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Call for aide (war40k action RP)

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Jul 22, 2012
Lord Inquisitor Dannianus “Dan” Tellion of the Ordo Xenos reporting.

Thought of the day: Look not upon the Xeno, speak not to the Xeno, trust not the Xeno.

This astropathic message was sent to the Ordo on Holy Terra and then given to me, and I am making it public to the Ordo after much scrutinizing on its authenticity. Message begins:

Transmitted: Bakka PDF station IV20F Recieved: Rynn's World
Destination: Holy Terra
Intercept/Redirect: Holy Terra Date: 2483752.M41
Telepathic Duct: Astrotelepath Humiron
REF: Khronate Cult on the planet Bakka
Author: Inquisitor Hypax. Thought for the day:
++This is Inquisitor Hypax of the Ordo Hereticus requesting aide on the
planet of Bakka in the Segmentum Tempestus, Sector Badlus, Sub-Sector
Bengin. I have spent many weeks on this planet investigating a group of
Khorne Cultists infesting this holy world of His most benevolent empire.
I have gotten nowhere in my search, but that is not why I request aide.
It was recently relayed to me that a ship belonging to the Bakka’s Imperial
Navy. They have detected a mass of unimaginable size heading in the path
of Bakka’s orbit. The size they say the mass is leads me to few estimates on
what it might be: It may be a craftworld, an ork krooza, or, Emperor protect
us, a tyranid hive fleet. I am not a member of the ordo xenos, but we do
not get many orks out here, the closest craftworld is nearing the planet
ghorstangrad (I have received reports of eldar raiders in the area) and
the path of the hive fleets is nowhere close to us. Yet some of the officers
claim to describe exactly that: A tyranid hive ship. Why it has drifted so
far off course I am unable to determine at this very moment. I am
transmitting this communiqué to Holy Terra herself: By the Emperor,
send someone soon! I fear the hive ship may reach us anytime between
ten (10) and six (6) standard Terran days. God Emperor, preserve us… Tyranids…
The Emperor protects…
Inquisitor Hypax, out.++​

This was the last communication we received from Inquisitor Hypax, which was exactly one day ago. We are unable to send word to him. What we can confirm is he was hunting a group of Khorne cultists looking to turn a planet into a type of gladiatorial planet dedicated to Khorne, in which worshippers of Khorne send warriors or slaves to kill one another in order to appease their blood god. They have failed to do so four times thus far. I can confirm that this is indeed a Tyranid hive ship belonging to the fleet Leviathan heading toward the planet of Bakka, although why it has deviated off course is unknown at this time. Many of my fellow Inquisitor Lords believe it was possibly knocked off course by either rogue asteroids or even rogue Orks.

This is why I am asking for volunteers only of any Ordo. I have sent an atropathic message to the Ultramarines on Macragge as well as to our Deathwatch to see if they would be available for any immediate assistance. Our mission is simple: We are to make warp travel to Bakka (which will take approximately 2 terran standard days) and upon arrival interrogate the first PDF officer or Arbite official we see. Inquisitor Hypax and his retinue were assigned the local PDF and Arbites to aide his search. Upon arrival, if Inqusitior Hypax’s estimates are to be believed, we will have only between seven (7) and four (4) days in which to assess the threat of the tyranid hive ship, find the Khornate cult, and/or evacuate the planet of Bakka and have the Ultramarines take charge of the operation alongside three regiments of Imperial Guard from Tallarn Desert raiders. I have also sent out astropathic messages to the space marines of the Raven Guard, the Dark Hunters, and the Crimson Fists. I have yet to hear from them, as I made it clear that the mission was voluntary. The ultramarines have assured me they can reach Bakka within a standard terran week, as they have a debt to repay to Bakka for sending ships to their aide in their time of need with the Tyranids. Briefing is in twenty four hours.

(Right, so, chat based warhammer 40,000 RP. This is sort of a test run to see if people are interested in this or like it. There seems to be some interest in 40k rp so that’s good. We will be using skype, and a dice rolling program called diceroller for skype, which I will explain the use of that in a moment. I will be the narrator/lord inquisitor/any major NPC in the game, and you will be playing inquisitors. Since 40k is mostly a combat focused universe, there will be a lot of combat, so I thought I would have that resolved by using a mix of rogue trader game rules and the current table top game rules. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know any of them, I’ll be doing most of the work. On occasion, I will ask you to just make a dice roll an then I’ll work that out. The rest is up to you: you dictate your own combat, where your bullets go, where you aim them (if you aim at all) and that sort of thing. Like I said it’s a test run to see how it goes, this is very much subject to change. If it happens to move too slow I will toss all of this out the window and go with the “wing it” option. Both of course are do-able I just have no clue how it will work out. Now, being mostly a combat universe doesn’t mean there won’t be time to RP. I’m going with this one first because with inquisitors there is less combat than, say, with space marines.

Inquisitors will be running around, talking/yelling/threatening people, figuring out what the hell is going on, spending lots of time in sewers, and then killing. Space marines do that first. If I wanted that I’d find a deathwatch game. This scenario is not concrete, meaning we can do whatever. I just figure I’d do this to see if people like it. We can do space marines one week, orks the next, tau, whatever. Just as long as I get time to get myself familiar with it you know?

PM me for my skype name. Free to bug me there with questions or ykno make a forum post about it. I haven’t set a start date for the RP yet (don’t have enough people.) If you don’t know anything about 40k, I will be more than pleased to give you a crash course. And uh, I guess you could make an RP post if you want. Just sort of copy my thing above as a blueprint. FYI: The plus’s mean astropathic communication, so no need for that.)

(edit:also, there is no set schedule yet.)
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