LoK with a twist (Candira and HotTexasCowboy)


Jan 9, 2009
Her entire body was sore. Nothing seemed to feel the way it was supposed to. Her body was heavy, and she felt almost as if some of her skin were bare. But that couldn't be right...could it? Her eyes fluttered open with much effort and she realized that she was not on base, not in her ship, and certainly nowhere near true civilization. Gasping, she sat up too quickly and then fell back again, a bout of dizziness pushing her back faster than any living being could have. What the hell happened? How did she end up in a hut like this? Groaning, she tried to remember what had happened to her. Bringing her hand up to her head to hold it, she froze. No uniform. No pajamas. No panties. What the hell?! She gasped again and looked down at herself. What was she wearing? She seemed to be wearing golden armor of some kind...well, at least it was made of gold. It wouldn't do much to protect her, however, since it didn't do much to cover her at all. Her full breasts bulged against the golden cups and from there to her hips was uncovered, revealing a flat, toned stomach. Her long, strong, shapely legs were completely revealed, only a small strip of metal covering her front and stopping at mid thigh. The back was pretty much non-existent. And now that she was thinking of it, she seemed to have some sort of headpiece as well. What the fuck was going on?!

Frantically, she tried to remember what had happened to her, but the last thing she remembered was flying over this area on patrol...had she been attacked? Was there an accident? What happened? And why was she dressed like this? Slowly, she sat up and looked around the hut, finding that nothing in particular was strange about it. And then she saw a giant lizard woman step in. Ordinary humans might have screamed, but she knew that the people of this planet were anthropomorphic. After a moment of staring at this creature, she asked, "What happened?"
The lizard woman looked at her and started to growl something. Other than being green and much of her body scaly, and her face dominated by a slight snout, she seemed to be dressed much like Krystal, except her "armor", if you could call it that, was a darker shade of green. Despite the tail, the cocked ears, and reptilian skin, the alien was clearly as female as Krystal herself. Her armor displayed her heavy breasts, flat smooth belly, flaring hips and lean legs the same as Krystal's armor presented her. Seeing Krystal's puzzlement, she paused a moment, closing her eyes. Holding the back of Krystal's bra were two shoulder pad bits of armor that extended two straight slats against the back of her neck, like part of a collar. While the alien woman waited, Krystal felt her neck tingling, and there were more tingles from the headpiece atop her hair. It didn't feel bad, just a kind of tingling, and then it went away.

"There," the lizard girl said. Actually, she growled just as she had before, but Krystal heard it translated within her thoughts. "Now you can communicate normally with all the tribes. And I will be able to explain your new status." She sat down in a chair built for her dimensions. "I am ..." the growl was untranslated. "Like you, I serve the warriors of the Sharpclaw Tribe. But I'm getting ahead of myself, I suppose." She composed herself again and restarted. "Your incursion was detected by the Techno Tribe. They have ways of detecting ships that fly. Just as they furnished the warriors of the tribes with flying belts to defend us. Our warriors, and those of the other tribes attacked and disabled your ships. Seeing the pilots were all female, naturally you were seized from your vessels and divided up between the tribes as captive slaves. That is what you are now. You are a pleasure slave for the warriors. Your armor marks you as an available slave for all warriors in camp. It allows you to wander freely through the camp, but will not allow you to leave the confines. You are expected to service any who desire you." She looked askance at her, and a long tongue snaked out from her mouth to lick her lips. "And I suspect that will be many, and often."

She waved a hand at Krystal. "You were marked by General Scale at your capture, although you were not conscious to enjoy it. His essence stains you, still. The warriors will want you clean for their pleasure." There was, in fact, a milky clear residue on Krystal's breasts, cheeks, belly, and legs. It was dried now, but still stuck to her skin thickly. The girl pointed out the door toward the rising sun. "You will want to clean in the pool of Zora's Domain. It lies beyond the Scaleskin Tavern. It will help prepare you for what is to come."
There had definitely been some sort of misunderstanding. The pilots Krystal had been flying with were on a defensive patrol, not attacking the planet. But it probably wouldn't do much to convince her captors to free her. Certainly not after they'd claimed her. Perhaps if she did as they pleased for now, they would entertain the notion of letting her go. Perhaps they would listen to her then. She frowned, listening to the woman before her explain her situation. A...a pleasure slave? Well, she supposed it could be worse. She could be dead, for instance...At least she wouldn't be harmed. Well, certainly not maimed. Surprised at the female's appraisal of her, she was a bit surprised.

