Corruption of the two Fighters (Friendly Alien & TheladyRosen)

Friendly Alien

Jan 13, 2009
The Underhives where like a labyrinth of mazes, tunnels and rooms that lead to dark ends, no-ends, and more often than not they lead into other even more intricate open spaces or narrow tunnels. Sometimes these tunnels collapses ages ago, or where on the verge of doing at this very moment. Putrid and polluted water trickled down from cracks in the ceilings, no doubt waste-water from factories or purification plants on the higher levels. The thumping of machinery couldn't be heard due to the level after level of plasteel that severed any and all contact between the Underhive and all other parts of the massive Hive City.
All kinds of people, and sometimes not even technically people, made this their home. Banished citizens was a common sight, mutants also common. Sometimes even stable strains of mutants could be found, but those where either avoided or hunted down just as fiercely as the common mutated creature that stalked these tunnels. More often than not they made their own communities. Often imitations of the society above, or just the crude assumptions of what it would be like. But truly, the most common was the strong ruler commanding his subjects who huddled together with hopes of protection from the other horrors of the Underhive.
And sometimes... Some communities strayed away into even more debases ways of life. Cults would arise that worshipped illegal denominations of Emperor worship, but it was just as common to find covens of heretics that gave their devotion to far more insidious deities. Khorne for the murderers, Tzeentch for the cast out that read too much or the far too politically involved, Nurgle for the sick that prayed for his protection and blessings... Then there was Slaanesh. She-WHo-Thirsts, the Dark God of pain, pleasure, vanity and excess. It was the terrifying effort of these cultist and their co-operation that nearly brought the entire Hive down on its knees. Rebellion was in the air, but with the aid of the Sisters of Battle, Space Marines and the Imperial Guard was the revolt pushed down to whence it came.

The fighting was fierce though. Both sides engaged in hit-and-run attacks, attrition warfare and massed assaults on key positions. Sadly, there would be casualties as it was the inevitable consequence from war. Some died fighting, some died from ailments caused by wounds or disease. Others would be taken captive. The Imperium executed the traitors and the heretics, while the dark forces didn't always just settled with merely killing their victims. One Imperial Guardsman and one Sister of Battle would experience this first hand. Both had been knocked unconscious in the thickest fighting and been dragged away. Undressed and tied up, the found themselves next to each other and facing a large bonfire.
They where in some large chamber. Tapestries and banners hung on the walls, depicting cruel images, sexually charged images and some just outright bizarre and impossible to deduce their meanings unless you would have had some deep insights in the workings of the insane mind.
They where surrounded by robed characters, their faces partly lit up by the licking lights of the fire. All beautiful women in their prime, it would seem. All smiling. All of their eyes set on these two women, who where propped up to their knees and facing the fire. Ample bosoms and thin waists where easy to spot through the pink and purple robes that did little to masquerade their figures. It seemed to be a ceremonial garb, hardly serving any practical function. There seemed to be a dozen or more of these women, or presumably all were women at least, and everyone of them had their eyes on these naked captives. It was predatory eyes, admiring eyes and sultry eyes that glued themselves on the duo's bodies.

Then, one of them moved. She walked to the opposite of the bonfire, and she was mostly obscure by the flames and burning wood, but there was enough free sight to make out that she was raising her arms above her head, and looking to the tall, clothed ceiling. Judging from her arms alone, she seemed to have a beautiful alabaster complexion. Her voice was beautiful as well, like that of a singing bird voicing herself for the entire world to hear. In reality, this wicked cultist intended for one specific being to hear her.

"Oooh, Slaanesh! Oooh, Dark Prince! We give you these two as sacrifice to you! Have their bodies, have their minds, have their souls... As we take them in your name, as we take them for you... as we take then in the name of pleasure and delight!"

