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Jugger x Felixia x Sin

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Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
This is a continuation of The School in the Afterlife RP.

Profile Thread

Nathan sighed after Yasibel had left. He hoped that nothing bad would come of what had just happened to him. Yasibel had just had sex with him, well...technically it wasn't complete sex as he only got her off and she got him off without them actually bumping. Though he still did something terrible and told of what Amelia had done to him earlier ago when she confronted him. He felt bad for both of them, for Amelia for Nathan giving Yasibel and edge over her and for Yasibel to feel so would be a shame for when he somehow managed to kill them later. Standing up, he left, not bother going to classes once more. He was sick of this place for now, so he got off the school campus and just went to the river beside the school and laid under the path that went under the bridge that hovered over the river to allow people to cross over ot the other side. He sighed and closed his eyes, wanting to just relax.
Amelia had enjoyed that little tea time with those Dead Souls. They seemed sweet and she hoped they would listen to the rules and follow them, though she doubted they would. Nathan was a rather bad influence and chances were, he was going to get them on his side in order to take bother Yasibel and herself down. There was no way for him to kill the Angel, unless he was smart enough to group everyone during the day, but that was unlikely. Leaving the three to go back to their classes, though she knew they weren’t, Amelia wondered the campus, saying hello to the NPCs that roamed about. “Hello my darlings.”She said with such a sing song voice. NPCs loved her more then they loved Yasibel. It wasn’t her fault she was so nice though her personality changed when it came to the Dead Souls. Whenever they did something, depending on the action, her mood would reflect what they did. The outcome was either lenient or rather disastrous.

Stopping near the baseball field, Amelia concentrated and summoned her wings, feeling them solidify and spread out, flapping a bit to get the aches out from being hidden and folded. Before she launched herself into the sky, an NPC slowly approached, wobbling over, its face hidden. “Yes?” She asked and listened as it spoke though to anyone, it sounded more like incoherent whispering. “I see. Naughty boy should know better. Thank you my love.” She smiled sweetly at it and finally took to the air. She slipped kindness from the small pouch strapped to her thigh and morphed it into a Rapier. She opened her senses and searched for Nathan. “By the river. Oh honestly.”She said and flew towards that direction. It didn’t take long. She saw him from above and descended, landing just a few feet away from him. “Naughty Nathan, you know better than to leave campus without permission.”She said with a smile. Amelia fixed her kimono, making sure that the slit was properly placed over her right leg where she had her pouch strapped. “What are you doing out here, hmm?”
Nathan was just about to completely fall asleep when he heard the rustling of wings as she landed near him. His eyes widened and he jumped up, biting his lip to see Amelia. How did she find him here? He was so careful that she nor Yasibel would see him sneak off. He stepped back until he could go no further, the stupid river cutting him off from his escape and he had left his weapons at his dorm. He could've really used that crossbow right now, but he paid no attention to fighting right now, more for the escape. "What am I doing here...? Uh...Day off...Relaxing...Could really use it. Yeah..." He knew that wasn't a valid excuse but it was HIS excuse anyway. He bit his lip. "I'm not naughty...That night was a mistake. Among other things I did that night..." He said ominously referencing what he did with Yasibel out of guilt. "Look can't you just uh...let it slide...I don't have a weapon on me to fight you back with and you've got a nice and pointy rapier there..." He gulped, knowing this would probably not end well for him.
She watched him jump up and practically run away from her. Nathan never ran, well, he attacked first and then ran...well...tried to run actually. He was unarmed, but that wasn't her fault or her concern. And rather strange. The way he spoke. Usually he'll think or say something witty like, he just didn't feel like going to class or that he always ditched and that was never new. And what was this about other things he's done. Amelia stared at hin, brow raised. "Did you do something you aren't proud of Nathan?"She asked a bit concerned. Yeah, she was supposed to punish anyone who broke the rules, but Nathan wasn't acting like himself. "Nathan.....did something happen?" She asked, morphing the Rapier back to its tiny shapeless form and slipped it back in her pouch. She approached him slowly, hands raised.

