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RE: Off The Grid [ WHTS & ShiroNezu ]


Quorra knew Sam was worried about all her time in front of computers, but she couldn't help herself. She was more than just some program, she was born out of nothing within a computer. It was her birthplace, her home, and the way Users interacted with computers was so distinctly separate from them. She hacked through computers constantly, trying to feel some sense of connection with them again. But it wasn't the same. She felt sorry for Users, but was beginning to wonder if she was the one that should be pitied. She had been up all night again, and was still in the purple nightgown she had put on after dinner the night before. She found that she liked clothes. There were so many colors to discover that she could enjoy in the User world.

The sun showed Quorra that night was up. The warmth was inviting. She would never tire of the sun. However, she still used the computer for a while longer, and didn't realize the passing time until she heard Sam's voice calling her name. Sam was special to her… special in ways she couldn't quite put into words. There were feelings, and her ISO body had turned into true flesh upon entering the User world, which had given her new urges. She wasn't sure what to make of them. She consulted many things on this thing known as the Internet, but she knew she could only truly trust Sam to explain things to her. As he walked into the office, she finished off one last bit of programming before getting out of her seat. "I'm sorry, I know I never came to bed. I was… distracted." She looked over at the computer, then back to Sam with a sheepish smile. He was exceedingly patient with her, which she really appreciated. Her icy blue eyes were piercing as she walked to him. "Would you like for me to make you breakfast?" she asked with a smile. She had tried it a few times, not quite understanding cooking, but she hoped to improve with practice. She walked up to Sam and held both of his hands in hers. He already looked refreshed and ready for the day, his usual handsome self.
RE: Off The Grid [ WHTS & ShiroNezu ]

Quorra chuckled a bit at Sam as he teased her. She looked down at their hands, enjoying the feel of their shared warmth and daring to move closer. She looked up in his eyes, enjoying the organic subtleties in color and shape in his irises. She could feel his heat increase just slightly, most likely from an increased heart rate. She seemed to cause that a lot in him. Of course, he did the same to her. She wondered a bit why this was so. It was another thing she had researched, so she knew some of the things it was related to. She was curious about the specific reason between them. At least, with her, she knew it was their bond. She cared for him very deeply, and he was most important to her. Quorra would panic quite a bit if she spent too long without him, and in the absence of a computing device.

Quorra could feel an increase in warmth again as Sam's hands trailed down her sides. Even through her nightgown, it was feeling she realized she enjoyed, causing her own heart rate to increase. She wondered if perhaps he could continue to touch her in this way, maybe even without clothes on. She found herself blushing slightly at the thought. "Yes, I did. I liked the color. I got so tired of blue in The Grid." She smiled up at Sam.

"So, breakfast?" Quorra knew as long as they were hungry it was no use trying to convince anyone to start anything. She was a User now, and she knew the both of them needed to eat. She certainly felt that way. She grinned perkily and then scampered over to the kitchen, immediately deciphering the possible ingredients in the fridge and pantry. "What would you like this morning? Eggs?"
RE: Off The Grid [ WHTS & ShiroNezu ]

[[Hey, um, first off sorry for the delay in the reply. Second, I'm noticing you're doing a lot of controlling of Quorra for me, and I'd appreciate if you let me handle it. It's okay to post a little less- I only require one paragraph, normally- and move a little slower in the action, if it means you just stick to Sam's thoughts and movements. I know it's easy to guess what Quorra will do, but you don't leave me with much to roleplay when you do that, and it's a little frustrating.]]

Quorra had spent an hour or so looking at new breakfast recipes online earlier that morning. Sam always showed enthusiasm for her exploration of the User world, and it helped fuel her honest curiosity. (She was also still working on the idea of dishonesty. She knew of it, but only as a User action that she hadn't developed. She also knew there were many ways to tell the truth, and she felt she had a lot of power there, as well.) She enjoyed picking out the right ingredients, watching the bacon and waiting for it to look as User videos on the computer showed her, and shrieking a little as some of the oil burned her. Even that pain was a wonderful new part of her User life. She giggled and looked to Sam as he spoke to her again, quickly getting the prepared food on plates as she worked on others.

"I did more research. I think I can do it better this time," she said, grinning proudly as she often did. She went back to the eggs for just a moment, noticing a straying to Sam's gaze on her. It made her blush a bit. She had a feeling she was physically attractive- she had a body much like many she saw called beautiful- but it was something particularly special to catch Sam's gaze. Even if she hadn't studied more of the culture of User attraction, she knew from her own eyes that Sam was handsome. She knew he ought to have a girlfriend of some sort. Was that her? She wasn't sure. It felt a bit like their kinship was of that variety, for they were important to each other, but she knew they didn't do everything that might be expected of such relationships.

