The Light that Dwells In the Dark (TDKIB and Krys Snape)


May 10, 2009
The Asscrack of nowhere, WA
This should take place about two years after the end of KH2, so that would put Sora at 17, as well as Kairi, and Riku at 18.

Name: ??? (Bianca, but she won't remember that right away)
Age: She appears to be 16.
Appearance: Tan complected, silver eyes, long straight white hair, and a bizzare black mark on her back that slowly seems to be growing larger and covering more of her body.

Apparell: A simple white sundress and a white lace choker. She wears a small silver chain with a pendant of a pair of wings. She wears a pair of flats the same color as the rest of her attire.

Bio: Not much is known about her yet. She appeared on Destiny Islands one stormy night. It seems she has lost her memories as well as her voice for the moment. She seems quite protective of Sora, and has the ability to create portals.

The darkness. It was everywhere. Scratching at her. Clawing. She flailed her arms, trying to fight. Trying to push through the darkness that seemed so pervasive. She tried to scream, but nothing came out as the darkness swallowed her. Overwhelmed, she passed out.

She was vaguely aware of the jarring thud of her landing. The coldness of wet sand. She could feel it. But she couldn't wake up. Her eyes wouldn't move yet. She knew she had something she must do. She knew there was a goal she had to reach. But for now, all she could do is rest and try to revive from the battery of abuses the darkness had put her through.
RE: The Light that Dwells In the Dark (TDKIB and Kris Snape)


Sora laid in his bed thinking of everything that had occurred in such a short time. It felt like only yesterday that he met Donald and Goofy for the first time and started the journey that would change his life forever. Ever since Sora was a young boy he and his friends Riku and Kairi had wanted to see other worlds and get off of their island but when they finally did what they found in the other worlds wasn't so pretty in fact the other worlds proved to be very dangerous and Sora had nearly lost his life on more then one occasion. If it weren't for all the people that stood by his side through his battles he may very well not even be alive right now.

The young man was now older and wiser then he was when he first set foot in Traverse Town he had grown not only in age but in intelligence as well his journeys taught him a lot. Sora thought about his friend Riku and sighed his best friend was sick he had caught an illness from the darkness that had consumed him and even though he found his way out of the darkness something stuck with him something terrible, something that was slowly taking his life. A few tears rolled down Sora's face he truly cared for Riku like he was family after all the two did grow up together.

Sora jumped a little when he heard a loud thud outside, he sat up and looked out the window toward the poupu fruit tree where the sound had come from. Not being able to see that far off Sora stood up and made his way outside. It was a cold and rainy night on Destiny Islands. Sora made his way over to the tree where he found a young woman laying next to it. She looked pretty banged up and Sora wondered what had done the damage to her. The girl was out cold and Sora being the kind young man he was couldn't leave her laying there in the cold wet sand during a storm. He picked her up carefully and carried her into his house and laid her down on the couch in front of the fireplace, he then grabbed a blanket and covered her with it so that she could warm up. As the young woman laid on his couch he made some hot cocoa for when she woke up and brought it into the room she was in and set it on the table before shaking her lightly.

"Hey....are you alright....wake're safe now" ,he said quietly being careful not to scare the young woman.
RE: The Light that Dwells In the Dark (TDKIB and Kris Snape)

It took a while, but finally she woke, her eyes opening slowly. The first thing she saw was his face and she sat with a start, crossing her arms over her face as though to defend herself. However she noticed after a few minutes that this male made no move to hurt her, so she put her arms down and cocked her head to the side, questioningly. She didn't speak though. She opened her mouth for a second, but it didn't seem to work. She figured at first that it was just exhaustion. So she pointed at him, as if to ask who he was.

She was having a hard time remembering things. Did she know this person?
When the woman woke up Sora looked at her at first she seemed afraid of him but must have realized he meant no harm for after a few moments she put her arms down that she had thrown up in a defensive way. Her eyes told him she was curious and had some questions, "My name is Sora, I brought you in from the storm you must be from another world I can travel to other worlds and if you want I can bring you home all you have to do is tell me where you're from" ,Sora suggested. He wasn't really sure where she came from or if she even knew where she came from.
She mouthed the name he'd introduced himself with, then looked to be deep in thought. She couldn't remember. Trying as she might, she couldn't remember. And then there was a loud clash of lighting followed by the fierce rumble of thunder. Her eyes widened as she seemed to regain something. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her fingers brushed over her throat and she looked down, saddened. How could she communicate with him. How could she tell him at least her name. And then she got an idea. She gently grabbed his wrist and turned his palm up. Hopefully he'd get this.

Slowly, she traced a letter B over his palm, praying he'd understand the letters she traced out. Next came an I, then an A, then and N. There was a C, and then finally an A. Then she looked him in the eye, watching to see if he'd understood.
Sora watched as the girl tried to speak it appeared as if she lost her voice, when she grabbed his hand and began tracing letters he immediately picked up on what she was trying to do and when she was finished he spelled out the name in his head then sounded it out in his head. "Bianca! Your name is Bianca" ,he stated with a smile. "Well Bianca I made you some cocoa maybe it will help a little". Sora placed the cup full of hot cocoa in front of the young woman and smiled as he dropped a few marshmallows into the cup. "I can make something for you to eat as well if you are hungry, then maybe we can figure out where you're from so I can help you get to your home" ,Sora suggested. He took a sip from his own cup of hot cocoa as he waited for Bianca to respond, he was very curious about the young woman and wanted to know more about her.
She smiled with some relief as he said her name. It was good to know she had some way of communicating at least the more important stuff. She took the mug of cocoa and sipped at it. When he mentioned food she shook her head no. She really wasn't hungry. She gestured to the outside, trying to determine just where she was. This was most definitely not home... Not that she remembered her home, but she didn't think this was the place. Again she took his palm and traced the words "where is this".
Sora concentrated on what the girl was tracing on his hand again, it seemed it was the only way she could communicate right now so he had to try and listen the best he could. When he figured out what she had traced he smiled, "This is Destiny Islands, this is my home" ,Sora explained. "How did you get here?" ,he asked curiously. He wanted to know more so he could help her in any way he could.
Bianca shook her head and looked down. She just simply couldn't rememeber. She turned to look out the window towards the island offshoot she'd been found on, and her eyes widened. She moved, opened the window, and jumped out, then waved him down to follow her. It seemed there was something going on near where the paopu tree was.
When Bianca jumped out the window Sora followed her he didn't know exactly what was going on but he could tell it was something down by the paopu tree. He ran towards the tree as fast as he could to see what was going on he couldn't make out what was going on from where he was and he was curious to know.
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