Krystal looked down at herself, her pale skin in the golden...armor, was indeed covered in...essence. Gross. At least she could clean herself. Her short hair seemed to be the only clean thing about her at this point, and judging from what the lizardwoman said, she wouldn't stay clean long once she was cleaned up. She wouldn't make it far if she ran so she merely said, "Thank you." She bowed her head in respect, resigning herself to what she figured would be a pretty horrible time here.

And then she walked through the door and toward what she assumed was the tavern, walking past it to get to the pool in Zora's domain. She headed toward the waters, noticing more lizardmen as she walked along, shocked at the sheer size of their cocks.
The lizardmen were probably about half again her size; large, bulky creatures with a great zest for drinking, growling at one another, and openly playing with their cocks, almost continually. The huge red erections emerged from short scaly green sheaths, extending easily another foot, thickening to the size of the human's wrist. They were red and knobby, but otherwise looked like human cocks, with a flange and a dome and, as best she saw, copiously leaking pre-cum. Judging by the amount of dried cum on her skin, their ejaculations were probably heavily generous, too, and it didn't too long for her to witness a confirmation, as various other females were being used at the convenience of the warriors, outside the tavern, in the woods, just about anywhere. The other females she saw were lizard women, although a couple of other types were scattered in the mix. None of them were human, however.

No one herded her or threatened her as she wandered around. Did they so simply expect her to be an accepting slave? She found an answer when she stepped along a path leading further out from the compound. Before she'd gone a dozen paces, her collar armor zapped her with a small but stinging electric shock, and continued to do so every few seconds until she turned around back into camp. Apparently she had a defined area she could wander freely.

She finally located the pool she'd been told about. A sign written in some lizard hieroglyhics was translated for her by her collar as "Zora's Domain." Zora, it seemed, was a lizard woman soaking in the pool, who smiled up at Krystal as she neared. "Come, enter and bathe yourself, my sister. It will help prepare you for your duties." It was easy to jump into the pool, and the water was surprisingly warm and soothing. Almost like magic, the goop on her skin dissolved and its traces floated away. As she soaked, she felt utterly relaxed, and she realized that some of that "relaxation" was taking place within her; her pussy, her throat, even behind her.

"Yes, the pool readies you in so many ways," Zora answered her unspoken curiosity. "Without the pool's effects, the impressive cocks of our masters would damage us. It gives us elasticity for their pleasure and our health. It allows us to serve them without fear of tearing from their strength. Now, are you ready to go to your service? You can return here as often as you need, to wash and to be readied, but once a day at the very least."
((Please don't control my character. It's a pet peeve of mine.))

The water in the spring was certainly relaxing, but the strangest effect it seemed to have was on her body. She found Zora's explanation to be quite helpful and though she wanted to remain in the spring, she knew that at some point, she would need to leave. Though she seemed to be welcome here, she knew it would be unwise to keep her hosts waiting, and though she was certain that she'd be sore and feel disgusting by the end of the day, the promise of the pool awaited her should she need it. After a long moment that allowed Krystal to get her mind around all that was happening to her, Zora asked if she was ready to leave. Nervous, Krystal nodded. "Thank you for your help," she said, slipping out of the water. She was dry almost instantly, which she wondered about. Perhaps it was the strange armor she wore? Or maybe it was simply another property of the strange spring. Either way, she was ready.

With a deep breath, she wandered out of the pool's area and back toward the tavern where most of the lizardmen seemed to gather.
Krystal had barely gone a dozen paces toward the tavern when she moved through a glade in the forest that was already scene of debauchery. Barely hidden behind the bushes were lizardmen and slave girls engaged in energetic scenes. Rampant cocks were plunged into willing mouths, and pussies were pierced and plundered, to the ecstatic cries of the pleasure girls.