The loss of thought made Quorra realize that her eggs were overdone. She gasped and checked to see that they weren't at least burned, and when they weren't she put them on their plates. "I think I did them wrong. I can make them again, unless you're very hungry." She smiled a little, this time more nervously.
RE: Off The Grid [ WHTS & ShiroNezu ]

Quorra was exceptionally proud of herself, seeing Sam's approval in her cooking. He was being nice, she knew, but she recalled her first attempt at eggs, and the look on his face while he ate it. It had been a strange mix of a friendly smile and instinctive disgust. She smiled at the memory and the contrast to that day.

Turning back to the bacon, Quorra quickly got them onto a plate with a napkin, so they could stop sizzling and some of the oil could be patted off, for herself. She knew Sam didn't mind, so she immediately grabbed Sam's plate from under his fork and placed his bacon strips on it. "Alright, there we go." She took a bite of her own eggs and smiled. They were good enough for her to enjoy. They could be better, but she wasn't aiming to be a chef, just a normal User when it came to cooking.

"So, what are we doing today?" Quorra asked between bites. "If there's nothing, I'd like to go outside, see the User world today. I've spent too much time on the computer already." She smiled then continued on her eggs, finishing them almost too quickly.
RE: Off The Grid [ WHTS & ShiroNezu ]

Quorra took the time that Sam was speaking in turn to chew blissfully on her bacon, enjoying her breakfast slowly. She loved his ideas, and lit up at the chance to shop again. She had the feeling that spending money should not be coming so easily, but it was quite fun to play dress-up, at least. One thing that was definitely lacking in the Computer was full wardrobe. "Yes, the park sounds like an excellent idea. And the mall is good."

Quorra fell silent for a moment, lost in her own thoughts. Her way of thinking was still quite similar to when she was just an ISO, and she really considered things very deep processing. She was thinking of the sorts of things she hadn't bought yet, but was unable to ask Sam about. She was uncomfortable not because they weren't close enough, but because she wasn't sure if Sam would know anything about the subject, being a man who didn't wear the same sorts of things she did.

"Yes. I do need to shop for a few things," she said after a bit of quiet. "I'm not sure of anything else after that. But for the park, can we have a picnic? I've seen talks of this on the internet. I know you bring food. Can you show me?" She was interested in experiencing things far away from the computer as she could, sometimes. She knew Sam was one to use the computer a lot, but she was sure that she could trust him to know what to do with what seemed like simple things.
RE: Off The Grid [ WHTS & ShiroNezu ]

Quorra was glad to see Sam so excited about the picnic idea. She ate heartily as he rushed around the kitchen grabbing things. "That basket! I've seen that in pictures." She noticed him packing all sorts of readily available things as she finished her food. She began to put away her plate as he put some food inside. "A blanket? I can get that. But is that enough food? Shouldn't we make something?" She abandoned him mid-question to go to his bedroom, grabbing a thinner blue blanket with simple patterns on it and folding it nicely, bringing it back to the kitchen. She thought for a moment of what it might be like to go back to that bedroom. It was related to her previous thought about shopping, and she let it go for the time being. It was such a User thought, she wasn't sure how to process it.

"Here, I found a blanket from your room. I'm going back to change now, this nightgown isn't suitable for outdoors, I think." She happily skipped back down the hall, to her own bedroom this time. She thought back to what images she had seen on the internet of such things as picnics, and used that to pick out a lovely long floral sundress after a great amount of deliberation. It was very in tune with nature, which suited the outing and made her feel as visually distant from the Computer as she could imagine. Letting it drape on her body, she smiled at her reflection in her mirror, spinning around and watching the cloth follow. She then found some simple sandals to wear with them and rushed back to the kitchen. "So, are we ready?"
RE: Off The Grid [ WHTS & ShiroNezu ]

Quorra beamed at Sam's words. She knew him to be a User of true honesty, which was apparently difficult to find in the User world. She felt her cheeks grow slightly warm, a sensation she was still adjusting to happening on occasion. She sat at the counter, as if guarding their picnic items, and smiled to herself as she waited for Sam to get dressed. "Beautiful…" it was a strong word, not commonly used, yet Sam had used it a few times with her. It made her feel special. She wanted to say the same to him, since it was true, but from what she had gathered it was not a word used as much for User males. She couldn't see the harm in it, though, especially since Sam was, in fact, quite beautiful.
RE: Off The Grid [ WHTS & ShiroNezu ]

Quorra gladly took Sam's hand as he led her to the floor. "Why, thank you. And yes, I am," she said with a silly grin. She led the way to the front door, looking to Sam's (or was it their?) garage as she hit the door opening button. She looked at Sam's bike, then at their supplies. "The car. Can I drive it today? Please?" she asked cheerfully. She missed driving, but hadn't been able to do so since leaving the Computer. Users required rules and licenses to drive, and she wasn't legally a User, as Sam explained. She would probably be more reckless than she'd admit, anyway.
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