The Unloved Dead [Unforgiving18 & Mujamo]


Oct 10, 2011

"... You may now kiss the bride." Rebecca grinned widely as she rose up to her toes to kiss her new husband. He kissed her back with the slightest smile on his lips. Everyone arose in applause as they couple turned to the audience. Rebecca's wedding gown twirled about her body when she turned, and as they started walking out of the church, it followed behind her as a short train. Everyone followed behind them, wishing them luck as they climbed into the convertible. Her husband, Brad, got into the driver's seat, and once he started up the engine, they were off to the destination of their honeymoon.

The both of them wanted it to be very simple, so they made their honeymoon into a camping trip. It was on one of their walks that they happened upon the perfect place near a river. They both loved it, and had hoped to camp here at some point, and now they finally were. Brad pulled the convertible as close as he could to the tent site he had made. The site was covered in flowers and the color white. It was beautiful. "Here we are, darling." Brad said as he got out of the car, walked over to her side and pulled her out, carrying her bridal style to the tent site. Rebecca could only smile and laugh like a young girl as he carried her to the tent. "Why don't you change in the tent. I'll change out here." He then set her down before he began unbuttoning his jacket. With a smile and a kiss, Rebecca stooped into the tent to change out of her wedding dress.

It was not five seconds after she zipped up the tent that Brad began unzipping it. With a laugh, Rebecca shook her head slightly while she bent over her suitcase he packed for her. "You should have just told me you wanted to come in wi-" Her voice was suddenly cut off as his large quarterback hands wrapped around her slim neck. He was breathing very hard and his hands were shaking. As the pressure around her neck tightened, he pulled her back toward his body and licked off a tear that had fallen from her eye. "I have always hated listening to your breath." His voice was dark and rough, nothing like she had heard him speak like before. Her vision was turning blurry as he turned her slightly in his hands so that he could watch her face as she died. Even after she stopped struggling, he kept his hands around her neck for another five minutes.

It was always his dream to fuck her, but because of her "virtues" she wanted to hold off until they were married. Well, now they were married. He proceeded to have sex with her dead body and was constantly amused with her surprised look on her face. It didn't take him long before he finished, and now, to make it look like an accident. He really didn't feel like spilling any of her precious blood. That wasn't like him to spill the blood of a lover. However, because he worked at a blood center, the one that he met Rebecca at since she donated blood. He was able to manipulate the paperwork of her blood donations and he ended up keeping all her blood that she was "donating" With her body moved to the side, he began splattering blood everywhere in and outside the tent. Once he had used enough, he took a knife and began widely slashing the tent. His hair was beginning to stick up oddly since the gel couldn't handle all the crazy. Satisfied with his work, he looked at her body and grinned lightly before he took a handful of her hair, and began dragging her to the designated grave.

Things were taking longer than usual and he had to hurry. He walked a mile into the woods on a slightly used yet small trail that he had made for them long ago. About twenty feet off the path was a grave he had made just yesterday. He threw her body into the grave and began pushing dirt over her body. He didn't realize how long she was in comparison to the hole. Her limbs were sticking up oddly out of the hole, making him laugh softly all the more. Then suddenly, he heard something. It was the soft sound of people talking. His heart stopped for a moment as he desperately looked around, keeping himself low to the ground. They were still a ways off, but they were approaching. He hurriedly finished the job, but little did he know was that her kneecap was exposed, along with her hand from the wrist up. Before they got too close, he toyed with the dirt, making it look like it was naturally there, then hurried back to the path. On his way back to the campsite, he picked up a few large pieces of wood, his heart racing. Hopefully he got to the campsite before they got the the burial spot. And he did.

The moment he reached the campsite, a wicked smile grew upon his lips. He dropped the small pile of wood and then cried out into the air. This made the couple hear him and then run to where they heard him, completely bypassing the makeshift grave.

It's been two years, now. The police figured it as a bear attack and had no body to base the claims on. They went with the clues they were given. Brad roams the streets free and no one knows of his crime except him and Emily. The case still remains open, but there is little they can do. With all the evidence, it does point to a bear attack, but they just don't know why a bear would attack out of the blue. No one has yet found her body and maybe no one will.
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