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Some New Requests

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Jan 17, 2012
1. Its the weekend and the parents are out of town leaving you in charge of your younger brother. As you are working on a term paper for school. You recieve an email from your brother you click it and are horrified to see photographs of you and your best friend making out and if you don't do as he says he will send them to everyone that you and he knows.

2. You are a superheroine who gets a call from your parents. They say that they are sending your genius of a brother to live with you because they are tired of dealing with him. One day as you get home from work you find your costume lying on your bed. Your brother than tells you if don't do as he requests he will expose your secret identity.
I could try one of them, new to the site so it might take a bit of getting used to but I can try one;) PM me if you are interested
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