My Heartless Battle (Kiari03 and Krys Snape)

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Feb 11, 2009
Amelia stood over the gasping Tifa and Leon as the knelt on the cold ground in front of her. She hadn’t even broken a sweat. “You…b-bitch…” Tifa glowered at the woman, if that was what she could be called, in front of her. She had long black hair that curled at the middle of her back and dark soulless eyes stared emptily at her prey. Her blood-stained grey t-shirt had been torn and poorly stitched back together countless times, it barely even covered her breasts, and she wore thick black pants and heavy, metal-tipped boots.

Amelia looked like a prisoner all the way from the tip of her boot to the curl of her lip. She had become the walking dead ever since the death of her master. Now, she just wanted everyone to feel like she felt. The only thing that felt alive on her now was the crooked smile on her face. How had this fight even started? She walked through the gate and her heartless ran forth to find something to eat. How dare they try to insist that they starve. Heartless need hearts to survive and they were all she had left.

Heartless surrounded Leon and Tifa as they strained to stand back up. Tifa began to quiver as the reality of their impending death sank in. Finally, Amelia spoke to them for the first time, “Don’t worry. I won’t prolong it. I had fun. Too bad we can’t play again.” Reaching into the darkness that swirled at her feet, she pulled up a heartless that turned into two battle daggers she held at her sides with deadly intent. “So, who’s first?”
RE: My Heartless Love (Kiari03 and Krys Snape)


Sora had received word that Leon and Tifa were in trouble, he had just got finished sealing another keyhole when he had gotten the word to return to Traverse Town to help them out or they could very well be killed. Time was precious and it was something he, Donald, and Goofy had very little of. The three climbed aboard the gummi ship and took of heading straight to Traverse Town.

When they landed Sora stopped to ask a few people where Leon and Tifa were, a lot of people looked afraid and Sora barely got answers out of them. After asking a few more people he got a general idea of what was going on and where his two friends were. The young man rushed around until he found them. When he did the sight wasn't pretty, the two were cornered and about to be killed.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE"! Sora shouted. "I won't let you do this". He held the keyblade at the ready expecting a fight. The young man was ready for anything he knew he would have to kill this young woman to save his friends and a lot of others.
RE: My Heartless Love (Kiari03 and Krys Snape)

When Sora watched the young woman began her attack he quickly changed into his master form to face her, he was determined and knew he had something she didn't and that was his spirit and bravery to face any task that was put before him. He had been chosen to seal the keyholes and protect people from the heartless and this woman seemed to be the definition of a heartless. "It's worked good for me so far" ,Sora said in response to her question. He gritted his teeth in anger when she put the barrier around them, "So it's me you want eh? Well then it's me you'll get it's your funeral". Sora put his own shield up around him, he knew it would probably end up being broken eventually but it would help for the time being against this woman who stood in front of him looking for a fight.

Sora planned out his attacks and defenses carefully not knowing exactly what this woman was capable of, within moments he was lunging forward with his keyblade out in front of him. He moved carefully striking the woman a few times before returning to the spot he started off. Sora was no fool he knew it would take time and patience to destroy this woman and it would be a tiring but worth it task.
RE: My Heartless Love (Kiari03 and Krys Snape)

As hi9s shield began to crack and break away from the blow the woman delivered to it, her keyblade was different from his own, dark and evil definitely not a weapon intended for good. Her eyes although dark showed how alone she truly was and Sora pitied her. He watched as she drew in the darkness around her, he prepared to defend himself against the attack he knew was coming. He held his keyblade in front of him and used a gravity spell to block the darkness from hitting him now it was only a matter of who weakened first and let off their spell. Sora determined to keep his life and heart the way they were would hold on as long as it took.

"Give it up"! He yelled. "There's no use in doing's pointless"! Sweat began to form on Sora's brow and palms, he could feel himself being pushed back from the strength of the woman's spell. He stepped forward using all the strength he could muster trying to make this woman struggle, slip up, then he would take advantage and strike hard.
RE: My Heartless Love (Kiari03 and Krys Snape)

When the woman flew back and landed on the ground unconscious Sora ran over to give the final blow. As he reached the unconscious woman he slowed down, lowering his keyblade as he looked at the woman's face. Even though he knew she was evil and needed to die she had looked so peaceful....beautiful even and Sora just couldn't bring himself to kill her. He looked to Donald and Goofy then to Leon and Tifa, "I-I can't do it guys, I can't kill her" ,he stated putting his head down. "But Sora she needs to be destroyed and only you and that keyblade can destroy her" ,Leon stated through gritted teeth. Sora could tell he was angry and disappointed with him, Leon had always had his doubts about Sora being the chosen one and Sora could tell he still did.

Finally Sora decided to take her back to King Mickey and see what he thought about it all. He picked her up and carried her to the gummi ship and laid her down, strapping her to a seat and taking her weapon just in case. When they arrived at the castle Sora carried her inside and brought her directly to the king. Sora bowed before the king after laying the woman down on a bed, "She may be dangerous King Mickey but I saw something else while she was laying on the ground unconscious I truly believe there's something more to this woman then evil" ,Sora Stated. King Mickey paced back and forth for a little bit before answering, "Well Sora we'll see what happens when she wakes up but if she attacks then you must destroy her, understood" ,Mickey stated. Sora nodded his head in agreement before the king left the room Sora, Donald, and Goofy sat and waited patiently for the woman to regain consciousness, all three were prepared for the worst just in case.
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