Standing alone at the edge of the glade, a single large lizard warrior was watching the others while stroking his erection. The pink, knobby prick emerged from his scaly green sheath and was already glistening with a sheen of male essence. As soon as he saw Krystal enter the area, he reached for her eagerly.

One strong claw-hand grasped at her wrist, then his other took the other wrists and pulled them both together. Gripping both wrists now easily in one iron hand, he pulled her before him, and pushed her to her knees before his organ. His other hand wrapped around his base to tap the tip of his phallus against her chin, with a few resulting sprinkles of precum splashing onto her cheeks.

Then both hands grabbed and separated her wrists, forcefully bringing her hands to his thick shaft, pressing them into his flesh before releasing them. He snarled at her, and her collar translated: "Show me your skill, human slave. Pleasure me, and take my essence as your reward."
Though she was a little disgusted, she knew she must do what he said. Besides, he was much stronger and larger than him. Krystal took a deep breath and moved her soft hands up and down the thick hard cock, her body moving with her in order to keep looking like more of an idiot. Judging from the looks on his face, however, the extra force seemed to please him. As she moved, her breasts popped out of the golden armor, jiggling with him. Perhaps if she did a good enough job, it would be enough to just jerk this one off.
The warrior was responding to her rubbing with growls and grunts that the collar did not bother translating; most likely it was wordless sounds of pleasure. He shifted forward a step so that her moving body, especially her breasts, also brushed against the underside of his phallus as her hands worked forcefully along his length. His hips rocked back and forth, in tempo with her hands, as if he was screwing her appendages. He must have been priming himself for some time, because it didn't take that long to bring him off. He pulled back, so that the tip of his cock was before her face, and then started releasing giant spurts of wet, sticky ejaculate, aimed to splash onto Krystal's head. The spew was salty and bitter, but it had a savory part to it. The lizardmen had evolved to spread their seed far and wide and copiously; their semen had also evolved pheremones to encourage receptiveness in their partners. What effect that would have on human, non-lizard women, was uncertain.

The creature's untranslatable sounds now seemed like low gutteral purring, apparently a satisfied reaction to his pleasure. The gobs of cum coated Krystal's face and oozed down over her breasts and arms. While the warrior's organ was still unwaveringly erect, the urgent need seemed to have abandoned him. He stepped back, and virutally ignored Krystal, looking around him at the other debauchery in the glade.
Krystal was relieved that she was actually pleasing the warrior. It was hard to imagine not pleasing these beasts, though. It seemed as though any form of relief was welcome, and she found herself wondering if it was just a side effect of their species or their way of life. The wondering didn't last long though, because she was soon pressed against his cock, breasts, face, and the rest of her rubbing against him. She blushed, embarrassed, yet oddly aroused.

Before long, she was facing down his cock and it was spraying hot, thick cum all over her. She closed her eyes to protect them, but her face and breasts covered with it. Panting softly, she opened her eyes and one final gob flew into her mouth. Disgusted, she drank it down, shuddering. Spitting it out might have offended him and she wasn't about to risk that. She looked up at the lizard, before gathering her armor and heading back to the pool to clean up. When she was finished, she dressed again and headed to the tavern, hurrying through the clearing.

This time, she managed to make it there, relieved that the warrior from the clearing hadn't wanted her again. She figured she might be able to get some food or drink here, but she risked herself by walking through.
There were, unfortunately for Krystal, a few tables in the tavern, and they were occupied. Nearest the door she entered were two of the lizardmen, seated and enjoying themselves with what seemed to be a raucous game. They drank large quaffs of beer, growled at each other, and waggled their cocks at each other as readying for some sort of strange sword fight. Then they would trade more insults, more brags of their fighting and fucking prowess, then swag down more ale. It was like a combination porno Viking and Klingon bar scene.

It didn't last long enough for Krystal to try and observe it further. They spotted her before she could get some sustenance. The nearest one rose and grasped her shoulder with one of his iron claws, using his strength to nearly throw her on her back on the round table they had been sharing. The other also stood; he was at her head, and his erection loomed over her face. Meanwhile, the first assaulter reached to her armored bra and snatched it. It apparently was made to be easily detached, as it slipped out of its fastenings and floated to the floor, leaving her breasts fully exposed.

