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Hero's of Zenthra group OOC

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So I was thinking, how would you guys feel about making character specific Ultimate classes? Kind of like they did in, sorry for bringing it up but I like the idea, FFX-2? Also if you would like to make a suggestion for a new class, boss, or anything please let me know. I'm open to all ideas guys!
Sure but I nevered played ffx 2. but I like the idea. As for bosses let me think on that.
Well in FFx-2 (Final Fantasy X-2) instead of "Classes" they had "dresspsheres" and each of the three girls had a "Special dressphere" which only they could use with their own move sets and special attacks that the others couldn't imitate. So it'd be something like that. Yuna (main character) got Floral Fallal, which was magic based. Pain got Full Throttle which was physical based. Rikku got Machina Maw which was tech based with lazers and the likes. Our specific classes could be like this, based off a concept rather then a fighting style, or it could be a fighting style, or even have it be based off of your (or your characters) kinks, or a mix of the three.
okay I like that idea they would have a special class that they only could use and it came with a special costume to go with it like ffx-2
Yes they would all have their own costumes weapons, hell they could have crazy shit like with FF X-2....but it would still be scantily clad but could be anywhere between tier one level of coverage to top tier (naked/nearly naked).
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