The Moon's Visit to Egypt (DarthMarrek and myself)


Jul 5, 2009
Princess Serenity couldn't believe it. She had managed to sneak away from the Moon kingdom and down to Earth unseen. Lucky for her, the guards posted had never seen her with her cloak on and hood up so she was able to slip right past them. Now, she was on Earth, in a place with golden sands. Something she never expected the beautiful planet to have based off of her view of it from the Moon.

So far so good in this new place, whatever the area was called. It was clearly full of people as there was an active marketplace and people all around. Although she wasn't sure if the people here would take her currency, she couldn't help but stop and browse at some of the things.
Atem was walking among his city's market place, Had long got tired of dealing with the people of the court, And his head sorcerer Seto who had pride to know bounds didn't stop to show it off each chance he got. "That man will be the death of us all..." he said shaking his head a bit. He looked to the sky for a moment as if looking at some mysterious force. on his arm looked like a golden wing of some sort's. He had been caring his summoner disk ever since info came in of a attack from dark forces.

Near by a young male has spotted a new girl in town, and had been following her secretly for a bit. He was nothing more then a common thief, He soon took his chance as she browsed a few items and ran at her. He would snatch her coin purse and attempt to escape with it.
Serenity had been admiring some of the jewelry at one booth. She was impressed with the details of it and the weight of it. It definitely looked heavier than the simple golden bracelet on her arm. Although the jewelry had distracted her from staying alert, she had felt her coin purse get snatched and instantly screamed. "Someone help!" She looked off in the direction of the thief. "He's stolen my purse!"
Atem Had heard the scream and sighed. He tried to make this city peaceful, But there would always be thoughts that would try and throw darkness on the light. He looked to the side seeing seeing the thief unknowingly running for him raising the summoning disk he called apon the spirits, A light showed as if hitting the ground and a large male with a shied appeared in front of him. the thief unable to stop himself in time hit the shield and was thrown back. As quickly as the spirit appeared it vanished a single light going back to the pyramid that held all the summoning stones of old. He walked up to the male and held out his hand. "thievery is wrong but i have better things to do then to punish a man trying to feed his own family..." The thief gave him the bag, and Atem tossed the male a few coins and waved him off. He then looked around wondering who owned the coin purse.
Serenity had watched the display of power with awe. Once she saw the thief take off with whatever the strange man had given him, she took a deep breath and walked over to the man. "Thank you so much sir. I do appreciate you getting my purse back from him. It is all the money I have on me. I'm not really from around here. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" Her hood had slipped back slightly, unknown to her, revealing hints at the golden crescent moon that hid beneath her blond bangs.
He went wide eyed as he saw the symbol on her head. He grabbed her hood putting it back over her, "first off you can not expose what you are princess. Second, Come with me to the palace. It is not safe here to speak, " he said lightly and literally grabbed her hand to try and tug her along. "My name is Atem i am the pharaoh of these lands, You would call it King were you are from. Dark forces are at work and it be best to stay hidden for now."

Sorry had family duty to take care of. :mad: :mad: ))
She was silently thankful that he had pulled her hood back up, especially since she hadn't noticed it slipping. She followed him as he tugged her along, not that she really had much of a choice. Especially since he was obviously trying to protect her by moving to somewhere safer to speak. "Dark forces?" She was a little confused since it sounded like he knew of something that the Alliance may or may not know about. But he was royalty, which made her feel a little safer already as she waited until he had gotten them to a place within the palace he felt was safe to speak.

((It's fine. I understand))
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