The warrior at her head put the underside of his cock on her face and started thrusting it back and forth, not attempting to penetrate anything yet. Already there was a dribble of precum at the tip, drooling over the rest of his cock and, thanks to gravity, a bit on her face. The other warrior was also busy. He had stepped on a chair by the table with one foot, allowing him to lean forward and start running his cock through her cleavage, leaving a growing trace of his essence there. He rocked back and forth, his cockhead lightly bumping into her chin.

"Is she ready for more?" the one at her head bellowed, and the other laughed hysterically. "Which of us will bathe her the most, eh? A round of ale for the one who has the douses her the strongest!" The other one snarled his acceptance of the challenge.
The captured pilot proceeded with caution, noting that the lizardmen here had no problems being rough with their playthings. She was hungry, having not eaten for hours. Still something about this scene was stirring. She was almost aroused...if not for the fear and apprehension. Krystal didn't have long to analyze those feelings because she was seen and seized before she had time to react.

Her back was pressed against the rough table, her heart slamming in her chest as the tiara she wore translated their speech. She gasped as her breasts were exposed, her view obscured by a thick cock near her face. She closed her eyes as the cock was soon rubbing against her face, making no effort yet to actually do anything else. Frightened and surprisingly aroused, she gasped as the one closer to her feel brought his cock up to her cleavage. It seemed as though they only wanted to play with her torso for now, most of her pinned down on the table between the two of them.

Panting, she watched them as they made a bet over who would cum the most. Well, she'd need to clean up again, but she needed priorities, so food would come next if she could wipe her face. Already she could feel her skin slick with the precum between her breasts and over her lips. She was nervous about how this would end up, but she would try her best to just accept this, maybe even try to enjoy it if she could.
Strong hands from the one at her head gripped her shoulders and slid her back a few inches. Her head was no longer supported on the table, but hanging off the edge. That was exactly what the lizardman wanted, of course. His hand around the base of his cock shifted it so that it tapped against her face, then he straightened his stance, angling the thick lance so his cockhead was at her lips. “Stretch your mouth for me!” he growled lustily at her, wanting his prick to be bathed in her heated maw.

The other warrior made growls that her tiara attempted to turn into raucous laughter. “What she swallows will not count against our bet!” he taunted his companion. He had used his hands on her breasts to push them together to make a tight nest for his cock moving back and forth through her cleavage. His clawed fingers teased her nipples with flicks, light pinches, and quick pin pricks. Then his hands fell to her find her wrists, bringing them to the outsides of her breasts so she could maintain the pressure while his hands wandered elsewhere. Without waiting for her obedience, he reached behind his back and a thick finger began playing with her pussy.

“Then you must be inside her, too,” the one at her head challenged. “We’ll see where she overflows the most, from her mouth or her cunt!” His rounded end was now pressing against her lips to seek entry.
Krystal gasped as they roughly handled her, blood rushing to her head as her neck lost the support of the table. She looked up at the lizardman holding her shoulders. She closed her eyes again as his cock brushed against her lips, his tip pressing for entrance as he and his friend made bets on filling her. She wasn't at all comfortable with that idea for a number of reasons, but given her current position, resistance was futile. Even as she moved a little to get a tiny bit more comfortable, they were hardly affected at all in terms of movement. It would be like fighting against a wall. Better to save her strength, she considered.

Besides, she told herself, wasn't it better to try to relax? Tensing up wouldn't help at all. No, it was better to try to relax and just do as they asked. Remembering her plan to get on their good side, she parted her lips, the slick cock slipping into her mouth as her hands were guided to her breasts, nipples perky from the teasing that had felt nice, but might have felt better had she not been so startled. Relax, she told herself. Try to enjoy it if you can.

She gasped as the lizardman who was crouched over her, slipped a digit under the little piece of armor over her pussy. Slowly he began to tease her, and she closed her eyes, imagining someone else, hoping that his claws didn't find their way inside her. The rough skin, however, was pleasing, and a soft moan escaped her as he continued, his cock slipping through her breasts.
The warrior using the padded side of his paw to paly with Krystal's pussy growled something. ("She's wet! A natural slut!" followed by lusty laughter.) The other answered with equal enthusiasm. ("Tell me about it!") He wasn't forcing his cock deep into her mouth; he seemed aware of the risk to making her gag and vomit. He seemed satisfied, for now, with alternating having her envelop and suck on as much of his length as she could get into her maw, and withdrawing it and making her use her tongue along the bottom of his length to his balls.