And then the entire crowd, their eyes still locked on the vulnerable pair, began to grin impish grins. They all knew what that meant, and they had been waiting long enough to satisfy themselves.
RE: Corruption of the two Fights (Friendly Alien & TheladyRosen)

Corporal Jesse Rosen and Battle Sister Erena both woke about the same time, groaning from the painful blows they'd taken to their heads. Erena, being much more hardened by her trials as a Sister of Battle, and the much more intense physical training she'd received, was the first to gain full awareness of their situation. She found herself completely stripped, her well honed body glistening from sweat in the heat of the nearby bonfire. She was very well toned, but lithe and curvaceous, possessing a dangerous beauty that was common among the Sisters of Battle. Her stark white hair hung down to her shoulders, and her white lips grimaced as she recognized the master of their captors. Their colors, their sexually themed decorations, the general beauty of their members, all were clear signs of the Lord of Excess.

"By the...what the hell!?" Jesse Rosen exclaimed, just now shaking off the dizziness and realizing her lack of garments. "Who the fuck are you people!? By the Emperors Blades I demand you let us go!" She was furious, casting curses at them and invoking the name of the Adeptas Astartes chapter her brother had been recruited into. This surprised Erena, and gave her a little hope. With another believer, maybe they had a chance of fighting their way free. She looked over the Guardswoman with interest, trying to gauge her abilities. She was larger than Erena, well built, her body honed from either a hard upbringing, or diligent training under the Guard. However she still possessed an exotic beauty, she would have fit right into the Sisters if she had the drive. Her short red hair and fair complexion made her assume she hailed from one of the colder worlds, perhaps Valhalla. And the sweat profusely running down her well toned skin proved the assumption.

"Calm yourself soldier. They will not listen to you. Their minds are twisted by their false gods." Erena said plainly, searching the room calmly for some means of escape.

"Easy for you to say! I have to..." Erena cast a harsh glare to the Guardswoman, and she fell silent, took a deep breath, and collected herself. "I am sorry Battle sister. I forget myself. Find us a way out of this, and I am at your disposal." Erena smiled, not warmly, but pleased. There was potential in this woman. Perhaps if they escaped she would put in a Word of Recommendation for the Ordo Hereticus to consider recruiting her. But when she heard the Cult leaders prayer she grimaced. Their intentions were foul indeed. They may survive this, but not without losing something to the great demon god.

"Steel yourself Guardswoman. They intend to use us to satisfy their god. Resist them if you can, but save your strength for escape." She took a few deep breaths. "Whatever they do to us, we shall repay ten-fold in the name of the Emperor." Jesse looked at her with a moment of fear in her eyes.

"I....yes Battle Sister...I will do my best. For the Emperor." Jesse gritted her teeth and waited for the cultist to make their attempt. She would not be easily taken, not by these heretics.
RE: Corruption of the two Fights (Friendly Alien & TheladyRosen)

As her initial prayer was done, the leader of this cult lowered her arms with lithe grace. She set her eyes on her 'sacrifice' again, and began to slowly trace around the fire. Her naked feet slowly and elegantly set themselves in front of the other, her hips swayed side-to-side and the hints of luscious hair moving in her hood could be seen. Standing next to the Sister of Battle, she breathed one large breath in to her chest, accenting her ample bosom, then she sighed her warm breath out. It hit the fierce fighter in the face, and even her breath had the scent of musky perfume. It was very pleasant, if one could ever believe such a thing.

"Oh, how you fight for such a lost cause." She smiled, reached with her almost delicate looking hand to stroke the cheek of her white haired prisoner. "My god is real, have no doubt. Hmhm, he's even more real than your god." Oh, she knew that this would agitate the woman. The ultimate goal was, of course, to corrupt her but... Why not have a little fun before then?

Another of the robed women went for the Guardsman, flanking her essentially. She stood by her side, and smiled as she bit her lit. Giggling, she stood very close to the naked captive, enough so that the robes would touch her hip and arm. A very gentle hand moved down and fingers stroked through her hair, almost comforting the poor thing. "Don't cry, it's not so bad. We'll... try and make you as comfortable as possible. Just relax." Giving the Corporal a pat on the head, she reached with both of her hands to her hood. Pulling it behind her head, this cultist revealed an amazing wad of red, curly hair. Beauty almost radiated around her, and she gently shook her head as to spread her locks over her clothed shoulders. Looking down with a smile, she began to pant when her left hand reached down over herself, slowly stroking her sides and stomach until... She grabbed a very large bulge on her crotch.

