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New here and looking for roleplayers. I'm straight.

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The Sosarian

Jul 8, 2012
Well, I don't want to make this awkward so I'll keep it simple.
If you want to send me a starter, do so.
I'm new to roleplay, but here's a starter of my own that you can reply to if you want.

In the Sarin desert boomed a prosperous city, the city of Olat. Olat was a magical city, in more ways than one city of Olat. The sheer number of people that flooded it's streets each day was more than enough to impress even the most avid traveller, of which many there were. The scent of sweet wine laraas bread wafted throughout the entire visage of the city, masking many of the unsavory odors. Dwarven crafters from the northern Alkaten mountains came down frequently to sell their wares, tools, armors and arms. Shadey figures would come out at night, performing all sorts of nefarious vices, assasinations and gamblings. At the center of the temple sat the Raja palace, home to the rulers of the land. Though, they kept mainly to themselves, enjoying a life of leisure. Young men, and even sometimes adventurous women would come to various town squares scattered about the city, each youth looking ambitiously for an apprenticeship, perhaps even something that will allow them to move out of the city.

Today was a particularly hot and active day for the city's citizens. The various masters displayed their skill and professions, tables and merchandice all scattered about everywhere on tables. A wirey alchemist had troubles with his concotions frothing from the heat, a particularly kind sorceress demonstrating her abilities by sending a cool wind his way, yet oddly enough, this seemed to make his cheeks redder. It was like this every weekend. Some had been coming for over a year, just hoping for a chance that someone will accept them over a more talented child There were exotic, and... less exotic masters of respective arts. Bakers and woodcarves. Scribes, jewelcrafters and even theives! They could afford to be picky as well, for they didn't require an apprentice, they had plenty to select from, and there was always next week.
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