The Trainer (killdozer x valkeryiefirestorm)


The original Valkyrie
Apr 27, 2012
The Void
Taya smiled as she waited in the lab for the professor to return with the three balls. "okay Taya here they are" professor said and set them down and clicked each one open. She saw the charamander and smiled "I like him" she bent down and held out a hand to the charamander "hey little guy" she said as the professor called the other two back.
Charmander looked around as the lab suddenly formed around him. Seems like the Professor was offering them to a starting trainer. He looked at the young girl, giving a slight grin. She was pretty attractive, this could be fun if he were picked. Just as he thought that, the girl looked to him and smiled back, holding out a hand. He took her hand and stood, coming to be just a bit shorter than her. "Charmander, great to meet you. Are you going to make me go back in there? I don't exactly like it, and the geezer here doesn't seem to care," he said, giving her hand a shake before taking back his claw. His tail moved from side to side slowly, the flame waving in the air.
"no if you want want out you can" she said smiling "my names Taya charmander and I'm your trainer" she told him smiling. She looked at the professor as he handed her six empty balls and a dex.
The lizard grinned. "Great! We're off to a good start then," he said, stepping back so the professor could talk to her and give her some equipment. More Pokeballs and a Pokedex, he was always talking about it, how it was going to be an amazing revolution in studies and whatnot. Bla bla, Charmander didn't really care. He got to leave and see the world with this girl now, and that was awesome. "Shall we head out? I've barely been out since he caught me, I'm itching to get some air and battle," he said, fire blazing up a bit at the thought of a fight.
Taya smiled and left with charmander out of Tue lab. "so how long had you been with the professor? I mean how long ago did he catch you?" She asked him as she put away the balls and dex in her pack while walking
A claw reached up to scratch his chin as they walked, Charmander thinking to himself. "At least a year. He took a trip to the part of the world that my kind comes from and caught me there. He's not bad, I guess," he said, moving around her a lot as they walked. He was really glad to be outside; while it wasn't horrible, they didn't have much room inside the Pokeballs.
Taya smiled as she kept an eye on him "well I live a couple of houses down from the lab with my mother and little sister my father is lance the dragon master from the elite four" she told him.
Charmander nodded, looking back as she talked. "That why you picked me then? Trying to follow in daddy's footsteps?" he asked, a slight smirk forming. He was the closest thing to a dragon that the Professor had, the others being a turtle and a plant. Not nearly as much fun.
"yeah and I have always like dragons even lovely charamanders " she said smiling at him and petted his head "well before we head out I got to pick up my stuff from mom" she said leading him to her home
Charmander gave a satisfied growl as she petted his head. "Well we are pretty amazing," he teased, nodding and following along as she led him to her home. His eyes gazed to the trail that led out of town as they passed, he couldn't wait to get out there and see the rest of this world.
Taya smiled when they reached here home she entered and went to her mother"well mom here he is my starter" she said mentioning over to the charamander
Charmander followed her inside, keeping his tail close to him to prevent any accidents. He gave a nod to Taya's mother, with a smirk. "Nice to meet you, I see where Taya gets her looks," he said.
Her mother looked at Taya "wow he's different them the others did professor say where he caught him from" Taya rolled her eyes "he wouldn't say but what I got from char is that he caught him in another part of the world" Taya went upstairs and grabbed her pack and came back down. Her mother smiled at her and handed her a ball "im want you to have her she's my only one left" Taya looked at her mother "are you serious?" Her mother nodded yes. Taya took the ball and placed it on her belt
Charmander chuckled. "Yes, the Professor caught me on a trip. My kind isn't from this area, nowhere close really," he said. He didn't really remember it, most of his memories were from in the Professor's lab.
Taya smiled "youre ready to go char?" She asked as she pulled her black hair with red highlights into a tail. She had gotten dressed into shoes a black skirt and a white tank top with a jacket pack into Tue pack. The tanktop hugged her figure especially her chest area being at 17 and starring out she was behind but she did it to study all about dragons and her other favoriate pokemon ponyta and rapidash.
"Of course," the Pokemon said, looking to her as she approached them from changing. A slight smirk came across his face, she looked great. He knew not to say anything, it would be weird to say something in front of her mom. "Nice to meet you again, let's go!" he said excitedly, heading for the door, eager to get going.
Taya smiled and hugged her mom bye and headed out the door. Smiling she started walking on the path leading her from the town and on to the nearby route of the local gym
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