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Her Guardian Angel (LeDamsel and Don'txxBlink)


Jul 14, 2012
United States

Chastity (Chase) Harris


Nineteen year old Chastity Denise Harris, or Chase, as she preffered to be called, sighed as she left the restaurant where she was a waitress, fixing her blouse and her skirt. Her boss had tried to cop a feel on her again and get her to sleep with him but she wasn't that kind of girl. She'd seen what a life a kid gotten from a few one night stands had gotten her mother and herself and she wasn't going to have sex, accidently get pregnant then have a child to care for without someone else around in case something happened to her. Her mother had gotten pregnant after an affair and the guy hadn't even known her mother was pregnant. He'd left far before then. It had left her mother in a precarious position. Regardless, Chase had been born some nine months later and her mother had done the best she could.

When Chase had been five years old, her mother had been murdered. Chase had been lucky to escape before the men had killed her and after being found, she'd been placed into foster care. So she had stayed there for thirteen years until turning eighteen, escaping scrapes and sexual assaults from her foster parents, running away a few times. Never settling in one place for long. After her eighteenth birthday, she'd been tossed out on the street. On her own, Chase had found a job as a waitress and after staying in a homeless shelter, she'd finally gotten her own place. It was in a seedy part of town but the cheapest place she could find. She got paid basically shit but she was luckier than most in her situation.

Sighing, Chase fixed her purse over her shoulder, walking the two miles from the restaurant to her apartment. She'd been taking the same walking path for the past three months since getting her rather small apartment. Nothing of consequence had ever happened. But tonight was not to be her lucky night.

As she rounded the corner in a back alley, she collided with a man and gasped as he grasped hold of her and then looked down at her leering. "Lookie lookie what we have here," he chuckled. Fear raced through her and she tugged back, reaching for her pepper spray, turning and running, he was casually walking behind her and she glanced back, screaming as she turned and collided against him again. He grabbed hold of her and grinned. "Aren't you just a pretty picture," he growled.

Chase struggled as he lifted her up as though she weighed nothing, slamming her into the wall with one hand. She used her pepper spray, spraying his eyes. He growled, letting her go and going to punch her but he missed. Though it was narrowly. She straightened her five feet, four inch tall frame, running as fast as she could through the narrow alleyway. She didn't know what the hell was going on but it was scary. The man swooped down in front of her again, glaring at her and she screamed, dropping back but he grabbed hold of her, lifting her up and throwing her so that she slammed against the brick wall and fell to the grimy ground.

"Stupid halfling....." he growled, then leaned down, grabbing her hair and lifting her up, ripping her shirt, his finger running over the wing shaped birthmark on her shoulder. "Well...I'll be..." he grinned then turned her over. She grabbed his hand, pushing him from her but he just grabbed hold of her throat. "Easy now halfling...I'm sure Lucifer would be glad to see you," he chuckled. She looked at him, her head hurting but she couldn't let him win. She shoved and for some reason, the bastard flew across the alleyway, slamming into the wall himself but before she could recover or move he was right back on her and slammed his fist into her stomach. She curled over, trying to catch her breath.
Sandalphon (Sadie) Jackson

Sandalphon, or Sadie as he was now known, had just touched down on earth an hour or so ago. After several years of studying the planet and preparing for this day, Sadie finally had the chance to join the humans and demons already on the planet, taking his role with the rest of his race against the fallen angels and demons from below. He had spent the day with his new guide, Colin, or Chamuel, learning more exact details about the city he was to be living in. He instantly fell in love with coffee and several of the light coffeehouse desserts along with the street performers which sat outside of them. Being the angel of music gave him a perfect respect for the people who made their living, or attempted to earn money by doing such a thing. He spent most of the day going from shop to shop, charming free coffees out of the women behind the counter and getting a few free scones as he went. Colin wasn't too impressed, but Sadie found it enjoyable and a relaxing, if not entertaining party trick.

Living in the shadow of his brother, the well known Metatron, Sandalphon never had the chance to make a name for himself in heaven. So when he had the chance to come to the mortal realm and help against the demons, he grabbed it and held on tight. He would never be as high as his brother and would certainly not make it to any sort of archangel platform, so being down with the mortals was the best he could do to help. He had a girl he was told, or suggested, to follow, but he had yet to find her and until then, he had been pumping himself so full of coffee, wandering the streets of the city, following the path laid out for him to his new apartment.

