The Rise Of Riku (Snape & demonqueenruler)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
After Sora had been put into a coma after a grueling battle against an army of rather strong heartless the worlds fell into even darker times. With no true hero to save them, no one to seal the keyholes the heartless ran amok through the streets of every world. Attacking everyone stealing their hearts and leaving them near dead, hope was lost for most while others had developed a false hope that Sora would awake from his coma and fix things, unfortunately that wasn't going to happen at least not any time soon.

There was one other man who could hold the keyblade, one man who could help fix things and make them right and that was Riku. The king himself had come to Riku to ask for his help but the man refused not wanting to be involved with the war any longer. The day came where Riku decided to come out from hiding and when he did what he saw made him angry. Worlds were being destroyed and nobody was able to fight the heartless off. A cloud of darkness surrounded everything.

Riku made his way down the empty streets of Traverse Town the once full very loud and happy streets were now gloomy and quiet not a soul could be seen not even in the shops. This saddened Riku and his mind immediately went to his friend Sora if it weren't for that blind attack by the heartless he would still be defending the innocent and locking up the keyholes, keeping the world safe from the heartless.

After leaving Traverse Town Riku made his way to the castle, when he got to the door he took a deep breath before knocking. When the door opened Riku was welcomed inside with open arms, he and the king had an understanding that no one but them could understand.

"Riku what brings you here" ,Mickey stated his eyes full of surprise and curiosity.

"I'm here about your offer, I want to help fight this war just let me know what I have to do" ,Riku stated in response.

King Mickey smiled widely before sending out for Donald and Goofy. When the two appeared Mickey looked to Riku.

"Donald and Goofy you will accompany Riku to help him reseal the keyholes and lock the ones that have been left open" ,he stated.

Suddenly the keyblade called Oblivion appeared in Riku's hand, the young man looked down at it then back up to the king. "Where do we start"? he asked.

Mickey smiled, "Traverse Town where else, you'll have to retrace your friend Sora's steps as some of the keyholes he sealed were broken open by the heartless" ,Mickey stated.

When they were done talking Donald and Goofy led Riku to the gummi ship and they made their way towards Traverse Town to find and reseal the keyhole there. After landing Riku got out of the ship and looked around, he was curious as to where this keyhole may be.
Krys Snape said:
After Sora had been put into a coma after a grueling battle against an army of rather strong heartless the worlds fell into even darker times. With no true hero to save them, no one to seal the keyholes the heartless ran amok through the streets of every world. Attacking everyone stealing their hearts and leaving them near dead, hope was lost for most while others had developed a false hope that Sora would awake from his coma and fix things, unfortunately that wasn't going to happen at least not any time soon.

There was one other man who could hold the keyblade, one man who could help fix things and make them right and that was Riku. The king himself had come to Riku to ask for his help but the man refused not wanting to be involved with the war any longer. The day came where Riku decided to come out from hiding and when he did what he saw made him angry. Worlds were being destroyed and nobody was able to fight the heartless off. A cloud of darkness surrounded everything.

Riku made his way down the empty streets of Traverse Town the once full very loud and happy streets were now gloomy and quiet not a soul could be seen not even in the shops. This saddened Riku and his mind immediately went to his friend Sora if it weren't for that blind attack by the heartless he would still be defending the innocent and locking up the keyholes, keeping the world safe from the heartless.

After leaving Traverse Town Riku made his way to the castle, when he got to the door he took a deep breath before knocking. When the door opened Riku was welcomed inside with open arms, he and the king had an understanding that no one but them could understand.

"Riku what brings you here" ,Mickey stated his eyes full of surprise and curiosity.

"I'm here about your offer, I want to help fight this war just let me know what I have to do" ,Riku stated in response.

King Mickey smiled widely before sending out for Donald and Goofy. When the two appeared Mickey looked to Riku.

"Donald and Goofy you will accompany Riku to help him reseal the keyholes and lock the ones that have been left open" ,he stated.

Suddenly the keyblade called Oblivion appeared in Riku's hand, the young man looked down at it then back up to the king. "Where do we start"? he asked.

Mickey smiled, "Traverse Town where else, you'll have to retrace your friend Sora's steps as some of the keyholes he sealed were broken open by the heartless" ,Mickey stated.

When they were done talking Donald and Goofy led Riku to the gummi ship and they made their way towards Traverse Town to find and reseal the keyhole there. After landing Riku got out of the ship and looked around, he was curious as to where this keyhole may be.

Traverse Town, second district was a place that Mia was all too familiar with. The fountain and the roof of the Gizmo shop was her favorite place to go, just to sit and think. Or, that’s how it would be if it wasn’t for all the heartless that now roam around the streets. This didn’t settle well with the young mage. The town was the closest thing she had to a home and the last thing she wanted was to see the place overrun with the creatures. Several months ago she had woke up on the ground near the large doors leading to the third district. How she got there she didn’t know, or anything else before that day.

Most of her time was dedicated to trying to find the missing pieces of her past, with hardly any success to it. So far she was only able to discover her name. It was engraved on a heart shaped charm that hanged on a bracelet on her right wrist. On the other side was another name: Zack. Who knows if that was a name of a close friend, or that of a lover? That was just another piece of the puzzle of her past she had to try to figure out.

A small sigh left her as she watched a small group of Heartless disappear, becoming the latest victims of her Thunder attack. The only good thing about the recent increase of said creatures gave her the opportunity to build and improve her skills.
As Riku roamed the streets of Traverse town he destroyed any heartless that crossed his path. Donald and Goofy were great allies and assisted him well. The young man made his way through the main part of the town chasing the heartless away as he did so, when Riku reached the gate to Second District he looked at both Donald and Goofy, "Are you guys ready"? He asked them in a very serious tone. "We're ready when you are Riku" ,Donald stated in response, Goofy nodded his head in agreement.

Riku burst through the gates leading into second district and almost immediately he, Donald, and Goofy were surrounded by heartless. They were no match for the three of course and were taken out easily. After the group of heartless fell there was a loud rumbling sound and it was coming their way. All of a sudden and armored knight dropped down right in front of the three. Riku readied his keyblade as he looked at the gigantic piece of metal, he remembered Sora telling him a story about this type of heartless. Take out it's hands and feet first. While Riku went to work on the knight's feet Donald and Goofy began to attack it's hands.
As the trio begun the assault on the large armored heartless Mia was watching in interest, remaining on the roof of one of the buildings nearby. So far it appeared that the group had the slight advantage working on destroying the limbs of the monster, which ram amok stomping and hitting everything in it's path to catch it's intended targets. With the grace and agililty of a cat the mage approached as soon as her feet touched the ground. Her plan was to aid the one attacking the feet, but stay at a reasonable distance to reduce the chance of getting hit. At least aiding them will also give her the excuse to train and hone her skills even more should she decide to leave this world in search of solving the mystery of her past. Once Mia was close enough the staff in her left hand aimed right for the monsters feet before sending a barrage of fireballs in it's direction. 
Riku wasn't expecting any aid from anyone other then Donald and Goofy when the fireballs hit the other foot of the armored knight Riku spun around to look where they had come from. He gave the woman a nod letting her know he approved of the help then turned and began to attack the armored knight again. When the hands and feet were taken out he remembered what Sora told him happened next, the huge heartless transformed into some sort of cannon that shot out orbs so they would have to be quick with taking it out.
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