The other warrior had enjoyed rocking his cock through her cleavage for a time while trying to stimulate her with his fingers, apparently successfully. Finally he drew away from her breasts, his hand reaching to her armor crotch piece and pulling firmly. Apparently it was designed to separate as easily as her top had been, leaving her naked pussy expose. The warrior moved back and pushed open her legs, stepping between them and sinking down so that the length of his organ, with its collection of bumps, rubbed along her labia and over her clit, until, at the top of each stroke, his balls mashed against her pussy lips before he reversed his stroke.

The lizardman at her head saw her hands no longer needed at her breasts, so he grasped at her wrists to pull them to wrap around the base of his cock, motioning for her to stroke that part of him that wasn't sunk into her mouth. As he was already leaning forward, he moved his hands to her breasts, massaging them aggressively.
In spite of herself, she found the treatment of her body both stimulating and frightening. It did seem, however, that neither of them wanted to cause her true physical distress. Surprised at how gentle the one at her mouth was being, she felt herself relax a little. After all, a blow job wasn't such a big deal, right? She closed her eyes and took as much of his cock into her mouth as he gave her, sucking and licking him when it was expected of her. Since she couldn't really see what was going on at the other end of her, she kept her hands on her breasts even after he stopped playing with them.

At the disappearance of her other piece of armor she gasped and felt a little bit of panic rear its head again. 'Just relax,' she told herself. 'It's only sex.' Even as she reminded herself, she had a hard time coming to terms with that. But he was going to be somewhat gentle with her as well. Though her naked body was nothing more than a game to them, the lizardmen were being...well...humane. What a strange choice of words...She was distracted from those thoughts as he stroked his cock against her wet pussy insistently, the extra texture of it sending an exotic thrill through her.

She gasped as her hands were brought to the other one's cock and she stroked obediently with one hand, the other cupping and massaging his balls as his hands groped her firm breasts. He was a bit rough, but she could put up with that so long as he didn't start trying to suffocate her with his cock. Before long, she moaned softly, finding herself more aroused than afraid.
Whether it was from her saliva or his pre-cum from his masturbating before she'd arrived, his cock was slick and easy to stroke and massage. He was growling happily at both the work of her hands and the heat of his broad cockhead in her mouth. The one at her other end growled to his companion ("I'll bet a female of her size will be really tight!"). She felt his paws on her thighs on either side of her spread crotch, and thumbs reached to press at the entrance to her sex, dipping in ("She's a wet one, though!") and pulling her inner lips apart. He stretched them about as far apart as they allowed without tearing flesh or causing pain.

He adjusted his stance, and soon the rounded dome of his organ pushed at the entrance, testing her endurance for his size. It was, as he'd predicted, a very tight fit, but his determination and the stimulation he'd done to prepare her seemed to make it work. His bulbous cockhead eased into her, stuffing her almost to her limits.

The untranslated grunts and growls weren't being translated now, as both warriors concentrated on enjoying the sensations of her mouth, hands, and pussy. After a bit, the lizardman at her crotch started to shift back and forth, rocking gradually faster. The one at her mouth was only shifting a little bit, since she was doing all the work. She could taste his essence flowing from him dick ever faster, and something was making her cunt more slick as that one moved within her.
The one at her mouth seemed to be pleased enough, and the more precum he released, the more she seemed to want to please him. So she kept stroking and sucking as he moved his hips. Soon, she felt hands parting her legs even wider, and then a finger probing her. Krystal barely acknowledged their banter, though she was vaguely aware of a feeling of irritation at their self-assured talk.

But she was very tight and very wet from all the stimulation, so they weren't exactly wrong. She gasped as the one between her legs began to enter her, his huge, hot cock stretching her tight pussy as he slid in. 'Oh, God! How big is he?' she thought, her body arching as the one in her pussy began to move, the warriors playing with her breasts and stuffing her with their cocks from both ends.
There seemed to be no more banter from the two warriors at her mouth and pussy. The tiara made no attempt to translate the grunts and throaty sighs emerging from the two lizardmen penetrating the human girl from both ends. Volumous pre-cum continued to flow from both males, treating Krystal with more of the strangly appealing broth to swallow and making the other's thick cock slide in and out of her cunt faster and deeper.