And then the rest began to move in closer.
RE: Corruption of the two Fights (Friendly Alien & TheladyRosen)

"Get away from me heathen!" Erena growled as the cultist leader exhaled a heavy breath in her face. It had a pleasant smell, musky, but pleasant. "And keep your vile breath to yourself!" She shifted her face away violently, causing her firm breasts to bounce with the motion. And she tried to bite her when the cultist stroked her face and insulted her God. "My god sleeps! But he is very real. And your pathetic gods didn't dare enter our world while he was awake fiend!" She grinned viciously. Her faith was strong, and well instructed. "Cowardice is the only trait your gods can really boast..."

"I will not cry for anyone! Not for you or your gods! Do your worst!" Jesse exclaimed in retort to the gorgeous redhead who was brushing up against her. She was strong, but not as strong as the sister. She didn't like the idea of being touched by these fiends, much less anything more. And their intent was painfully obvious when the cultist began stroking the bulge beneath her robes. As the rest closed in, the two women could easily see similar bulges beneath all their clothes. " this dark magic?"

"Yes. Foul sorcery of Slaanesh." She suspected their beauty was also false, engineered for the God of Excess's enjoyment. For his glory, they were given male genitalia. She-who-thirsts enjoyed many dark vices, but the corruption and manipulation of desires was at the forefront of Slaanesh's agenda. She'd seen this before. Similar cults enjoyed capturing females and using them for their pleasures, often keeping them for years to breed and swell their numbers. "Stay strong Guardswoman. They can defile our bodies, but our faiths will purify us in the end."

" name is Corporal Jesse Rosen. And....I will try Sister..." Jesse could only try to be as strong as the white haired beauty beside her.

"...Erena. And that is all the Emperor asks of you."
The leader gasped dramatically when she was nipped by the Sister. Her hands recoiled, and she left it dangling next to her own face and she gave the most faux insulted expression she could muster. "You bit me!" Then she grit her teeth into a snarl and backhanded the woman across the same cheek she had tried to caress. There was a loud clap when the back of her hand smacked the woman. "You dog!"
Then she realized she was actually breathing a little heavier than before. She shook her head gently and licked her full and painted lips with seductive grace. "Oh, it looks like we have ourselves a biter here, girls!" A few muffled giggles came from the crowd surrounding them. The leader then began to grab her own robes and pull them over her head, revealing at first her beautiful legs and knees. Her skin was pale all over, almost like fine marble. Then the strange sight of a massive member came into the faithful Sister's view that really stuck out in more ways than one.

It was massive! A thick and meaty cock dangled down between her thighs, and a stretched and heavy ballsack stood just behind it, further shoving the penis forward as her legs were held together. A thin stomach with a jewel pierced bellybutton came next, which was soon followed by a magnificent pair of D-cup breasts. The woman's slick and black hair rested against her shoulders once the robe was discarded. Then she began to trace around the Sister, moving behind her. A few words that seemed just as much as a threat as a warning reached her ears. "I'll make this Imperial dog my little bitch before the night. Mark my words, my Prince."

The rest began to disrobe as well at the cue of the leader. All had amazing figures. Hourglass shapes, great breasts, handsome faces, beautiful hair, firm rears... and male organs the size of the most glorifying and exaggerating pornographic literature. The almost cute redhead next to the Guardswoman was quick to remove her own clothing, and she was no less ample and endowed than the leader. She was however more erect, and the slick, purple head had already passed the foreskin. She was panting and visibly excited. She left her left hand wander down to her member, which she began to stroke gently in front of the captive's face. The musk was strong to behold, and she hoped it would be. It wasn't unwashed, but the smell... was that of pure sex. Strong and virile.

Her right hand then slowly, almost gently and carefully stroked the hair of the bound and kneeling woman. "I hope that you don't bite... Erena." And then she smiled. It was not the smile of a rapist ready to assault a victim... but more that of a careful young woman at her first sexual encounter, but she was still eager to experience the joys of the flesh. She stepped closer, and it would be impossible to evade the almost 9 inch long and 2 inch wide slab of meat heading for Erena's mouth.
Erena smiled at first when her teeth found flesh. But she grunted when the cultist swiftly backhanded her in response. It wasn't that painful especially considering what she'd gone through in basic training and her trials, so she took it with a grin. To her dismay however, the woman did not seem dissuaded....rather enticed by her resistance. The look she had on her face when she licked her lips was that of arousal, and desire. Even biting would not stay their intent, pity. She steeled herself, keeping her back straight and chin up, not allowing them to see weakness. And then they started to disrobe.

