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The Dragon Riders

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Jun 11, 2012
It was a dark, stormy night; rain pounded the ground into a soft pliable mud as lightning flashed and thunder roared. A flash of red and black shoot through the sky, seeming to twirl and wind around the clouds. Orange, red fire mingled with the flashes of electric blue lightning and the mighty roars were drowned out the rolling thunder, but yet there they were two dragons clashing in mid-sky as their claws and their teeth seem to tear at each other’s scales.

Chaos roared in fury as the black dragon chased Akiru around the sky, the storm grew worse with each passing moment. Chaos collided with Akiru in mid-air, his claws digging deep into her side, as golden blood fell like rain down to the ground, staining it in gold paint. Akiru roared in pain as she bit into the neck of Chaos, together they tumbled towards the ground, clawing, biting and fighting as if their lives depended on it. Akiru sunk her teeth deep into his neck, clawing and tearing at his wings and she growled at him, “You will never get to him. I will die before I let you lay a single claw on him.” She slammed into the ground, pinning Chaos down as she tore out his throat clawing deep to the depths of his black heart. Black blood spewed from him, staining the ground as he roared once last time and then fell silent forever.

Akiru slumped to the ground; her own body was covered in deep claw and bite wounds and scars, as she was covered in black and gold blood, her red scales shimmering beneath the thick blood that covered her. Black blood dripped from her mouth and her claws from killing Chaos, she staggered to her feet, and she had to get to Halon quickly. Many more others out there would be after Halon, she had to get to him, but she was severely wounded. She looked up through the pouring rain and saw a figure of a Man walking towards her, as he broke into a run towards her.

“Akiru.” Halon shouted as he got to her, “What happened?!” He ran his hand down her fore leg, seeing it come away covered with golden and black blood.

“I was attacked, Halon, we need to get to the valley and quick, hop on.” Akiru said in a hiss as she heard a distant roar. She picked him up carefully in her teeth, set him on her back and launched into the stormy sky. She flapped her wings hard and with speed and desperation she made it to the Valley, there the sun was out and many creatures of many kinds roamed around, including dragons like her. She collapsed on the ground as an elf ran up to her and asked what happened.

“The Great Evil has awakened, we must prepare for war……………..” Halon stated as medics rushed over to Akiru and attended to her.

(( This is the beginning scene. ))
Akiru collapses as she arrives within the valley and she roars out in pain, as medics rush over to attend to her. "This is not good, not good at all." She growled lowly as they started pouring alcohol over her wounds. She roars in pain agian, at the stinging sensation that travels through her blood accompanied with the alcohol and she whimpers and a slight stream of fire comes from her nose as she sighs. This was not good, Chaos had done some damage to her.
Xichint heard the roar of pain from a fellow dragon "fighting" he growled and spears his enourmos wingspan. Then prof off the rocky cliff landing in Tue valley below with a light thunk on the ground. Where he stepped icesickles formed on the ground. "what happened?" Xichint asked
Sally sat on her throne for she had taken over her fathers kingdom. She stood up and yelled "shadow were are you girl". Shadow landed before her raider her eyes glaring at her and said "Iam here sally but I fear choas is dead". Sally nodded saying I know lets fly. They was off checking for any enemy dragons.

Meanwhile Sarah woke with a start and came running out of her hut. She ran to find Akriu laying on the ground hurt. The elf quickly got the healers and returned. She got down by the dragon saying "your going to make it".
Akiru nodded as the healers worked on her. She looked up to Xichint asked as she growled out, "Chaos attacked me on a scout, was completely unprepared for it, but I killed him."
"good job akiru one less we have to worry about" he said and rubbed his snout lightly against hers and took to the air. A small icestorm formed over the reigon to hide the valley, but it did not affect the valley
Sally and shadow returned feeling bored. Sally grinned saying "lets go kill something". Soon she and shadow and three great fellow black dragons attacked a small village.

Sarah nodded her head and said to the two dragons "but I fear more are out third to cause harm". She started to gently clean off one of Akirus wounds and humm a little tune.
Akiru suddenly felt something horrible was going on, she stood up and roared with the pain as she collapsed back down. "Somethings happening to the humans, we can't let this go on. Millions of humans will die, we need to stop them." Akiru thumped her tail against the ground angrily, swaying it back and forth, she was ready to fight again.
(Just jumping Halon in and then I'll slide into the posting order)

Halon had walked off to go get his swords when he came back he noticed Sarah tending to Akiru. A smile came across his face briefly. "Thanks Sarah I feel better knowing that your treating Akiru's wounds." When Akiru started speaking of millions of people dying something inside him clicked. He was in warrior mode and adrenaline was pumping through his veins. "Akiru I'm going ahead stay here and rest. I'd rather not have you jump into a fight again. I'll be fine I'll just go with another rider." Halon strapped his katanas to his back and he was ready to go.
Xichint growled as he saw the village being attacked. His wings folded to his body as he dived down knocking one of the massive black dragons to the ground. Hos roar peirced the bearer of scrams and true from the village
Sarah blushed at halans remark. She then ran and getting her weapons ran off to help. She was not going to let him or anther dragon get hurt.

Sally smirked as she saw xichint "now shadow the fun begains". She waved the other two black dragons to attack Xichint while she and shadow made a dive for him as well. Sally had two ugly daggers out ready to attack.
Akiru knew she was hurt, but the thought of Halon going out there without her. "No Halon don't." She growled a protest, trying to stand up as her tail swished back and forth angrily, as she laid back down a whimper of pain escaping her throat. She knew that if by chance Halon was attacked and killed, that she would die with him, but she wanted to go to protect him, espectially with the evil going. "Please Halon don't go, stay and rest." She whimpered again quietly, her voice was strained with worry, concern,care for her rider, she didn' want him to get hurt.
Halon was torn between going to help the others and increasing the chances of both of them living. He was strong amazingly strong but far from invincible. He looked up into Akiru's golden eyes and he knew he couln't make her worry so much. He let out a sigh and moved back to her side and rubbed her red scales. "Lay back down you big lizard I don't want you hurting yourself.." He sat down next to Akiru and laid against her side. He began playing with the elements admiring how far his training had come along since he was a boy. He brought both of his hands up and swayed them through the air. The earth beneath them rumbled a bit and then came up from the ground making a large tent for the two of them. With a little more swaying a breeze of air came in through a thin current to keep the kent cool. With his right hand he pulled some water from some jugs and created a pool of water for Akiru and with his left he played with a ball of fire.
Akiru growled and nudged him with her nose, "Don't worry we'll get them, besides that Xichint went out after them, I know him he's strong. Let's just hope he does ok." The elves had healed one side of her and was moving to the other side. Akiru smiled and her tail swayed lazily back and forth as she leaned forward, lapping at the pool of water. She was very thirsty, and the Elves had made at least one side of her feel better, she just knew that she'd be up in the air again before sun down that day.
Xichint growled and tore Lu the dragons throat in one easy move and turned toward the other all the while conjuring up a blizzard. It shrouding the area in ice and snow make it impossible to see him.
Sarah saw the dragon throu cause her power over water and ran to his side saying"xichint your not alone Iam here to help okay".she loaded her bow and aimed at a dragon shooting it in a wing making it crash into the ground.

Sally saw she only had shadow and one dragon left to fight. She patted shadow saying "bathe the area in your fire and send out imps". Shadow did was her raider commanded shooting blue fire and sending out waves of imps.
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