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F seeking M/F for great fantasy yaoi story....

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Oct 12, 2010
in between
I've found yaoi stories quite erotic and good. Anyone interested, please let me know. I do prefer the genre to be in a fantasy setting though.


If any males or females have any story ideas are interested, please let me know.

Idea 1: Okay...thought I'd put some story ideas into this. First I'd love it to be fantasy and I love the bishounen and fem pics of guys for characters of certain artists for both my character and yours. I would prefer a good story line and tension building between characters, even something barring them or forbidding them to be together. I do adore sensuality and romance, along with some passionate sex added in for flavor.

My first idea: Romeo and Romeo:

Two men from different cultures and status are forced to attend a summit meeting in fantasy tale. Each are from families and cultures that despise each other, as such, may find themselves off to a rough start in the beginning, both of them filled with the hate filled propaganda of the other and surrounded by their own country men and women.

At a formal dinner and ball finalizing the summit meeting for their entire land and trade agreements, alliances and such, their two eyes meet, while one stands to the side, more sure of himself and his preferences, the other, a few years younger is confused and has never dated out of obligation to anyone.

Their eyes meet on the floor, causing the younger one to loose his footing in the dance for a moment while the older one stands and stares at him with his beautiful, piercing stare. The tension of them being enemies of each other yet the desire that builds through some encounters would be wonderful to play.
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