"By the emperor..." Corporal Rosen whispered. The cultists were beautiful, beyond words and comparison. It was the work of their god, given unsurpassed beauty that could shake the hardiest of believers. Even Erena could not completely deny the attraction their perfectly sculpted bodies evoked, nor the heat in the pit of her belly that rose at the sight of their incredible genitalia. Jesse was much less strong, and she shifted uncomfortably as her cheeks began to flush. Their cocks were bigger than anything they'd experienced. Neither were virgins, but Erena had been celibate since joining the Adeptas Sororitas, and Corporal Rosen was used to the average package of the occasional guardsman.

"Stay strong Guardswoman..." Erena said with the throbbing cock inches from her face. It's musk was potent, most certainly an aphrodisiac in its own right. She tried not to breath it in, however could not succeed in doing so. So close to her face, its smell, its sight alone was overwhelming. So thick and meaty. "We will be...purified when we survive...I promise.." Her words were sincere, but they were tinted with the uncontrollable arousal she was trying so very hard to subdue.

"I...yes...sister." Rosen sounded beaten already. Rape at the hands of these cultists was not something she could just power through, and being surrounded by so many inhumanely beautiful creatures, her will was waning fast. However she did her best. Unfortunately Erena could not support her any longer as the redheads cock hit her lips. She kept them closed, but that did not stop precum from being smeared over her mouth as she tried to avoid it. Jesse watched with a mix of horror and desire, they were so big, a part of her wondered how it tasted, while the other wished she could drive a combat knife through the woman's spine.
The redhead who began as a shy little thing with a body that truly testified against her demeanour began to show some signs of aggressiveness tendencies when her hand touched the head of the guardswoman. She panted slowly when the slick head slowly pushed itself from one corner of her lips to the other. She found every little thing about that touch exhilarating, even the feel of the smooth fronts of her teeth seemed to spur her on. She raised her chin somewhat, closed her eyes gently and let out a muffled murmur. Standing to her immediate left, she didn't exactly point her organ into the bound woman's mouth. She seemed to be tracing it to and fro across her lips when her pelvis began to move. Gently though, she used her fingers to wipe away any strands of her that was in Serena's face and looked down into her eyes with a shaking smile forming on her lips at the same time as her veined shaft began to stroke across the kneeling woman's lips to the point that they were forced apart.

"Mmmmm," the woman let out a muffled moan, clearly enjoying this almost harmless gesture all things considered. "Kiss me, Jesse." She continued to smile, and hoped the use of her name would help grease the gears, so to speak.
The woman now behind Erena was not inclined to be gentle, however. The Emperor-whore might have been proud and stoic, but that wasn't going to save her cunny from her assault. The leader of the cultists put one hand on the back of Erena's neck and pushed her forward. She was deceptively strong and managed to push her further than one might initially suspect, but it was all up to how prepared she was and how adamant she was to resist that would decide just how far she went down... Or how much it hurt when her face hit the ground. Either way, it would not change the end result. Holding her engorged cock with her left free hand, she began to crouch behind the white haired, muscled and fit beauty. A very hot, and only slightly slick cock began to trace down the crack of her ass, and with a violent and rough descent she could feel that monstrosity grinding against her slit.
She chuckled with a wide grin before she grit her teeth and grunted out her forceful entry. She made it a point to get at least a few inches more than the head inside of her as fast as possible, and it was so successful that the outside of Erena's sex went inside of her due to the hard and relatively dry penetration. "Ah yes..." She let out a hiss at the same time as she let the hand on Erena's neck trace down her trimmed back, then snake around her side before clutching just under her right breast, holding on to her body with both hands as her right hand grabbed on to her hips. "We are going to have so much fun together, you and I." And she lied. She only intended for herself to enjoy that moment, and she would enjoy it as much as possible. For Slaanesh.
And the others thought the same, especially the woman approaching the leader who held her own massive cock alluringly close to her face. Not being so greedy or selfish, she wrapped her full lips around her acolyte and let out a loud groan as she showed her entire 'class' how it was done. Her cheeks indented with the amount of suction she applied.
Jesse let out a beleaguered whimper as the cock slid back and forth over her lips, it was so huge, part of her wanted to just spread her lips and let it in. She wanted to know what such a huge, magical cock tasted like, especially attached to such a gorgeous woman. No matter how she struggled in her mind, she couldn't maintain her will. To much magic was at play, she had almost no fight left in her. Then the tip of the cock slipped past her lips, butting against her teeth and smearing her precum against them. She could taste it now, and she groaned in disbelief at the flavor. It was like nothing she'd ever tasted, like nothing she could have imagined. Salty but sweet, musky and potent, but most importantly of all, absolutely delicious. Slowly her teeth spread and she let the throbbing shaft slide further into her mouth, until her tongue ran along its underside. She didn't usually give blowjobs, just because guardsman tended to be unwashed. Plus she was somewhat big for a woman, so most guardsman barely had enough to satisfy her, and only if she took control and dictated the fuck.

