Bleach, Alternate story (Wildkat & myself)


Jan 18, 2009
His vision blurred, the blood that dripped from his forehead traveled down his face. He could taste the coppery fluid in his mouth as he coughed up blood from cracked ribs. "Damnit!" he said through gritted teeth. Ichigo watched that monster devour the soul of a small girl. Her screams flooding his ears as the crunch of bone and sinew soon replaced it. "I'm not strong enough...I need to be stronger.." he winced, trying once more to stand. What was this thing? He had never seen anything like it, what did that girl say before? "A hollow?" he remembered what that girl had said, and she had called herself a "soul reaper" he had never heard of these things before, but he realized he could not beat this thing, this hollow. "Please....." he pleaded, though no one else was there. The girl...Rukia or something...had told him not to chase fter this thing, but he had been stupid and proud and had anyway.
Rukia came running up to him saying "I told you not to follow your to weak". She let out a sigh and drew her sword . She manged to half carry half drag Ichigo away to a small abanded hut. She laid him down saying "for now we are safe inless you go and do something stupid".
Ichigo panted, doing his best to help her as she moved him away to safety. With the amount of blood lose he could hardly manage a few clumst steps, slowly though he did his best. Inside the small "hut" which was an old storage shed to an abandoned property, he lay down against a wall, the blood already drying on his forehead. "Thanks..." he managed as he breathed slowly. He'd forgotten the girls name already, if she had even said it before. "I want to..." he muttered. "Get stronger..."
Rukia gave off a slight chuckle "yea well one cant do that over night just rest up will you". She was hiding something from him but acted like there was nothing she could do. she knew one way to make him stronger and that was to have sex with him giving him some of her power. She had only done this once when she became a soul reaper and she felt nervous about doing it again.
He gave a small nod and let himself rest for a bit in silence. He however had the strangest of feelings. Never before had he had to run from a fight. Sure maybe against Tatsuki he lost and even cried when he was younger, but that was before all the bad things had happened. Now he felt weak and powerless, the feeling making him sick to his stomach. "There is a way though right?" he asked, not an immediate way, he just wanted to know of anyway to get stronger.
Rukia knew he was going to keep asking and maybe even try to keep fighting to get stronger. She let out a sigh and said "yea there is a way". She sat down across from him and leaned against the wall. "We are going to see a doctor about your injurys"she added after a bit.
Ichigo nodded gently, if anything he knew he could do nothing unless his wounds were healed. "Alright," he said, the pain had lessened, but he knew a simple cough would have his chest and sides burning with broken ribs. "So...any doctors you know that can heal a body in like...a few seconds?" he asked, of course he wasn't being all too serious when he did.
Kakure said:
Ichigo nodded gently, if anything he knew he could do nothing unless his wounds were healed. "Alright," he said, the pain had lessened, but he knew a simple cough would have his chest and sides burning with broken ribs. "So...any doctors you know that can heal a body in like...a few seconds?" he asked, of course he wasn't being all too serious when he did.
Rukia nodded her head saying "I know of one her name is missy lets go now". She knew she had to get him healed and fast so she could fight the hallow. She quickly got him up and left the shack. She said a few words and a portal appeared and she took him throu. After they left the tallow smashed the shack in anger at missing them. Soon they appeared at a small house with two bedrooms and a young girl with short red hair and dark green eyes wearing a white nurses outfit said lay him on the table. Rukia did as she was told. The girl started to heal him were her hands touched healed with like mintes.
Ichigo felt the fatigue leave his body. He didn't question it, but he was still amazed as his wounds closed up. Though his larger wounds and fractures hurt a bit as they fixed themselves. "Wow..." he gasped after several long minutes, he felt completely better now, if anything he felt he could fight. But even if he did, he would just end up being beaten like last time he was sure.
Once missy was done she waved to Rukia and said "alone now please". Rukia nodded and followed the girl into anther room and when Missy turned to look at her she knew the girl was not to happy with Ichigo knowing about her powers. "Tell me how come he can see you and end up looking like that" . Rukia sighed and said "i do not know Missy but he got looking like that thinking he could fight hallows". this gave Missy a laugh and said "well just keep him out of trouble got it". Rukia smiled and said "Got it". Rukia went back to Ichigo and said "lets go time to leave Missy do not like people to stay longer then needed."
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