Escape From New York Again (aprilmay & Snape)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Snake Plissken

Snake sat in the back of the police truck as they drove him to yet another facility, it was the same routine as the last two times he had been caught. The man knew damn well he was going to be conned into doing another stealth mission by someone but of course he wouldn't know who until he got to where he was going. When the truck stopped he listened as the door up front opened then slammed shut, he heard the footsteps of the driver as he made his way to the back of the truck to let Snake out. The doors opened and Snake stepped out of the truck, the cuffs on his wrists rather tight. He looked at the line of officers that had their guns pointed at him and glared. The man stayed silent as they walked him into a large building, when inside he was led to an office. A man of no younger then 40 stood before him, the look on his face told Snake he had something on his mind.

"Hello Plissken funny we should meet again, I have another offer for you" ,the man stated.

Snake looked at him as he grabbed a cigarette from a pack that was on the table and lit it. "Bob Hauk, it's a pleasure" ,he replied sarcastically. "So how to you want me to risk my life this time"?

Hauk let out a small laugh before he spoke, "Well Plissken...." ,"Call me Snake" ,Snake interrupted before taking a drag of his cigarette. Hauk looked at him sternly knowing the man was playing games. "The secretary of defense's chopper ran out of fuel and they had to make an emergency landing while transporting a remote control to one of America's hidden weapons, it's a nuke and if that remote is activated and that button is pressed we all die" ,Hauk told him.

"Yeah and what's the problem"? Snake asked.

"The problem is the chopper mad the emergency landing in New York you know the prison, the place is crawling with crazies that would just love to get their hands on that remote they've all got nothing to lose and wouldn't think twice about killing us all, luckily the remote is in a locked steel briefcase so we have some time, I need you to go in there and get the secretary of defense and that briefcase out" ,Hauk told him.

"Yeah what's in it for me"? Snake asked.

"Well for one I won't send you to prison and two you'll be paid a half a million dollars upon delivery of the secretary and the briefcase" ,Hauk replied.

"I'll think about it"....

"There's no time"....

"But you just said we have some time"....

"Are you in or out Snake"?

"I'm thinking about it"....

After a little while Snake finally agreed, he figured it was better then being put in prison and he had a chance at some cash, plus he had been there briefly before and had an idea of what he'd be dealing with. Snake was led to a room where he was given some weapons and other things he would need before being taken into another room where a man in a lab coat stood. Snake turned and looked at Hauk.

"I ain't falling for your shit again, if that asshole even comes near me with a needle or anything to inject me I'll break his neck I'm not stupid I remember what happened last time, this time you'll just have to trust me" ,he stated angrily.

"No worries Plissken"....

"Call me Snake"....

"We're not going to inject you with anything this time but we are going to equip you with these" ,Hauk opened a case that contained ten darts and a small gun. "These Plissken are lethal darts they contain a poison in them that immobilizes the body before slowly killing the person they've been shot into, there for when you need to be quiet and can't shoot your guns, use them wisely".

After Snake was equipped with everything he needed he was led to a small glider much like the one he flew in with before. He climbed into the cockpit and was sent into the prison. He landed it on top of the world trade center and stepped out. It felt like deja vu being here again as he stepped into the elevator and rode it down. When he got outside onto the streets he ran into a group of about five guys, they all looked at him as they walked in circles around him. Snake stood calmly until one of the guys tried to grab for his gun, Snake grabbed his hand and snapped broke his arm at the elbow which triggered the other guys to come at him. He started firing his gun then made a run for it when he seen more people walk out of some of the buildings around him.

After about ten minutes of running he found himself in an alleyway hidden from everyone who had been following him. Snake leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette, he kept himself on gaurd just in case anyone found him.

Maggie stood in the alley way, she couldn't believe her eyes, she got that warm feeling again, she was such a sucker for him. Her long skirt protected her from the night air, but her barely there top was not doing much to hide her big breasts and hard nipples, she smiled that wry smile. "so Snake, what brings you to this part of town" she said as she watched him turn, his eyes wide as he took her in, she could tell his heavy breathing wasn't from seeing her.

"Come through here, it's safe from the crazies, they don't know this way" she said as she pushed open a panel in the otherwise seemingly brick wall and led him into a small room where she had been hiding since the last time they saw each other. It hadn't been long when she was collected up and dropped back in the middle of NY. She had eventually found a safe place to hide and survive, but not before some rough times. She wanted to get away again, that was clear, and she was happy to do it with Snake.
Snake turned and looked at the woman, she still looked as good as she always did, "Hey Maggie how you been holding up"? He asked while giving her a quick once over. "I'm here on a mission, apparently another government asshole got themselves stuck here with an important piece of hardware and of course they send me to come in and get it" ,he said answering her question. He took a drag of his cigarette and blew it out slowly. He watched as the woman pushed open the panel and followed her through it, he was kinda glad he had run into her Maggie knew her way around this shithole and she would prove useful on his mission.

"So how'd you end up back in this place? Seems like you have a thing for trouble" ,Snake stated a small smile playing on his lips. "Have you heard anything about a chopper landing in here, the government asshole I'm looking for was inside it"?
Sitting back on a sofa, she crossed her legs, looking up after they got inside. "sit down, relax, we're safe in here" she said. "yeah, I always pick the wrong guy, you should know that, anyway, the last one was a fed and well, here I am, and not holding up as well as I'd like. She said, recalling how rough the last year had been.

