Boy Wonder No More (Vash x Freckled_Beauty)


Mar 19, 2012
Tim Drake sat alone a the top of a Gotham sky scrapper. Was he in his red and green Robin attire? No. Was he in his black and red redesign of the Robin suit? No. Thanks to a certain Damian Wayne those suits will not see the light of day for quite a long time. His new suit, now under the identity as Red Robin, consists of along-sleeved red tunic, along with black boots, tights, gauntlets with triangular fins for defense , cape and cowl (homage to his now former mentor). It also includes a black-and-gold utility belt that carries his weaponry such as his bo staff (Tim's personal favorite) and throwing discs. He would admit that the suit is nothing new, Tim had been wearing a hero costume for awhile now and they all started to feel the same, but this one felt somewhat different. With the past suits they were all conected by the simple R on the left side of his chest. He was taking over a position already filled by two other peopl. This suit was different, it was his own, no others before him have taken this title. He was now truly his own hero.

With that thought he got up from where he was sitting and looked over the city. It was time to make himself known. He stepped to the edge of the building and took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. After the exhale had ended he took a small leap off of the roof. He plummeted toward the ground, the wind whipping around him, the cowl keeping his hair from blowing all over the place. When he was a few meters from the ground he gripped his cape. An electrical signal from his gloves went through the material in his cape and stiffened the spines in them and the cloth tightened around them to form stiff wings. The wind caught in the pockets and Tim was able to pull out of his dive and into a speedy glide over the rooftops of Gotham. God he loved being the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, it had so many perks!

After gliding for awhile he was able to pick up on an alarm ringing on one of the streets. Tim looked up in the sky and saw no bat signal in the sky, Bruce wasn't out tonight. He decided this was a good time to let himself be known, start small and make them afraid of one of the new heroes in town... well really an old one in a new costume but that was besides the point. He zoomed over to the roof opposite of the alarm and took a look at what he was up against.

He saw that a group of five thugs or so robbing an electronic store, this was going to be fun. He reached into one of his poutches and withdrew a throwing disk. He threw it at the alarm and silenced it, the red flood light from the alarm was broken and therefore was shut off and the store was pitch black, this of course had the thugs startled and reaching for their guns. He launched himself into the store and tackled one of the thugs to the floor and knocking him out with a quick punch across the face. At this point Tim was hunched over the thug, the cape covering the rest of the costume. The thugs had their guns drawn but they were shaking saying, "Oh no its The Bat!!" When Tim stood up straight and turned around they stopped shaking. "What?! That's not the bat, it's just some punk kid wannabe!" Before any of them had the idea of actually shooting at him Tim grabbed a pellet from his harness and threw it to the ground. When it hit a large plum of smoke filled the room and Tim went out of sight. They started panicking again and randomly shot into the smoke. Tim already being out of the smoke was able to star picking them off one by one. When they were all taken care of he had them all strung up by a light pole. It was a pretty good start to the night.
Kori gave a heavy sigh as she looked out over the city. She glanced up at the sky it had been years since she went home to Tameran and wasn't about to goo now. The last she had heard of her hoe was that her sister had taken the throne because Kori had refused a third marriage. She sat on the gargoyle that protruded from one of the high skyscrapers in Gotham. She looked down at the city seeing a few people move about quickly not wanting to be on the streets long. Gotham had always been that one city that would always need saving no matter how many times you cleaned it up. She turned her attention to one street where some stores where. She glanced down at her outfit. She was dressed in her signature purple. She had a simple top that hugged her chest and stopped at her waist. A skirt that allowed her to move just enough so she could kick ass around her waist hung a simple sliver chain loosely. It was more accessory than weapon. Thigh high purple boots with green soles to match her eyes, and finger less gloves. She stood and then dove off the roof loving the feeling of the wind against her face. She opened her eyes and immediately her flying kicked in and she went to see the bit of commotion she had noticed moments earlier. She raised a brow as she watched the new hero string up the villains. the outfit she didn't recognize but she could tell from his swift and fast movements who it was in a moment.
Once the band was strung up he stepped back to examine his handy work. He was a little dissappointed that this would be one of his first actions as Red Robin and it was such a small deal. He would have at least like to have stopped The Mad Hatter or Man-Bat for crying out loud! Not just a couple of goons out trying to make some quick cash turning some TV's or DVD players. He signed at the sight, "Dick and Damian are more likely to get credited for this than I would." He turned to move on to bigger fish but stopped as his trained paranoia kicked in, he had picked up a tail. Rather than turn and make a big scene to confront the person he continued walking casually while pulling out his grapnel as if he was about to leave. He waited for a moment for the tail to catch up and then quickly dropped the grapnel and whirled around while pulling out his collapsible Bo staff out and fully extended. When he turned he had the staff pointed at what he believed to be the persons head, but he received a surprise instead.

