X-Men: The New Breed (Snape & Jaqueline)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
"Get up freak"! ,the boy said right before kicking Travis in the ribs hard. Everyone that had gathered around to witness Travis' daily beating erupted with laughter as Travis continued to take a beating. The fights were never fair it was always at least a four on one assault and Travis wasn't a very big kid, not like the kids that beat on him anyway. Travis didn't know why he was a target for such abuse but he couldn't change it either way so he just let it happen after a while, he didn't even attempt to run knowing that when he got caught and he usually did the beating would be ten times worse.

The next kick came even harder making Travis lose his breath for a moment, "Look at this little faggot, get up and defend yourself you little bitch" ,the boy taunted Travis yet again. Travis knew that the jerk and his friends were going to let him up but it was just so they could knock him back down. Angry, Travis got on his hands and knees then slammed his fist against the ground before getting up.

Everything went silent then a loud crash made Travis jump, he stood up and looked around. Everyone who had been gathered around him were now laying in various places at least fifteen feet away from him. Some were bleeding pretty badly and others weren't moving at all. Travis swallowed hard and took one last look around before running off. As he ran he contemplated going home but he thought better of it, his parents although they loved him would never understand and would probably think he was crazy and lock him in the loony bin.

When Travis got to the train station he bought a ticket that would take him far away from where he was. He boarded the train and took a seat in the back away from most of the people he tried to keep his face as hidden as possible just in case word got out about his little incident.

"Travis I've been looking for you" ,a man's voice stated softly. Travis could feel his palms getting sweaty and his heart start to race, he was screwed the cops were called and he was gonna be put in prison for what he did.

"Don't worry Travis I'm not here to arrest you I'm here to help you" ,the man said. Travis looked over after hearing the man's words, "How did you know what I was thinking"? Travis asked curiously. The man gave him a soft smile before speaking again. "My name is Charles Xavier and I'm just like you, I have a gift and so do many others at my school" ,the man stated. "School"? Travis questioned. "Yes, a school or people just like me and you, I promise to protect you and help you control your gifts Travis all you have to do is come with me" ,Xavier stated still smiling kindly at the young man. "How did you find me"? Travis asked. "It wasn't hard Travis your mind was racing and I could read you very easily" ,Xavier said.

Travis opened his eyes and sighed, his mind brought him back to that day often and every time he thought about it he felt bad. He wondered if any of those kids died that day after he sent them flying across the football field and if they had he would never know, he had run away like a coward. Travis never meant to hurt anyone, in fact he never really had it in him to hurt anyone but he couldn't control what happened on that day. He tried to convince himself everyday that it was just an accident and he wanted to believe everyone was okay but he couldn't, he remembered wanting those kids that were beating on him to get hurt right before he sent them flying and he couldn't help but think that his anger is what brought all this on.

He got up out of his bed and began to roam around the mansion like he usually did when he couldn't sleep. Travis had been in the school for five years and within those five years he had learned how to control his powers quite well with the help of Xavier and the rest of his staff. Travis was thankful that Xavier had found him for if he didn't then Travis may have hurt others not knowing how to control his powers. He made his way into the kitchen to grab a drink. When he looked in the fridge there wasn't any soda in there, sighing he walked over to the pantry and grabbed a twelve pack and brought it back over to the fridge and began to load it in. When he was finished he opened one of the cans and looked at it funny, he hated warm soda. Just as he was about to take a sip he heard footsteps making him turn and look at the doorway. "Hey Iceman" ,Travis stated seeing the young man walk in. "Can't sleep either"? "No I just got a lot on my mind right now with Rogue and all the missions everything's just getting so stressful" ,Iceman said in response. When he went to go into the fridge to grab a soda Travis looked at him, "Just as a warning all the soda in there is piss warm I just put some new one's in there" ,Travis stated. With a smile Iceman grabbed a can and cooled it with his powers, he then grabbed Travis' can and cooled his as well. "Thanks man" ,Travis said taking a sip from his soda. He sighed with content as the refreshing cold liquid went down his throat.

After talking with Iceman for a little while Travis made his way out of the kitchen and continued to roam. He sipped on his soda as he walked down the halls. On nights like these when he couldn't sleep Travis liked to go to a place that only a few people went to clear his head. He made his way to the elevator and took it all the way up to the roof. When the door opened he walked out onto the roof and sat down in one of the chairs he had brought up there for when he just wanted to sit out on the roof away from the rest of the students. As he sat there he practiced making his shield, it was the only power that needed a lot of work and he wanted to get it down so that if he needed it he could use it.
"You're such a tease!" Valerie cooed, a strapping young man on top of her, nipping at her neck,
"No, you're just impatient!" He told her into her ear. She laughed, feeling him up and tugging on his shirt, "And what's with this thing? You should get rid of it." She told him,
"In good time..." He chuckled, starting to feel up her shirt. Valerie gasped and pushed him off her,
"TIME!" She exclaimed and stood up, looking at the clock on the kitchen oven, "Fuck! I have to go!" She cried and bolted out of the house. The boy sat down. He had not even known her name. She just, walked in the front door and asked if he was alone. He said yes, and she started making out with him. Now she was gone.

