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Dad, Bro, and Sis ( Mommablackrose x Mercer x Sir Big Dick Cummington)

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Jul 23, 2012
Mercer sighed as he hung up the phone on his soon to be - one can only hope - ex-wife's annoying attorney. As a lawyer himself, he knew his type a mile away, and he knew from experience that anyone who would call their own practice 'Harry's Advocates' clearly wasn't in this for, I don't know, the justice. Mercer wasn't a man that worked for the sake of the weak or defenseless, but he wasn't a dick such as him. At thirty-five, he was built sharply, a clean cut black haircut, and a goatee. He'd also made the mistake of knocking up a random college slut AKA Bitch of the Year during his first year at Harvard Law, and had ended up with twins.

Jack, his son, looked exactly like him when he was at the ripe young age of seventeen. Which meant he looked pretty damn awesome. His daughter... Well, how could he describe his daughter without sounding like a dirty pervert? Luscious curves, perfectly shaped breasts just made for grabbing, a nice big ass, and full lips that was just asking for a dick in them. Yup, not perverted at all. He looked at his desk lamp and at the handcuffs that hung off of the top. He'd gotten it from his father who got it from his father who retired at sixty and as the chief of police. Hmm. He wondered how it would look like shackled around his daughter's milky skin while he... Damn it, Merc. He scolded himself for thinking of his daughter in such a way.

Damn, this was troublesome as fuck, he thought as he rested against his leather chair. [/i]
Samia carefully made her way into her house quietly. she had snuck out the night before to go be with her friends and party and was just now getting in. she knew if her father caught her that she would be in a world of trouble so she hoped he hadnt noticed she was gone during the night as she had left a note on the fridge saying she had left early that morning to go help a friend pack as they were moving this afternoon out of state. it was a blantant lie but he didnt know any differently. running her fingers through her long blonde hair she hoped she didnt run into her brother either as she straightened her low cut blue blouse and her black mini skirt a bit and made her way to her room as quickly and as carefully as she could. she planned to take a hot shower and change before anyone saw her so that she could get the smell of alcohol off of her. granted being 16 she was not old enough to drink but her friends sure didnt care and there were enough older guys at the party furnishing the drinks that a flirty smile and wink had gotten her anything she had wanted.
Jack was only seventeen at the moment and had severe issues with lust due to his hormones. The sun necessarily hasn't risen completely yet. Leaving an iridescent shadow upon the small city he and his gorgeous sister grew up in. Jack, has to be up early for community hours. He held a lack of facial hair, but a full head of luscious hair. Black hair that curled crazily upon his scalp. Dark brown eyes, a rounded nose, and lean cheeks. He had a medium frame and due to such he was rather masculine as he worked out. He stood at only 5'10 which wasn't the shortest of heights, but not the tallest. It was during his recent wakings that he could hear the door closing downstairs. He was only in blue boxers as he got lazily out of his bed. A throbing erection practically piercing through his boxers. However still completely covered by the fabric of said boxers.

His room was right next to his sisters. His room was the first room you face when you get up the stairs, to the left of that was another room down the hallway. Which was where his father did most of his work. The last room further to the right of the hallway was his sisters. His sister seemed to be trying to tip-toe gracefully up the stairs and to the hallway. However, by the time she was already up the stairs Jack was already out of his room. He was outside of his room standing by a couple feet. His sister reeking of alcohol as she simply passed by him. Her mini-skirt flopping up and revealing her fat ass that jiggled with every step. How could he control himself?

As she passed by he would instinctively grab her left arm with his left hand. "Father's going to be very upset if I tell him what you've been up to all night. Unless you show me around that body of yours. Least you can do for your brother." He said seductively and in a hushed tone. He was basically asking for some sense of foreplay. Jack was a virgin and normally stayed home. He figured that based on how many times his sister chose to go out, party, and along with that body of hers that she has already been penetrated a handful of times. He was basically asking her to show him what it's like as a compromise of not telling their father what she has been up to all night. His head would motion towards his room shortly after giving her the option.
samia looked at her brother wide eyed for his words. how dare he black mail her like this. sad for him she was a brat and always would be as she was too used to getting her way. thinking it through a minute she sighed acting defeated then said "let me wash up and then lets talk about this and see if we can come to a solution we both agree on." little did her brother know she was already forming a plan in her mind and HE would be the one in trouble, not her.
Mercer sighed as he heard his daughter, Samia, enter the house, her footsteps echoing in his ears, and his imagination going on overdrive imagining what she was wearing. Would she be wearing a tight black mini skirt and a v-neck that revealed her cleavage? Or would she be wearing tight white fuck-me shorts and a black tank top. His cock grew hard at the thought, and he, once again, sighed. He heard his daughter's footsteps, and decided to have a chat with her. Maybe then he would remember that this was his little girl and his perverted thoughts would cease for now.

