RE: On the quest... for roleplay! {FXF or FXFuta}
'Da roolez
1. A basic understanding of the English language. I don't expect you to be able to punch out 4 page posts, but at least 3 paragraphs. I can usually post anywhere from 3 paragraphs to twelve depending on what is needed.
2. Please don't just bail. If I am tired of a roleplay, I'll tell you, so please do me the same courtesy.
3. Plot always comes before smut. I genuinely prefer to develop a story, build relationships, and all the good stuff before anyone even thinks about taking their pants off. Some of the best roleplays I've ever done have never even had smut in them.
4. Don't be afraid to talk to me! I'm a pretty nice person!
5. Throw ideas at me. If you have an interesting idea for a plot, PLEASE, tell me, I'd love to hear it.
6. I don't play canon characters, nor do I expect you to.
7. I'll probably add more later, but that is it for now~