"Ngmmmm..." She moaned as the full taste of this beautiful redhead's cock permeated her mouth. She'd given in, and it was too late to go back. Thoughts and fantasies flooded her mind from the most depraved part of Slaneesh's magic. Thoughts of how deep she might swallow this shaft, thoughts on how good it would feel inside her body, up in her belly. Thoughts on how big of a load it would unleash. Could it fill her stomach? Could it fill her womb? She was lost as she began sucking the dick, her inexperience outweighed by the desire erupting inside her body.

At the same time Erena slumped forward at the cult-leaders forceful hand. She knew what was coming, and was sure to turn her head so she could support Jesse through this ordeal. However it seemed too late. The guardswoman was faltering. Really she couldn't have expected much. No normal human, no matter how strong their faith could withstand the temptations of the Chaos gods in this form. It was too much....even for her. She grimaced as the cultists hands moved over her body passionately, as though they were a well known lover rather than a rapist looking to satisfy their god. Especially when the hot cock-head slid down between her toned ass-cheeks. She knew what was coming, but that didn't help.

"Emperor...give me strength..." She gritted her teeth and groaned when that phallus was shoved inside her, quite painfully in fact. It had been years since she'd had sex, before the Sisters. So she was very tight, and not wet at all. She tried to stifle a whimper, but groaned again instead. She was being spread so wide, even if sex was the norm, that shaft was still so very thick, and dry. Erena shifted her body, trying to decrease the discomfort to no avail. She could only hope the pain would dull out the pleasure, so she had a chance of resistance.
"Ah. Ah! Oh! Mmmn! Oh yes! Yes!" The red head was absolutely lost in the sensations that Jesse had been so eager to provide, her large girth disappearing behind the curtain of her moist lips. The woman, if she originally was a woman or not can still be debated, thought that the physical sounds of the slurping and suction was the most exciting part of this encounter. She giggled and big her lips several times between her loud noises of pleasure and gratification. She moved however when the Guardswoman began to suck in earnest, and stood directly infront of her. The cock was better aligned with her mouth now, and she felt bold enough to enforce some actual dominance and assertiveness, but she was in no way even beginning to come close to her other fellow cultists on that regard. A pair of soft and fairly gentle hands rested on the head and hair of the kneeling woman, and she made direct eye contact. She smiled, and panted visibly. Her ample chest heaved again and again, sporting clearly hard nipples that had an almost cute shade of pink to them.