That was when he heard the screams from an alley. He stopped, dead in his tracks, and listened to the sound and the argument that was going on in the dark. He heard a girl hit a wall and the attack continue on. "Halfling?" he muttered to himself before walking over to the alley. He peaked inside and instantly spotted the demons holding the poor girl down. A voice came over his ears, telling him the female's name and that she was the woman he was sent to protect.

He rounded the corner and entered the alley. "Boys," he called, almost mocking the demons in front of him. "Are you really about to bring that girl to Lucy, of all people?" Again, he was mocking them, using a common nickname for the demonic, fallen angel leader. "I suggest you leave her alone, before I seriously bring the wrath down on all of you."
Chase watched through hazy eyes as the she didn't know what it was holding her down looked up, red angry eyes glaring and glowing bright in the darkness of the alleyway. She turned her head and saw another red eyed...thing...demon? She'd go with that. Another red eyed demon came forward. While the one holding her had black hair, this one had hair as white as snow. She groaned as the one holding her lifted her up and it took all her strength to stand on her own two feet. After all, his massive hands were around her throat.

"What we do is our own business. Lucifer has need of a new whore after all," he growled then looked at her, shoving her to the white haired one. She groaned, nearly fallling and her blue eyes turned to the one that was taunting these two demons. She was shocked. From what she could see, the guy was a handsome one, mid-twenties maybe? She wasn't sure. She watched as the dark haired demon approached slowly and then smiled cruelly. "She is just a halfling. A daughter of a fallen. Hardly worth consequence to a pure one..." he chuckled. "But if you wish to fight, we can fight. I always enjoy the exercise..." He glanced at the white haired demon. "Keep her secure. She's an important one..."

Chase frowned. How was she important? And how was she a halfling? These people weren't making any sense. THe dark haired oen faced the man and she felt a determination to be free. She dug her heel into her holder and elbowed him, limping away but he only grabbed her again, punching her with such force that she fell to the ground, blood pouring from the side of her face where his knuckle had actually cut open her cheek. She groaned, her brown hair now full of grime and her skirt riding up. Her white uniform blouse ripped torn and smeared with black and brown and green from the dirtiness of the alleyway.

"Don't fuck her up to bad Sebastian...we need her to be healthy enough to speak to pure one..." he said and then lunged for the angel before him, going on the attack and using all his strength and powers to try and destroy him. Sebastian dragged her by the hair to the side of the alley way and waved his hands, leaving her trapped and wrapped in snake like coils. Not that she could move anyway. No telling what was broken and she couldn't even stand. The white haired demon started to attack the guy as well. Leaving her alone and bound in the muddy alleyway. She was close to unconcious.
A smirk slid across Sadie's face as the demon decided to speak to him. He watched from a short distance as the men exchanged hold of the poor girl, before they turned to face him. "But she's just a halfling," he mocked. "Why would Lucifer want her? She can't be worth that much." Before he could say another word, the demon was coming at him, forcing Sadie to use the powers he was trying to hold back. With a quick shimmer-like shift, he vanished, only to appear behind the dark haired demon, grabbing his arms and pulling them behind him, causing one to snap. The white haired demon was next and as nearly any angel would, Sadie turned on his heal, bringing the first demon with him and using him as a meat shield against Sebastian's attack. "Boys, we can do this all day, but I need to get going."

He tossed the first into the second and slid around them, putting himself between Chase and the demons. With a hissing, soft tone, he spoke towards Chase and the coils around her hands began to wiggle and work loose before simply vanishing, letting her free, or as free as she could get at that point. Sadie took care of the demons as quickly as he could, using a mix of old Latin words and his own fighting skill, to push them out of the alley and sending them crying back to Lucifer. He made a quick look down both sides of the street, noticing that no one else was around to get in his way before entering the alley again. The dark haired man knelt beside Chase, whispering to the girl soft words of comfort.

"Chase," he softly called, hoping to get her attention. "Chase, can you hear me? Where does it hurt?"
Chase frowned. How did he know her name? She decided not to give it to much thought. After all, he had effectively saved her life. "Hurt? Where do I start...I arm or wrist is broken...I can barely breathe and...might have...a few cracked...ribs....then there's my hurts to talk...and..the brick did a number general...gonna get an infection in this damn alleyway..." she swallowed for air, looking at him and then down at her shirt, using her good hand to straighten her shirt so that her breasts weren't falling out for him to see. She curled over her stomach, eyes shut tight. "Who are you?....And what were...those....things? They demons...." she murmured. She knew of demons but had never before had she been attacked by one.