"Samia. Mind coming in?" he said loud enough that she would hear through the door of his study. Shelves filled of books ranging from codes for criminal law to George R.R. Martin's latest books, and even went so far as to children's books such as Bartimaeus Trilogy. As a man filled with lust for his own daughter, he read quite a lot in order to get his mind off of her tight, hopefully virgin, pussy... He shook his head, and raised it and prepared to talk with his daughter.

( Feel free to post. My friend will post later. )
Samia cursed in her mind as she heard her fathers voice calling for her to come into his office and thought quickly of what to do. she looked a mess and she smelled like alcohol and more. knowing she really had no choices here and that the longer he was left waiting the more impatient he would become she went straight into action. "sure daddy just give me a few minutes, i spilled something on my shirt and i want to change real fast then ill be there" she called down towards his office as she darted into her room and locked the door behind her then scrambled to get undressed and toss the party clothes to the very bottom of her hamper to hide them. she then turned on the shower and decided she would take a lightning fast shower. after all when her father had once gotten hurt long ago she had taken a shower in under 5 minutes so that was what she would do now. not even waiting for the water to get truely hot, she jumped in and scrubbed her body fast. she had to get rid of the alcohol and sex smell on her and this was the best way. knowing she didnt have time to wash her hair she simply rinsed it with water and then turned the shower off and hurriedly dried off. she would not have time to dry her hair either but at least if she left it damp it would not be too much of a problem as it was usual for her to wet her hair down especially on hot days to keep cool. plus she could style it easier wet and make it curly. after a quick towel drying she brushed her teeth and then grabbed her red and black cheetah printed low cut bodice and pulled on. it was strapless and had the built in bra so it was something fast to slip into. she then grabbed her second black mini skirt that was just one inch longer than her previous one and slid it on with a thong that matched her bodice. taking a quick glimpse at herself in the mirror she remembered last minute to grab her perfumed body spray and pumped a few squirts on her hair and her bodice so that any remainin alcohol smell might be hidden from her father. decidind she was way out of time as she looked at the clock on the wall, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves and prayed like hell her brother had not already told dad what he had witnessed, and then headed to his office with a sweet smile plastered on her face.
She eluded his grasp as his father shouted out in a demanding voice and she continued onward towards her room. Taking a quick shower Jack could hear the water running as he walked towards his Father's official location. Entering the room he'd only smile sheepishly at his father. His boxers no longer holding such a sign of erection as it used to. "She was going to show me around town, Dick." He said in an immature tone as he chuckled to himself. Laying his back on one of his fathers bookshelves. His arms crossed. He wouldn't tell his father what she was up to until after she came into the room. A smile on her face that was a smile benefited for a dick in her mouth. Jack was always one to have dirty thoughts of his sister.

"Why such a smile? I know you've been such a naughty girl." He said as he looked at her body as she entered the room. Wearing an obviously new skirt that was slightly longer than the other. He would walk behind her and raise his right eyebrow curiously. Not sure whther or not to do something to her on his fathers behalf. He could only imagine the thoughts running through his Fathers mind at the time. He was always one to check out his sister. During dinner when he stood up to go to his room you could see a throbbing erection in his pants as he followed behind his sister.

Jack's body would come closely behind Samia's. His right hand making up under her skirt and grabbing her fat ass. Holding it harshly and caressing the plump of her ass. He was obviously taller than her and could look over her shoulder. To peer his eyes at into his Father's. "If you knew what she was up to you'd end up giving her a good spanking." He said with a slight snicker as he would let go of her and walk back towards the door. Blocking the exit. "Partying, Fucking, Drinking, and Lying? I don't even need to know how the night went down to read it on her." He said to his father as he shifted his head back to his sisters body.