"I'm not going to attack okay. Promise."She smiled, hoping that would assure him. Even without a weapon Nathan would still fight her no matter what. "You're not acting like your usual self Nathan. You more..well...wittier..and sarcastic towards me. And..well...mean to me...sometimes."
"L-Look...Just something happened recently I'm not proud of okay..." He put a hand to his head. "Dammit. I know I'm supposed to hate the two of you, and then there is that third angel...Dammit I don't know where that one went to. I'm supposed to kill the three of you but so far the only ones I see are you two. I'm supposed to hate you and try to kill you, not feel sorry enough to do something like THAT." He still wasn't being clear with himself and he was obviously feeling shame. "Fuck...Just fuck..." He murmured, obviously disturbed and he shook his head. "Okay...Okay whatever...It happened and I don't know what she's planning...But it may work in my favor..." He still didn't seem to be talking to her directly and more out loud to himself. "L-Look Amelia...You need to be careful around Yasibel...God dammit I don't know why I'm telling you this. It could work for my favor to take over this world, but I still feel so fucking guilty for something like this. Just...Be careful. Yasibel forced some information out of me and she said something about blackmailing you..."
She got out of bed and yawned, slipping into some new clothing for the day. She switched into some jeans and a tanktop, going for normal clothing for the day. She sighed, thinking about maybe going to check on Nathan...he always did prefer Amelia to herself...Her plans would be dust if he revealed too much. She closed her eyes and searched for Amelia's essence, furrowing her brow when she wasn't on the campus..."Where are you..." She spent another minute of searching, spreading out a larger radius and finally found her, a while away and by the river. There was a familiar one next to her.."GOD DAMNIT!" She yelled out, already anticipating what that turn coat would be saying. She grabbed her flail and quickly summoned her power, teleporting herself across the campus to the river. She appeared in a puff of smoke about a couple dozen feet from the couple, and she scowled at Nathan. "Whatever he has told was a lie." She tried to say this as confidently as she could, though her anger made the lie stand out a bit more.
Amelia listened, though it wasn't making sense. He was reacting stragely, fresaking out more than anything. Was he scared? And guilty? "What did you say? What happened, your not making sense."She demanded, stopping herself from approaching any further. She didn't want him to overreact to her closeness.

"Nathan, what-"She stopped upon hearing Yasibel's name and involvement. "Be careful. Nathan, what did you do?"She demanded. She wasn't sure what he told Yasibel, but it seemed to tear him up from the inside. He truly felt guilty. "Whatever you told Yasibel, it can't work to her advantage-"Unless he knows about her love for Mr. Squiggles, her gold fish. She would do anything for that little goldfish. No, he couldn't know, so what. " Oh Nathan, you're stronger than this. How could you have-" She stopped, feeling a strong presence and turned, seeing the woman who in a sense, hurt Nathan.

"The lie is fresh on your tongue Yasibel. You were never a good liar. I've told you before that you shouldn't let your anger get the best of you, it always seemed to reveal your true intentions. Now, what did you do to Nathan?"She demanded, slipping her hand into her pouch and took out Kindness, transforming it into two silver and purple medium sized Chakrams.
(Okay the post order is Me, Felixia, then Lust. I'm editting this post for my actual post, but I just wanted to establish the post order until one of us leaves for the night.)

Nathan frowned as he saw Yasibel's sudden appearance and he almost fell into the river. He bit his lip. He knew the fact that she knew something that Amelia did to Nathan was just a weak little tidbit of information, but what was just really killing him on the inside was that he was working with the enemy, without even having to have been deceived into having helped. He did it out of guilt and he felt like he got played into a trap. "Yasibel knows about...our little fun, Amelia...What we did...She said she wanted to blackmail you with it...But I don't think that will actually hurt you...Yes...Thats right...Publicity hurting you won't actually hurt you..." He seemed to try to justify it to himself. If Amelia wasn't physically hurt, then he wouldn't have worried about it. He was overthinking and overreacting.