The one at her mouth had started earlier and reached a climax faster. His dick erupted with a fountain of thick flowing whiteness, the flood quickly overfilling Krystal's mouth and spilling over her chin and down her cheeks and neck in streams that soon coated her shoulders and leaked down her cleavage. The other male laughed crudely, but said nothing more intelligible, his hips driving harder and faster into her tightly gripping tube. His fat phallus seemed to nearly drag her flesh with his thrusts, stimulating her labia and clit with each plunge. Finally, he issued several grunts and a loud groan. Krystal's insides almost felt like they were swollen by a gush of alien semen that had nowhere to go, her entrance plugged by his thick, swollen, pulsing dick. Then he pulled back and thrust in and out through his climax, and each pull back brought with it a spew of cum, splashing over her thighs and pelvis and pooling on the table between her legs.

And, as quickly as it had started, it seemed to be over. These creatures were obviously not into cuddling. They pulled away their erections, grabbed their mugs of grog, and moved away to another table, celebrating their pleasures and their competition seemingly forgotten. Someone was standing beside Krystal, holding her bra and crotch armor patiently for her to recover. It was the female bartender.

"They'll ignore you until you get a chance to clean up again," she said, half business-like, yet partly sympathetic. "If you're hungry, this would be your chance to grab a bite to eat. And some talk..."
Krystal had never been so thoroughly fucked in her life--by one partner or otherwise. She'd had a hard time breathing as they slammed into her from both ends, cum leaking into her and slowly making the somewhat painful experience much more pleasurable. As the one in her mouth came and coated her with his semen, she was grateful that she'd only had to swallow some of the seed. It was pumping into her too quickly for her to keep up, and soon she had to let it go, the thick, sticky substance dripping all over her. She swallowed what was left in her mouth, panting as the other lizardman worked away at her pussy.

She gasped and arched, her body much more susceptible to pleasure now that she had so much cum inside her. So when he came and flooded her with his cum, she came as well, shocked at the strength of her orgasm. When they both finally withdrew, she was a cum-covered mess--not to mention the table. She trembled a bit, lying there on the table. She just needed a moment to come to terms with what had just happened. She'd been raped by lizardmen--though she had to admit she hadn't put up much of a struggle. Still, it wouldn't have been her first choice. But she'd enjoyed it. Her body had loved the attention, and she was actually pleased. What?

Stunned, she took a moment before she turned to look at the female bartender. The patient woman seemed to be a little irritated, but then if someone had cum all over her table, Krystal would probably have been annoyed too. The woman did seem friendly enough, though, so she slowly sat up, the creamy substance dripping down her body as she slid off the table and stood. "Thank you," she said, taking the armor. "My name is Krystal. What's yours?" she asked. Relieved that no one else seemed interested in her at the moment, the human made her way to the bar with the lizardwoman.
"I am," the woman started, and the name came out as a non-translated growl. "Most of the time around here, I'm just called 'barkeep'. I started out as you, a long time ago, a fuck vessel for the warriors to enjoy, but I started making some snacks and pouring drinks, and after they'd had their fill of me, the let me survive doing this. Not that they don't still use me for pleasure now and then."

At the bar, she fiddled behind the counter for a bit, then came up with a plate of cheese and cooked meat. "You couldn't stand what the warriors here eat, I imagine, but we get enough of other races that I've learned to have foods they can eat on hand. You're a mammal, so I've used the Techno's as a guide. And this is water from Zora's Domain. It's not as good as a clensing bath in her pond, but it will help restore your strength." The food and a glass were placed before her as she stood at the counter. "It's unlikely the warriors will try to bother you until you've cleaned away the cum, but if one gets desperate enough, or drunk enough, you might still be grabbed for his pleasure, so be ready just in case."

She filled a few tankards with lizard ale and distributed them among the tables, then returned to Krystal. "Have you any questions?" she asked, apparently treating her in a friendly manner.
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