"I think she deserves a punishment."
as she came into the office to find her deranged brother in the mood to get her in trouble and then seeing he was bold enough to cop a feel of her ass while trying to hide the action from their fathers veiw Samia decided it was time for action. as he held her ass in his hand and spoke badly of her sge yelped as though in pain the swung her arm out towards her brother to knock his hand off of her ass as he was letting go. "how dare you" she growled at him " you accuse me of such bad things and yet you are touching me in areas off limits to you AND you propositioned me...YOUR OWN SISTER to fuck you. now you are just trying to get me in false trouble before i had a chance to tell daddy about you trying to persuade me to let you fuck me." she yelled at him infront of their father as she gave her brother a look that said "go ahead and try me you are screwed more than me."
Mercer watched his son walk in, the spitting image of himself when he was in high school, but it unfortunately meant he was just as much as a douche as Mercer was at his age. His daughter strode in with wet hair, a strapless bodice that made her tits pop out, and a nice tight miniskirt. His erection strained against his zipper, and barely noticed it when they got into an altercation, his son grabbing Samia's ass, and Samia yelling at him. His eyes widened as he heard about Jack trying to get Samia to fuck him, and anger flooded him.

His son... trying to fuck his own sister... It was disgusting. It was wrong. It was incest. But what he was truly wondering about was how she would look like naked, and ready to fuck. He took a calming breath, exhaling, and said, "Jack, step out of the room." He watched as his son stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him, and he reached his desk lamp, shutting it off, momentarily shrouding him in darkness and from the sight of his daughter as he reached forward, and grabbed his handcuffs, keeping it tightly enclosed and hidden in his fist as he stood up from his chair, and walked around the table.

He passed by his still angry daughter, and his straining erection was quite obvious in his formal dress pants, and he locked the door, and just as quickly, lunged behind his daughter, grabbing her left arm by the wrist and pulling it behind her back while simultaneously slapping on the cuffs around it before he reached with his other hand to pull her remaining hand behind her back, and tightened the cuffs around both of her wrists.

He would then slump in an arm chair he'd placed for guests, and pulled his daughter with him, letting her rest on her stomach on his lap, and he laid his right hand on her ass, caressing the plump ass cheeks before pulling it down, and revealing a thong that barely covered anything.

"You've been a bitch, Samia..." he muttered... "And Daddy's going to teach you a lesson," he said.
Samia was a bit confused when her father made her brother leave the room. why was he not getting in trouble for what he had done. then before she could finish contemplating what was going on she felt the cold metal of handcuffs on her wrist as her father quickly restrained her with them. everything happened so fast she wasnt able to fully process what was going on and before she knew it she found herself laying face down across her father's lap with her skirt raised and his hand running over her now exposed and bare ass. at his words she felt her nerves go even more awry as she realized she was in more trouble than she had first realized. "what do you think you are doing daddy.... please stop.... i did nothing wrong.." she pleaded trying to get out of this awkward situation and get away fro him as she squirmed in his lap a bit in a impossible effort to try to get way.
Mercer felt his heart pounding in his ears as he squeezed her bare ass in his hand, and shook off any regrets, any doubts at that moment, and ripped away the thong, the only remaining barrier from keeping her anus hidden from sight, and he felt his erection strain even more against his zipper, which would incidentally press against her stomach. Her squirming against his erection only made it much more worse, and he gritted his teeth at her pleadings. "Daddy knows you've been sneaking outside, and this is the third time this week. I have to punish you," he said, and raised his hand, and brought it down lightly, smacking her on her right ass. He watched with an obsession at her ass as it jiggled, and the feel of her cheeks against his palm felt magnificent.