His sudden posture straightened up and his eyes turned to a glare. "Yes...I can't believe I was just being so guilty to do this and react this way. Tch...Moment of weakness..." He shook his head. "Dammit. I still don't have my weapons. Look...I'm uh...Just gonna...walk you two continue to fight, and I'll just...walk away and 'attend' classes." He began to tiptoe away, hoping not to be drawn into the fight somehow. Weaponless, he'd probably die multiple times.
(I passed out, sorry )

Despite her anger, she blushed hard and swallowed, "Nothing...we did nothing." Clearly a lie but it was all she could say, not wanting to reveal her weakness at being lonely. She started to spin her flail next to her, seeing Amelia getting ready to throw. "We didn't do anything...I just...persuaded, Nathan to tell me some things. Mainly your sexual abuse of him." She smirked a little, which quickly turned into a frown when she heard Nathan saying it would work. "Well...let him in my pants for nothing then.." She muttered, hopefully low enough that Amelia didn't hear. "Stay there Nathan." She barked, anger at him raising again. Her plan might of died on the spot, but at least she could work out her frustration on him body for awhile. "Amelia...don't worry about it."
((Sorry. Had things to do.))

Amelia simple tilted her head to the side, confused. "Use...what I did to Nathan as a means for blackmail?"She said, sounding a bit awed. Since when is giving a person a foot job considered a means of using it against the person? She honestly didn't know."Oh now Yasi darling, it wasn't really abuse since he liked it and it was a method of punishment, since you at times don't give these Dead Souls their proper judgement whenever they break the rules."She smirked. "But Yasi, if you were jealous of me giving Nathan such attention, why didn't you just say so." She saw movement and looked at Nathan. "Ah, ah, ah. tsk, tsk. Nathan, running away. Honestly. A little beating never hurt anyone that much. It's not like you can die."She had the nerve to laugh.

"Now, since you think that I sexually abused Nathan, is it safe to say you did the same to him. Sexual influence in order to get the info you wanted. What you thought by gaining such info and using it against me is beyond me. Oh, Yasibel, if you want attention, "She gave her a sultry smile, "I'll be happy to give it to you if you want?"

Turning to Nathan, she frowned. "And Nathan? Did you honestly think that using this would gain you something. You can't kill me no matter how hard you try, so please, give your intentions. Why don't you focus in behaving and hopefully getting into Heaven, yes?"
"Because Heaven doesn't deserve me!" He said angrily. "This world will be mine for the taking. A world where I can't die. A world where I can control the natural order. I can make this my personal heaven...The only thing stopping me is that I don't have the powers that you two have, and I haven't exactly killed either of you yet." He continued to step back some until his heel was barely hanging off the rocky ledge. His heel was so close to the river that he cold feel the water touch against it as he tried to distance himself between the two of them. He wasn't really looking forward to a fight with two angels. He couldn't even beat one with a group of people. He figured he'd stray from this battle. Sure, he couldn't die. But the pain was still there.

"So...I'm just going to take off...Okay? I don't want the two of you to get me cau-" His words were cut off as his foot slipped and he fell in the water. He struggled to stay up, flailing his arms as he thrashed about wildly and comically as the river slowly took him with the current. "Ack! Hey! Don't just sit there! Save me! I can't fucking swim!" He went under more times than one and his voice would be drowned out with gurgles as water kept flooding into his mouth. "Heeeeeelp!"

