The Two Keyblade Masters (Snape & Kawaiichibilust)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Roxas had yet another dream, a dream about someone named Sora. He had no idea who the young man was or why he was having dreams about him but he was and some of the dreams he had were terrifying. The most recent dream he had about Sora the young man had been beaten into a coma by an army of creatures called ‘Heartless’. Roxas wasn’t sure what to make of these dreams and whenever he told his friends about them they looked at him like he was crazy. Lately a lot of weird things were happening around Twilight Town and nobody knew what or who was causing them. He remembered back to when things started disappearing and when he was blamed and called a thief. A sigh escaped his lips as he got out of bed and made his way over to his dresser to find some clothes. When he found an outfit he liked he got dressed then made his way outside to meet up with his friends Olette, Hayner, and Pence.

When he got to their secret hideout he made his way inside and sat down on the couch, he looked around and forced a smile. “Roxas what’s wrong?” ,Olette asked. “Nothing why do you ask?” ,Roxas replied. “Don’t lie I can tell something is bothering you by the way you forced that smile” ,Olette stated. Roxas sighed he knew there wasn’t any way he could hide his true emotions from his friends, they all knew him too well and could tell when he was upset. “I had another dream about Sora this time he was hurt badly and put into a coma” ,Roxas admitted finally. Olette looked to Hayner and Pence after Roxas told them what was bothering him, “You and those dreams Roxas I just don’t get it” ,Hayner stated. “Yeah me either” ,Roxas said in response. “Hm maybe we should do something to take your mind off of these dreams” ,Pence stated. “Yeah maybe we should take a walk around town and visit some stores” ,Hayner replied. “We don’t have to spend any money or anything just look around”. Roxas thought about it for a little bit then finally agreed it couldn’t hurt to try and get his mind off of things.

As Roxas and his friends walked around Twilight Town they visited almost every store they could the four of them had gotten some sea salt ice cream and were sitting up on the roof of a building where they sometimes hung out when they were bored. “So what should we do next guys” ,Olette asked. After a few moments Hayner looked at everyone, “Let’s go visit that haunted mansion guys” ,Hayner suggested. “Aw I don’t know Hayner that place is creepy” ,Pence said in response. “Well duh it is haunted Pence it’s supposed to be creepy” ,Hayner responded. After a little while and a whole lot of arguing the group finally decided to go to the mansion mainly because Roxas wanted to go for some reason.

The four of them made their way to the mansion and walked up the path, they could here eerie sounds as they walked and Pence and Olette both looked scared while Hayner and Roxas walked in front of them as if nothing was phasing them. Not even the creepy sounds coming from the woods. When they finally reached the mansion Roxas and Hayner walked straight up to the gate while Pence and Olette slowly made their way up. All of a sudden Olette let out a scream of terror making Roxas and Hayner turn to face her. “What happened? Why’d you scream Olette? What’s wrong”? Roxas asked. Olette didn’t say a word instead she just pointed toward one of the pillars that was by the gate. There was a girl laying next to it, “Is she….is she dead?” Pence asked terrified. Both Roxas and Hayner walked over to the girl, Roxas looked at her and seen that her chest was moving up and down and that told him she was breathing. “No she’s not dead, just passed out” ,Roxas told Pence. He then put his hand on the girl’s shoulder and shook her gently, “Hey…hey….wake up….we need to get you out of here….wake up….it’s not safe here” ,Roxas said as he attempted to wake the girl up. He hoped she would respond so that he and his friends could bring her to safety, the haunted mansion was known to be a very dangerous place to be and that’s why people rarely ever went to it.
This wasn't dreaming. It was more like a deep slumber, a dreamless slumber. For sometime she couldn't get a firm grasp on consciousness. And even when she could, her body felt paralyzed. There was no way she could call out for help. There had been no recollection of how long she had been in her nearly lifeless state. Her head felt foggy as she braced her body to awaken. But it would not budge.

It was as if it were waiting for something...Or in her case. Rather, someone.

Her fingers twitched a bit at the vibration of the ground. Footsteps. Strangely the sound of two footsteps seemed much stronger than the rest. Much more distinct. As they approached she could only faintly hear the frightened scream of one of the strangers. It was not long before she could feel the presence of someone near.

It was the touch of someone that broke her from her frozen state. Her fingers curled as she stirred. Warmth beginning to flow through her body. Her violet orbs appeared as her eyelids opened to a lidded position. The figures around her looking blurry, and for a moment she felt threatened, frightened. But soon her vision cleared. Not thinking, she absently began to move. Wanting to sit up, wanting to do something. As she did so, an unfamiliar stirring in her chest startled her. Sitting up, her hands cautiously moved to the area just beside her left breast.

Beneath the material of the cream colored sun dress she was in, she could feel just barely a bit of warmth. And a beating of some sort. Closing her eyes, she listened to it, the rhythm ceasing to falter. In an instant she knew that she had never felt something like this. She also realized that she didn't recall anything. Nothing before the dreamless slumber. It was just a blank section in her memory, in her mind. It was as if her entire mind was wiped out. She was aware of things around her, and what she called herself. Many words and questions began to pour into her mind immediately. A look of panic beginning to form in her violet eyes as she looked up at the four strangers. Opening her mouth, but nothing coming out. Just a pleading look in her eyes as she looked toward the boy with the sunshine like hair.
When the young woman opened her eyes both Roxas and Hayner looked to each other then back at her, the two wondered where the young woman came from and how she had gotten here. Everyone knew the mansion wasn't a safe place to be and most people steered clear of it then again Roxas and his friends had ventured there so maybe this woman had a similar idea in mind but Roxas doubted that highly. When the young woman looked at him Roxas gave her a smile to let her know that he and his friends weren't going to hurt her. "Hi I'm Roxas and this is Hayner, Pence, and Olette" ,Roxas stated as he pointed his friends out to her. "I don't think I've ever seen you around Twilight Town did you just move here? What's your name? Where did you come from"? Roxas had so many questions. Hayner looked at Roxas, "Easy Roxas give her time to breath" ,Hayner said jokingly. Roxas looked to the young woman as he waited for her answer, he knew that they should probably get out of there soon but he also knew he should gain the young woman's trust before asking her to leave with them.
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