just as he had planned sent him into a state of glee. Giddy laughs escaped his lips as he could barely contain the want to shout as loud as he could muster. However he realized such an event would make him look bad in front of the lovely ladies in front of him. "I will not release you...any of you."Darius spoke calmly, his hand reached back pulling the add from off his shoulders and setting it down in the corner.

Taking the next few moments to pace back and forth examined his new prizes and smiled as. He realized...they were all hotter in 'person' so to speak. His eyes kit up as they tried harder to force him to allow them the sweet blissful chance at freedom. A mocking laugh escaped his lips as he tossed his head back with glee. How stupid were they? Had they not realized this Darius wasn't just any normal one they had run into? He obviously had separate plans for these girls, who were to thicknesses to simply pick it up and understand. So he decided...a bit more of a hint was necessary so he smiled. His fingers pressed a latch located on his grieves, his pants parted as well as the chainmail beneath it as his lower half was now completely naked. A bit of coding was always helpful, a large glorious manhood dangled between his thighs. The sheer length was enough to make an elephant blush.

A cackle followed by a grin came from him as he paced back and forth with a smile. "You want to get out? I warn you it's no simple task, I refuse to allow someone to simply up and walk out of my wonderful new map. No...you have to convince me you deserve it."Darius said turning to the group with a sharp twist. Causing his long meat to Ross through the air as he laughed softly. "Now who wants to be the first one to try and get out, hm?"Darius asked. The perverted user controlling the champion decided it seemed like the most fun he could have at such a moment. Nearing Riven's cage he pressed his hips against the cold metal bars of her cage. Slipping his massive member between the bars, the flaccid meat dangling before her as he smiled. "Would you like to he out?"
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