First Contact (X-Vash00 & blakkatt07)


Jul 5, 2009
Princess Serenity was trying so hard not to fidget too much in her seat. She couldn't help but be restless though. She was bored waiting for things to start. See, when she heard that she and her mother, Queen Serenity, would be visiting Earth, she had expected to do some exploring. Not to sit around while business things got done. The young princess was never interested in the business side of being royalty and so her natural curiosity was more directed at exploring rather than possibly aiding in her preparations to one day take her mother's place on the throne. It seems their visit was to be to the hot desert land of Egypt. Today just happened to be when the new Pharaoh would be crowned. Upon hearing what the Pharaoh was, she was instantly bored, believing it would be some 'old' man becoming what was essentially king. However, she was stuck sitting where she was until after the ceremony and so she sat restlessly.
Atem was nervous to say the least. It was the day that he took the throne of Egypt for himself to rule. He only wished that his father were still alive to see this, but if he was then this ceremony would not be taking place. Only when the former Pharaoh died could a new one take the throne, but the Pharaoh had to have chosen his successor, which was Atem, his son. Even though it did cause some discomfort that such a young man should be taking the throne of one of the most powerful empires in the known world. He had heard whispers amongst some of the servants that believed High Priest Seto should be the one to be Pharaoh. He brushed them off and carried on. So the day had arrived and things were in place and prepared. The only thing that was not prepared for was for royalty to attend. Apparently they were not alone in the world and the two that revealed this to them were their queen and princess, who both had the same name. He was not about to deny them entrance and appear rude so he had extra places set for them in big the throne room and the banquet hall, hopefully they would find it suitable.

He was waiting patiently in his room, he had already donned the ornamental jewelry and garments for the ceremony and his hair was in its usual odd spike. That was something Atem had yet to explain for himself. His father had no such hair and yet he had large spikes hair that went everywhere most of the time so he tried to keep it neat. When the time came for the ceremony to begin Shimon came back to Atems quarters and led him out and into the throne room. When he was at the entrance to the room trumpets were raised and blown to announce his arrival. He proceeded down the walkway while his subjects rose to greet him. He reached the throne and sat down on it. A priest stepped forward and read the rights of the Pharaoh. When they were complete Atem recited his oath to rule fair and justly. With that completed the priest lowered the crown on his head and he rose to greet his subjects as their new Pharaoh for the first time. He was greeted with thunderous applause and they all retired to the banquet hall.

Before the two guests could leave he stopped them to greet them personally. "Greetings Queen and Princess Serenity. I do hope you are enjoying your stay here in Egypt , if not please let me know if there is anything I could do to help make it much more enjoyable."
Queen Serenity replied first with a smile. "Greetings to you too Pharaoh. It is an honor to have been able to witness your crowning today. As for Egypt, it is a wonderful place, although much different from the place my daughter and I call home. Everything is lovely, but if I feel something else could be done, I will not hesitate to let you know. Though I am amazed that someone so young could be crowned ruler of the land, but of course each kingdom has its own ways and customs on when to crown a ruler and how. On behalf of myself and my daughter, I apologize for the loss of your father. I'm sure you'll make him proud." The queen herself had her long lavender hair styled in the traditional lunar royal family style of two buns and two long ponytails. Normally, she wore a more form fitting gown but due to where they were now, she wore a slightly looser gown to allow for better movement.

Princess Serenity had stood behind her mother while her mother spoke with the Pharaoh. She had been entirely shocked when she had seen just how young the new Pharaoh seemed to be during the ceremony. However, she really saw how young he was now that they were seeing him up close. He seemed to be around the same age as her. Even with the welcome he gave them, she acted a bit shy, quite unlike the lunar princess and only waved in response. Princess Serenity had her long blond hair in the same style as her mother's hair. Her long white dress was covered slightly by the silver cloak she wore around her shoulders. On her arm was a brand new golden bracelet her mother had given her before they had left the moon. She studied the young Pharaoh as he spoke to her mother being quite intrigued with Egypt and was quietly contemplating how to see more of it. Especially since she hadn't expected such an area based off her view of Earth from the moon.

Her thoughts and natural curiosity eventually got the best of the princess, causing her to forget her manners briefly as she interrupted the Pharaoh and her mother. "Is it possible we could see more of the land?" As soon as she finished the question, she remembered her upbringing and immediately glanced up at her mother, fearing a reprimand. She blushed in embarrassment, a light pink tinting her cheeks and looked down at the floor. When she thought her mother's gaze was no longer on her, she began looking around the banquet hall, questions popping in her head as she took in the sights of the golden walls and the attire of the other people in the room.
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