"Yeah, I heard about it, it didn't crash, and the guys that have it aren't as ... kind .. as the last bunch you dealt with. They don't really like.. anyone" she smiled. "they have some egg head that convinced them there was something on the chopper that was valuable and would get them everything they wanted, problem is, it's in the middle of central park, and there's a turf war over who claims it."

"I know some guys, but, well what's in it for me?" she said casually, she knew he would know she always got something out of the deals she made.
Snake took another drag off of his cigarette before sitting down on the sofa, he blew the smoke out slowly then looked over at the woman while she spoke. "Why aren't you holding up so well? Last time I was here you seemed to have it pretty made with Harold" ,he said in response to the woman.

" if the last bunch weren't enough, I don't expect anyone to be kind after all I won't be and I don't like anyone either so this should get interesting" ,he paused for a moment to take another drag off of his cigarette. "So there's people fighting over this thing huh? That should make things a little easier on me, if these clowns are focused on war then I'll just have to sneak past them, as for what's in it for you I'll take you out of here with me when I leave. do you know if these crazies are armed if so what are they armed with"?
"well, the last few groups I ran into weren't as interested in me as.. well a person, lets say" she said, trying to focus, "it's going to be more than just a trip out, I'll need some start up cash on the outside" she watched him, trying to read how much she could get, he was always a hard read, that's what made him interesting to her.

"they have mostly the usual stuff, not much for guns, mostly your normal melee weapons and well, they have fashioned crossbows out of old car leaf springs and they are pretty powerful, and snake, Their good with them, better than I've seen in a long time" she said, looking concerned, he knew she had seen a lot, so her words didn't come lightly to him she was sure. "there is a way in undetected, but getting what you want out, might be a different story"
"I may have some cash for you to get you on your feet but what's in it for me"? He returned the question. "How do I benefit from getting you out and paying you off"? He knew she was his guide around the city but he never planned on running into her in the first place so he wasn't sure if the offer was worth it just yet. It all depended on how well everything went and how quickly they could get out of there. "Do you have any connections in this place? People who may be able to help out, I need to know if we're alone in this, who to watch out for and who not to kill".

He took the last drag off of his cigarette then put it out, "Crossbows huh? After LA I'm not too scared of crossbows, they'll have to spot me before they can shoot me and even if they did spot me they'd have to be quick enough" ,he stated. In LA the people had guns and explosives and there were a lot of crazies over there gunning for him. After he had shut the world's power supply off he thought he would never be in this situation again but unfortunately for him some scientist used solar powered generators to fix everything and then they went on the hunt for him again finding him near NY and that's why he was there now.
"you know I still know a few people, and I know the city better than most, certainly better than you" she smiled, as she looked him over, "I can get you in touch with some friends, but it won't be cheap, I still owe a few favors around, and it's been difficult keeping the .. uhm.. creditors off my doorstep, so to speak."

She smiled weakly. Watching as he sat there thinking. She would never understand him, maybe that's why she found him so desirable, he wasn't like the other men who wanted her body or to use her. He really only wanted to finish his goals, and get out, which was fine with her, she wanted out, maybe worse then he did.
"Good point" ,he said in response to her statement about knowing the city better then he did. "So I guess if you help me find this asshole and get us out then it's a fair trade huh"? He looked at her with a bit of a glare, "What do you mean by creditors and favors? Don't put me in any unnecessary danger Maggie" ,he stated calmly. "I've already got enough bullshit to deal with".

He leaned back and pulled another cigarette from his pocket and lit it with a match. "So where do we head first? Who are your connections? And how can they benefit us"?
"well first we'll need to get to Central Park" Maggie said as she walked to the otherside of the small room, the room left little for privacy "I'll change into something better for what comes next. We'll have to take the subway, it's too populated these days above ground, and I don't have the connections I used too"

She slipped her skirt down, revealing her round firm ass, her thong a purple lacey thing matched her low cut top perfectly. She pulled out a pair of leather shorts and slipped them on, they were tight on her ass, and she turned sitting down to pull on a pair of knee high boots.

"I havn't had it easy, there have been people who helped me, and I have had to do things I wasn't proud of, but it's been better lately, at least around here, but to get through the tunnels, we'll have the underground dwellers to deal with, mostly meek, but there are random groups of predetors. Nothing you can't handle I'm sure.
Snake watched as she changed, even though the woman was beautiful he still had a task he needed to complete and couldn't think about anything else. He listened as she spoke and took a drag off of it, he blew the smoke out slowly as he sat and watched the woman get ready. "A woman like you I thought would have all the connections she needed" ,he stated taking another drag off of his cigarette.

"Sorry to hear that" ,Snake stated in response to her statement about not having it easy. "I haven't had it easy either can't say I had to do anything I'm ashamed of but it hasn't necessarily been a walk in the park for me either" ,he took another large drag of his cigarette before standing up. He leaned his gun against his shoulder and looked at the woman again. "Central Park huh? What's there? As for predators I don't think they'll be much of a threat to me especially if they live underground, what weapons can they possibly have".
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