He was starring in disbalief at who was behind him. The large mane of flaming red hair and orange skin was a dead giveaway. She was his teammate on the Titans and former fiancé to his adoptive brother. "Kori?" Tim asked. He was surprised to see her this far from San Fransisco, normally she was very close to the tower since that was basically her home. "You're a little far from the tower you know? Wait... did Cassie send you here on a mission." The mention of Cassie's name made Tim angry a little. She was once his girlfriend and second in command of the Teen Titans, but that all changed when Connor came back. Tim was elated when his best friend came back from the dead, but when Cassie and Connor saw eachother an old flame had ignited and Tim knew it was coming. A few days later Cassie came to him with an excuse to break up with him that wasn't about Connor, but deep down Tim knew it was about him. Then no sooner had she dumped him she announced that the team should decide on a new leader, she nominated herself and of course Tim was her opponent. The team met without Cassie and Tim to decide but Tim didn't stick around to find out and leaving no doubtedly had a negative effect on their decision to keep him as leader. So now he really did wonder if Cassie had sent her as a messenger or this was just a happy coincidence. He collapsed the staff and put it back in his belt still waitin for his answer.
"If this how you greet every girl I worry for you future."She said honestly moving the staff from her face and looked him over. Kori brushed a few locks of hair from her face and looked him over. She folded her hands behind her back and walked closer to him. She simply shrugged her shoulders upon the mention of how far from home she was. "Well let's just say I'm on a little vacation." She said with a smile. Cassie had been worried about him even though she was continually wrapped in Conner's arms. She still cared about him. Kori wouldn't be able to tolerate her if she didn't care for Tim. "You seem rather well despite the new costume. What do you go by?"She asked.
Tim scoffed at her, "If sneaking up is your way of greetin guys then I fear for your future. Besides if you haven't noticed I just finished beating the crap out of people, adrenaline running, detective mode on overdrive, you should be lucky I only brought it to your face and not across your skull." He smiled, something he hadn't done in awhile, as she brushed her hair away and stated that she was on vacation. "Well isn't that something we all need?" He could sort of consider this as a vacation from the Titans, but that would be lying, it was more like a sabbatical. He looked around the area while they were talking, no further activity that he could see, but he was sure there were more out there, there were always more in Gotham.

When she asked about his new suit he looked over it again. "Well when you're the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne you kind of have bottomless pockets when designing a new suit. Speaking of Bruce his kid is the reason why I had to change the hero name. Apparently being Robin is a birth right so him being his son was all he needed. Now I go by Red Robin, I know it's not original but it works."
Kori laughed lightly. "No I have others way of getting men."She said with a smile. Kori rolled her eyes at his name. "What is with the bird names?" She questioned raising a perfectly shaped brow at him. "Though it does suit you. I've always been partial to red instead of black."She said her mind drifting to the night-wing outfit that Dick wore. She looked him over and took a step back before falling instep next to him. She was unsure what to really say Cassie had sent her out there to check on him. Even offer him a place back on the team but she would tell him of that later. Kori wanted to know how he really was.
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