Obviously a good thing. She felt like one more blow would have killed her. "Th-thank you...though.....for...saving me...." she muttered then slowly forced herself up in order to cease sitting in the quagmire of germs and pure disgust. She needed the hospital for certain and a good and long hot bath. To think that she had fought but it had been a weak attempt at best. She hated that she had not been able to defend herself. The bastard had flown or teleported or something. She could have outrun him easily enough. If not for that particular ability. She leant against the wall, gasping for breath, knowing she must look like hell. She felt like she had been put through enough for right now and had to hold back tears. Damsel in distress had never really been her style.
The angel gave her a good look over and sighed. He was horrible at healing and had been on the bad side of Raphael lately. He'd have to actually take her to the hospital in this case. "I'm going to pick you up," he warned. "You need to go to the hospital and I have to carry you there." Luckily, Sadie could blame what he was about to do on the pain making her see and hear things. He gingerly lifted her from the dirt, holding Chase close and cradling her head against his chest, before vanishing from the spot into a clean, bright and white hospital wing. "Room!" he called to one of the nearest nurses and in an instant, there was a bed raced in front of him for the girl and the two of them were led to an emergency room.

The entire hospital were run by the nearby nuns who had a connection to heaven. They were able to call on the angels at will for their assistance and except in rare cases, they got it almost immediately. Sadie began to explain what had happened to the nun in charge of Chase's situation and the girl was treated accordingly, being drugged enough to numb the pain and fixed up the best they could. That was when the angels came in and took over. They were all experts in minor healing and had no problem taking care of Chase's more crucial injuries, such as the ribs, healing up her jaw and whatever broken bones may have been left.

Meanwhile, Sadie was outside, already getting into an argument with one of the nuns. She seemed to think that Sadie shouldn't have interfered with what was going on and simply let it happen. She doubted that the demons were right and figured they were just going to beat her and leave her in the alley. Sadie, of course, had different ideas, but both of them were far too stubborn to let go of their own view. Finally the nun was called away and Sadie took it as a win in his favour. He turned to look into Chase's room, watching for a few seconds before turning away and waiting for her to come around.
Archangel Gabriel normally did not come to intervene when it came to the angels under his employ but when one of his angels was called to guard a specific human, he knew that the man had to be informed of the importance of the case. So he had come to the hospital where Sandalphon was watching over the injured girl and slowly approached him. "Guardian..." he began, looking at the light headed brunette as she was healed. The minor scrapes were left but her bones were mended and she would be pained but not much. He could see the hint of Fallen Angel Echemus in her features but she had taken more after her mortal mother. Which probably explained why she'd lived so long without a guardian. "Your ward is different than other wards. She is not fully human. In fact she is the daughter of the fallen Echemus. A fallen that had been high in Lucifer's favor before he destroyed him. Thinking that Echemus was to powerful. Now Echemus resides in the fiery pits of hell...and his daughter is said to be the one to bring down Lucifer and his minions. His daughter is not a normal halfling. She's a princess of sorts."

He looked at her again. "She possesses very strong powers. If the demons and fallens get hold of her, they will take that power and destroy her. I am charging you to guard her but also to teach her how to control her powers and use them...She has to know about our world in order to become a help to us. She's stronger than humans but weaker than angels...." His ice blue gaze fell back to the guardian angel before her. "Do you understand?" he asked, reaching in the pocket of his white jacket, pulling out a few hundred thousand dollars. "Here. Funds to get you a nice place to stay at while in the mortal realm and for her to stop working at that cestpool.

Chase stirred, giving a groan and putting her hand to her forehead. She was close to waking up completely. Gabriel looked back at Sadie. "The fate of the mortal realm rests with this girl...You will guard her well...I put my faith in you to do so.
Sadie listened to Gabriel and snatched the money away from the angel as soon as it was held out. So she was the daughter of one of the most powerful fallen angels Sandalphon had ever seen. "Sure you don't want to send my brother down?" he mocked, stuffing the money into his pocket before he crossed his arms across his chest. The angel fell silent again until Chase began to move in the bed. "I guess I'll accept it." He'd get a new place, try to find a job, possibly, but he wasn't about to uproot the girl completely. He believed something of her old life should remain if she wanted it to. Her life was about to flip and it was better to give her whatever comforts she wanted when she could get them.

"You should leave before she wakes up," he warned, taking his eyes off the girl in front of him and placing them carefully on the man. "There's going to be enough questions I won't be able to answer without adding you to the mix."
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