Captive. (kittenloves and Juggar82)


May 24, 2012

Tannin's small ship moved at an average pace through the confines of space, carrying only two passengers, one willing, one not so much. The ship was small but luxurious and meant just for her, at least that's how she felt. It had all the luxuries many larger ships had except for those deemed too frivolous and matched her needs perfectly. Namely, quick transport to and fro, in short: it got her there. She had, of course, modified it a bit for her own intents and purposes.

Her body was stoic as she sat at the helm of her ship, eyes scanning unemotionally the dark sight of passing stars around them. She was inured to the soft hum of the ship now, so only the small pinging noise her mainframe made came to her ears. Her thin fingers worked slowly over the console, they moved with the kind of confidence gained from doing the same thing over and over for years. She was a veteran of sorts now, at the ripe age of twenty-four.

No more than forty feet or so behind her, the end of the ship had been turned into a holding cell of sorts. Her new prisoner lay inside. She'd sneak attacked him, it wasn't something she was proud of but given his stature she felt it was necessary if this job was to pan out. His hands were cuffed behind his back, cell shut and locked tight, and most importantly no lightsaber in sight, or even in the room. Jedi were tricky bastards... from what she had heard.

One of her fingers shifted off of the console and hung lazily in the air by her side. A small pile of papers that laid to her right lazily drifted to her hand and she plucked them from the air, paying no mind to the man behind her or what his current status was, at least not yet.

When Nathan would begin to awaken, he grumbled in annoyance from the blow to the head that he took which rendered him unconscious. He looked around and saw the girl piloting the ship and grunted as he held his head with his cuffed hands. He was stuck in place though, unable to get up due to his restraints and he remained quiet, or rather he said nothing to her or anyone else in the ship. He sat down and began to meditate on things, staying quiet as he searched for his lightsaber within the confines of the ship. It was a double-bladed lightsaber with silver beams that were white as the snow of Hoth. He was so accustomed to it, that it felt...awkward...without it in his possession adding in the extra two or three pounds to his belt. Eventually he grew tired of waiting and spoke up to the girl. "Well then. I think I've been here long enough, girl. Would you indulge me as to where you're taking me and why, miss bounty hunter? I assume you are one anyway given the armor and weaponry you have."
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