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A white winter

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Jun 28, 2009
Years had passed since the children first entered the kingdom of narnia and stole her destiny from her.. Jadis was tired of hiding from those wretched children the kings and queens of Narnia. She escaped the last battle with barley a pittance of her army no more then a few ogres and goblins to protect her. In her exile a plan of revenge had grown until she was sure that she could not only kill the children but make them untouchable to Aslan. She smiled wondering what it would be like to age. The idea of getting old infuriated her, but unless she could rule she saw little point in going on.

“You’re majesty the children are well protected” she wanted to strike the small man but that would only give him what he wanted.

“The tunnel is done I don’t care how many there are they can not watch them ate every moment” she smiled as she ran her finger through her long stands of hair.

A dozen goblins labored under heavy sacks of dirt slowly she licked her lips picturing the defiled bodies of Aslan’s precious children. A goblin slipped on a patch of ice and slid across the floor into a pool of steaming water. Hot far too hot she could only imagine the lithe bodies of Eve’s daughters and Adams son under a full sun. she shivered again picturing the same children locked in blocks of ice.

how young they were when they first entered the kingdom so small a weak she had been wrong to underestimate them. She watched the goblin and thought how easily Edmond had fallen into her grasp only to slip free. His love of Turkish delights persisted to this day, that much her spies had informed her.

“We have arrived” Informed a goblin who barley came to her waist he looked so friendly dressed in blue and white.

The queen pushed past him eager to be the first to capture the children and defile the purity Aslan so loved in them. She wondered how old they were for her time was only a way to measure her failure she had no fear of aging.

“Come out come out Edmond I have some Turkish twist fo you” in one hand she held her whit staff in the other her sword.

“Find them and bring them to me” she demanded of the first creature to pop itss head through the hole in the floor.
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