He raised his hand again, and this time, brought it down hard enough that it left slightly red, causing goosebumps to rise all around her ass, and the jiggling lasted longer. Licking his lips, he raised his hand, and brought it down, again and again, the sound of flesh being spanked echoed in the room, and he reached with his other hand to pull Samia by the hair, causing her neck to rise up in an awkward position, and Mercer leaned down and kissed her passionately before biting down her lip and letting her head fall back down. "I'm doing this for your own good, Samia. This will teach you a LESSON," he punctuated the last word loudly as he abruptly and suddenly shoved his middle finger up her tight, unclaimed asshole, burrowing through the hole until he could push it up no more.
Samia noted how he was rowing hard against her stomach and had a sudden sense of dread hit her as she fought harder to get away only to make him harder it seemed. as he ripped away her thong she cried out in protest yelling for him to stop though he didnt and as he spanked her she fought back panic as she didnt know what all would happen. with each swat harder than the first she yelp in protest to the pain as she repeated "im sorry daddy please stop" even though she knew she was growing wet between her thighs which she hoped like hell he didnt notice. then as he pulled her hair and kiss her it only added to things as her head spun at what he was doing. however it was when he forced his dry finger in her unprepared ass that she cried out in true pain as she tried to pull herself away from the unwanted assault. "please daddy NO not my ass.. please stop" she told him trying to stop him from penetrating her as with his finger which hurt at the moment.
Mercer almost stopped when he heard his daughter's cry when he thrust his finger up her nice asshole, but immediately felt all his doubts leave his mind when he noticed she was wet when his fingers drifted to her pussy. "Samia, I'll stop if you suck my cock," he said quietly, before he grabbed her by her hips, and pulled her around so her pussy and asshole would be facing his mouth directly when he pulled his finger out of her asshole. Mercer would then unzip his pants, relieving his cock of the pain of his zipper as it popped out near his daughter's mouth.

He would wrap his arms around her waist, and place both of his hands on each of her cheek, and rake his nails on them, hard enough to cause five red lines appear on each one. "Get to it," he growled, and with that, slapped her on the ass with his left hand, and thrust his pinkie finger inside her asshole simultaneously.
samia fought back tears of fear at what was,happening to her as her father reclined in the chair and turned her into a 69 position demanding she suck his cock. it was,apparent she didnt have any choice in the matter. being forced to do so she gave,in slightly as,she,feared what he would do if she said,no and leaned her head down and sucked his cock into her mouth. as he slapped her ass she whimpered a bit and then at him thursting his pinkie into her ass she stopped and cried out. she had never done anal and didnt want to try it and with no lube of any kind in play she was tempted to bite him for his assault as the friction hurt in her ass.
"Samia, I love you, but if you don't start sucking me off, I really won't stop fingering you in the ass," he said and finally pulled his finger out of her tight anus before he kissed her pussy lips softly and licked her tight pussy before he thrust his tongue inside her wet, tight pussy, and he grinned against her shaved cunt. He let his tongue swirl against her inner walls, repeatedly thrusting his tongue in and out of her while he sucked with his lips, he began to smack her on the ass once more and rocked his hips so that his cock would be closer to her mouth. She better suck it... or else...
Samia realized at her fathers words that she did not want to push him too much further. feeling him retreat from her dry ass and now teasing her pussy and spanking her ass, she couldnt help but moan as she ave him and took his cock back into her mouth. she knew it was supposed to be punishement even with as deranged as it was and wrong on every level. however she couldnt argue or lie that it didnt feel good. maybe if she enjoyed this then her father would stop and his seemingly fetish with her ass would dissapear. with that thought in mind she let the details of who was eating out her pussy and who's cock she was sucking slip from her mind as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy it as she bean to suck him as though he was one of the guys at the party last night that she had sucked off and let screw her.
Mercer smacked her on her ass, and continued to swirl his tongue inside her clockwise before he began to suck her tasty juices from her pussy, massaging her ass cheeks, and letting his fingers wander around her dry ass, letting her know he could continue to finger her there if he wanted to as he thrust his hips upward and into her tight, constricting mouth that sucked his aching cock. "That's it. Suck your daddy's cock. Who's your daddy?" he said to her as he spanked her lightly. "Whose cock you sucking right now?" he said, once again spanking her on the ass.
Samia felt the embarrassment and the humiliation of things as she heard his words while he slapped her ass and ate her pussy. granted it felt good though she was reluctant to answer him as she was trying to ignore that tiny detail which he was not using in a form of play with her. trying to keep her mind from screaming at her to fight him which would only get her hurt in some form, she stopped sucking him long enough to answer his words "your's daddy" she said on a moan as she then went back to sucking him and concentrated only on the feeling of him spanking her as and his tongue teasing and caressing her moist pussy.
He used his fingers to spread her pussy with both of his index fingers and continued to let his tongue roll and swirl inside her cunt before he completely inserted both of her index fingers inside his daughter's pussy. He pulled his tongue out of her moist sex, and breathed on her moist pussy.