"This... feels so good." She looked almost nervous as she confessed it. Her hands stroked Jesse's head, and she offered a gentle counter to the attentions of the next woman she would have on her. This one had an equally amazing figure and body coupled with a terrifyingly large member. Just as large as the rest, but it was covered in thicker and more pronounced veins that snaked around the entire shaft. The meaty head was coloured in an almost angry shade of purple. This woman had curly blonde hair, which looked like it had been held in a bun before but was not let loose and free to hang on her shoulders and against her flushing cheeks. She was visibly excited, and kneeled behind the woman. Her left hand stroked Jesse's waist, giving he a experimenting grope. Her right hand however went right for the Imperial's sweet spot. One soft and delicate - without being tender - hand stroked immediately down between her legs. She thrust her middle finger inside of the prisoner and rapidly moved it in and out of her, letting her palm and other fingers smack loudly in a rapid pace against her moist flesh. "Mmm, I think she's ready!" The blonde woman let out with a deep chuckle. It looked pretty obvious that she would not be as tender as others might have been...

The most immediate example to the opposite of the almost loving red head was the leader of this cult. She wasn't giving the Sororita a chance to brace herself or to even acclimate to this invasion. Her hands grabbed Erena's tied wrists and used that as leverage, then began to thrust her hips deep and hard against her rear. She let out muffled grunts from the exertion of the force she used, slapping their bodies together as her vicious cock ploughed through her unprepared insides. She grit her teeth, utterly enjoying this moment for so many reasons. She could torture a enemy who would have destroyed her if she had a chance, she had the privilege of giving her up as a sacrifice to her Lord and Master, at the same time as she hadn't had a dry pussy in a long, long time. It was an exquisite sensation of warm roughness that forced her skin back with each thrust, and pulled it up her shaft with each retreat. It egged her own, using more and more force with each slap of her stomach against the Sister's firm ass.
The other cultist looked eager to join in, but hesitated. There was little else to do but invade her mouth, but they knew that could most likely result in a abrupt end to their lives as hermaphrodites. The cultist leader, being always ever-minded of the needs of her followers, nodded to one of the perhaps most anxious followers. "Come here, Samantha." The shorter than average woman nodded with a wide smile stretching from ear-to-ear on her face. She moved forwards quickly, her out-of-place rod swaying side-to-side with each step. Standing next to the leader, she waited for instructions.
"Sit on my lap..."
And so, it would seem that the Sister of Battle would have to contend with a multi-pronged assault.
Moving in front of her, the cultist made Jesse's blowjob easier to give. Part of her was thankful for this, as it would be easier to service this beauty, while the other part wanted to bite down, show her resolve, even if it meant more painful torment. Pain was something she could have handled, but not this. It took over her and made her groan softly as her head bobbed over the redhead's deliciously thick shaft. Whispers entered her mind, like an invading presence that sought to corrupt her.

"Doesn't it taste nice?"

"Don't you want more?"

"How many could you handle?"

She couldn't even answer in her head, her body was too hot. Jesse barely even noticed when the redhead's gentle hands moved onto her head, but when she locked eyes with the beauty whatever control was left fled her mind. She tried to press deeper, pushing the cock against the back of her throat with a moan as her saliva ran down the cultists shaft. "Augghmpf!" Was all she managed to express past the cock in her throat when this blonde cultist with a phallus which could only be labeled as monstrous, swiftly ensnared her and sunk a finger deep inside her pussy. The part of her that would have resisted, tried to back the woman off or at least free her lips to protest remained silent. She continued sucking away as this new woman mocked her shamefull arousal.

Erena could no longer focus on Jesse, who had completely lost herself to these witches. The pain inside her was bordering on unbearable, and she was trained to resist the worst of agony. But this cultist was rough, far to big for her cunt, and merciless. Worst of all she pressed so deep that their bodies touched. Her cock was slamming into and nearly penetrating her cervix with each dry, grating thrust. This both introduced more pain, and at the same time pleasure, which was something that she was trained to suppress, not endure. She bit her lip so hard that she felt the warm trickle of blood enter her mouth, but the pain did not wash away the pleasure of being hit so deep. Slowly, fluids began to seep from her insides, and a heat stirred in her belly.

"Damn you...whores of chaos..." She panted as her body was jostled by the cultist. With that she began reciting words from the Codex Hereticus, in an attempt to put her mind elsewhere. This did little more than distract her immediate attention from the second woman preparing to double the assault on her senses. She feared the words of the Ecclesiarchy would ring hollow in the face of the passions being forced into her flesh.
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