(Its okay. I'm sorry if I was a nuisance to you. :[ )
Her face flushed crimson when she heard Amelia's offer and opened, closed, opened again, and then closed again her mouth. She looked like a gasping fish and that's all she could do, stunned by the offer, and never even thinking of it before. Her attention was returned when she heard Nathan's yells for help. She shook her head, her hair flailing all over and she jogged over to the edge. "How have you not learned to swim yet? I haven't killed you that way yet?" She shrugged and swung her flail around, the chain connecting the head to the handle extending, and she swung it, sending it into the water and making an anchor. "Grab the chain!" She yelled out, using her increased strength to stand in place. She turned back to Amelia, sure in her abilities, and asked, hesitantly. "Umm, thank you...for the offer I mean...maybe....I will take you up on it." As she finished, she blushed again.
"And you don't deserve this world Nathan."She said to him plain and simple. He can die, everything and everyone could, even Yasibel and Amelia themselves. Sighing, she shook her head, wondering what she was going to do with this Dead Soul. He refused to listen to reason. Perhaps she ought to tie him up somewhere and leave him until he learned a lesson or something, but she doubted that would work. He was a hard headed little thing. Maybe Yasibel could be of help...if..she decided to help that is.

Looking up, he watched as he tried to get away. "Oh come now Nathan, running away are-"She stopped, watching as he fell into the river, his body being carried away by the current. "Oh dear."She simple said, watching as Yasibel swung her flail, watching it extend and hit the water, yelling at Nathan to grab a hold of it. Looking at the woman, she saw her cheeks flushed and then heard her thank you. Amelia smiled sweetly." Anytime you need anything Yasibel, just ask. I'll be happy to give you some of my time and attention."Giving her another smile, she turned to Nathan, watching as the fool flailed about. "Grab the damn thing Nathan.Honestly. Doesn't know how to swim. So sad."
Once Nathan would be on land once more, he seemed to just lay there as if he drowned after grabbing ahold of the flail. "Hate...Hate swimming..." He said gently as water leaked from his mouth until he was back to normal. He sat up and looked to the two of them. "I deserve this world just as much as anyone. I will make this my paradise..." He said as he stood up and began to wring out his clothes. "I'll do what I can to take this world for my own...You all can kill me as many times as you want until the point you guys just want to obliterate my soul...But I will never rest until I am...until I am credited as a human being for my work...!" He said angrily before storming off down the riverbank, angry as he headed back to his dorm room to leave the two girls to do whatever they wanted.
She shrugged and willed her flail back to normal size, before dismissing it altogether. She then turned to Amelia and looked her up and down, biting her lower lip. "Well, that's settled, and his tempter has been cooled for a little while...mind if I take you up on that offer now?" She walked over to stand next to the other Angel and held out her hand, not knowing were she would take them. "After this'm sure we both deserve a little relaxation." She giggled a little, cheeks blushed and flaring red.
Amelia could only tilt her head, listening to Nathan. Poor thing. The last thing Amelia wanted to do was obliterate him. He was rather innocent and lovely to be around with. His determination was something Amelia couldn't really break from him. Sighing, she looked over Yasibel, wondering what the woman thought of all of this.

Looking up, Amelia caught the woman looking at her. She blushed a bit, then smiled. "I doubt his temper is that cooled down.I guess giving him a few moments while we.....enjoy ourselves wouldn't hurt." She smirked, moving behind Yasibel, her arms lifting and wrapping around Yasi's waist. She pushed the girl's breasts up a bit with her arms and smiled, leaning close and pressed her lips to her ear. "Should I make love to you here, by the river? Or perhaps in your bed, where my scent can linger and remind you of what I did to your body?" She asked, nibbling Yasi's earlobe playfully.
When he arrived to his dorm room, Nathan sat there in a daze as he just laid there on the bed, silent and thinking over everything. He felt like he would never be able to...achieve what he wanted. To be credited. To be known for doing something unbelievably good to make his afterlife seem meaningful. He sighed as he clutched the covers of the bed and sighed softly as he closed his eyes and tried to think of what to do. Should he stay? What was the point of it all? Why would he want to stay anyway...He knew it was nothing more than just a pipe dream. He could not kill Yasibel or Amelia, no matter how hard he tried. Why would he even bother? He stayed silent as he tried to figure out what his next course of action would be. Would it be to continue fighting...or to just attend classes seriously until he obliterates and lets this all be over with...forever?
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