"Samia, since you're being such a good girl, I'm gonna give you a prize. I'm gonna let you choose the position daddy's gonna fuck you in," he whispered against her pussy before he gave her a long, slow lick and began to thrust his index fingers inside her vagina repeatedly, and he licked the stray drops of her fluids that dripped from her pussy.
Samia could not help but to moan as her father fingers her pussy while skillfully licking her and making her wet and horny as she sucked his cock. at his words she was shocked at what was going to happen but what shocked her even more was how she actually wanted it at the moment. he had managed to get her so horny with his teasing that she was lost in the moment and not thinkin of who she was making out with in a sense. however the forbiddeness of this was starting to eat at her. part of her said to run adn fiht and hide and the other part said let daddy fuck you good. knowing either way she didnt have a choice as he had her cuffed and at his mercy she sucked his cock a moment longer before stopping long enough to say "bend me over your desk daddy" then added a please which surprised her as well as she went back to sucking his cock for the moment until he would stop her.
Mercer grinned when she ended her sentence with daddy, and gave her pussy one last long lick before he straightened the chair with a switch on the side, letting his daughter slide down his chest and unto his lap, rubbing against his cock, and he raised her with his hands grabbing her tits, he pushed her against his desk, glad his computer was being repaired at the moment so he wouldn't have to break it.

Mercer would move to stand behind her and press the tip of his cock at her wet entrance and leaned down so that his mouth was bare inches away from her ear. "Say Daddy for me, sweety," he whispered and thrust half of his cock inside her tight wet pussy, his left hand slapping her on the ass while he reached with his right hand to grab her cloth covered tit, squeezing her nipple through the thin material as he began to thrust in and out of her.
Samia was filled with anticipation as her father moved hr to be bent over the desk to fuck her. she was shocked at how much she secretly wanted this and as he leaned to tell her to say daddy again she nearly purred as she also felt his push inside of her wet pussy. complying with his request she moaned "Daddy" as she arched her back to take him as deep as possible as he moved futher in her and started thrusting back and forth as he groped her breasts and squeezed her nipples making her whimper a bit but still enjoying it. the more he thrust into her and teased her the more she got into it as she panted and pushed back against him to meet him stroke for stroke and before she realized it she was moaning and pleading "please Daddy dont stop"
Mercer nearly came at that moment when she moaned his name and continued to thrust his hips forward and impaled her repeatedly with his hard shaft. He would reach with both of his hands to grab her breasts and used them to rip it into pieces along with anything she wore underneath, leaving her completely and utterly naked to him. Mercer twisted her bare nipples and leaned in to whisper more dirty things to her. "Admit you love this, Samia. You love daddy's cock pounding your pussy. Say it. You love it," he commanded her as he still continued to thrust into her only half length.

"Samia, come for me. Right... Now!" he punctuated the last part by thrusting his cock completely inside her tight, wet pussy that had a strangle hold around his dick while simultaneously twisting her nipples and biting down on her ear. "Come all over daddy's cock!" he said to her.
Samia became enthralled in her father fucking her as he ripped the last of her clothes from her and with him twisting her nipples as he fucked her. with his words she wanted him deeper in her. as it was she knew he was not fully penetrating her and it was a major tease which had her panting and yearning for more as she moaned out "Yes Daddy i love your cock fucking my pussy" then taking a breath and trying keep from cuming so soon which he was withholding to a sense by not penetrating her further she added "Please Daddy i want more...".

she was overjoyed and a bit frantic to do his bidding as he told her to cum and drive himself fully into her. and with the combination of him driving deep into her and him biting her ear and twisting her nipples she cried out as an orgasm wracked her body making her cry out his name.
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