Halfway there Valerie realized it was much too dark, her curfew was WAY over due! If she dared try go in the front gate she would be caught for sure. Most students did not have a curfew. Valerie was a special exception. It was to try and stop her from doing stuff just like this. She slapped her hands to the trunk of a tree and put her feet to it too. Her skin melded with the bark and she was taken up. Near the top she let go and grabbed onto a branch that she made grow, having it carry her over the top of the Mansion. She landed on one knee, then looked up and froze. Someone else was up here, "Oh, hey..." She smiled, standing up straight, "...you a teacher?"
After a few moments Travis stood up and began to try and form the shield from a standing position thinking it may be easier. He had nearly gotten it right when his concentration was interrupted by a girl landing directly in front of him. Travis looked down into the girl's face and he knew she was trying to sneak in after curfew. A smirk came across his face when she asked if he was a teacher, "No I'm not a teacher....not yet any way I still have one more skill to master before I can start training to become a professor" ,he said in response to the girl's question. The young man extended his hand both to introduce himself and to help the girl up, "I'm Travis by the way but everyone here calls me Pulse" ,he told her.
She smiled upon hearing this, "Not a teacher? Great!" She beamed and ran past him, "Nice to meet you Pulse!" She cried swung open the door to inside an booked it to her room. She ran more carefully, looking around corners to avoid coming in contact with a professor. Making it back to her dorm she flopped onto the bed, exhausted, "Oh thank goodness!" She breathed, laughing, "That was close!"
"Out late again?" Her bunk mate asked. She was in bed, turned on her side, "You really should stop, you'll get in trouble."
"The risk is half the fun!" Valerie winked, getting under her covers. Her friend sighed and Valerie giggled, "Lighten up, and go back to sleep!" She closed her eyes, letting sleep take her.
"It was nice to meet you too" ,Travis yelled after the girl. After a little while he made his way back inside as well being as quiet as possible to make sure he himself didn't get caught. As he walked through the hallways he kept his eye open for anyone who may be wandering the halls to make sure all the students were in bed. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he finally got to his room, when he got to his bed he was just about to lay down when his lamp turned on, "Out of bed again I see" ,a familiar voice stated. Travis turned to see Jean Grey standing in the doorway, "Sorry ma'am I just needed to clear my head that's all" ,he stated. She shook her head and smiled, "Don't let it happen again Pulse I need you alert in my classes and on missions" ,she said in response. Travis nodded his head then climbed into bed and watched as Jean left before falling asleep.
"Unnnng, go away!" Valerie cried, flopping onto her stomach and pulling her pillow over her head. Norizuka prodded her with her cane again,
"You have to get up, Valerie." She tried to encourage, "It's time for breakfast."
"WHADDYA YOU CARE!" She shouted, muffled by the mattress. Norizuka sighed. Her stubbornness was only matched by how lazy she is. Valerie popped her head up suddenly, "Wait!" She turned to look at Norizuka, "I am hungry!" She observed. Norizuka nodded,
"Then let's go."
"Okay!" Valerie jumped out and held Norizuka's hand, helping her down to the cafeteria. She also helped Norizuka get her breakfast as well as her own and they sat down together. Valerie was scanning the area.
"What are you looking for?" Norizuka asked between grapes.
"There was this hot guy I met on the roof last night. Real knockout." Valerie said simply, cuing another eye roll from her friend.
Travis was woken up by a freezing cols touch to his bare chest, he sat straight up and looked forward seeing his friend Bobby aka. Iceman laughing hysterically. "That trick gets you every time" ,Bobby stated. "Yeah and one of these days I'm gonna kick your ass for doing it" ,Travis said jokingly in response. He stood up and walked over to his dresser and grabbed a shirt, he pulled it over his head before sitting back down to put his shoes on. Both him and Bobby made their way to the cafeteria, when they got there they both fought to get in line first, of course it was all in good fun so none of the professors felt the need to stop them. After filling up their trays they made their way over to an empty table and sat down. As Travis began to poor some milk into his frosted mini wheats he looked toward the table next to his and noticed the girl he had met on the roof during his nightly escape. He gave her a friendly wave then took a bite of his cereal, "Who's that"? Bobby asked. "Oh just some girl I ran into on the roof last night, she seems pretty nice" ,Travis said in response.
Looking over she saw a hand that caught her eye and she followed it down, seeing his face. There he is! She gasped loudly and got up from her table, running to Travis. She pounced him from behind, hugging him, "Ah-ha! Found you!" She cried, "Been wondering where you have been since our steamy encounter last night." She said in a sultry voice, nipping his ear playfully.

Norizuka watched her go, not surprised by it in the least. Valerie was impulsive and rash, she always acted like this. She stayed put and focused on eating.
Travis was caught by surprise when the girl pounced him and he nearly knocked over his milk, when he heard the words steamy encounter he laughed a little bit. He didn't recall anything steamy happening when they encountered each other but he didn't mind her saying it was. When she nipped at his ear he bit his bottom lip, "Wow I didn't realize you were so playful, I like it" ,he stated. Bobby looked at the two then went back to eating.
"Heh, thanks!" Valerie said and squeezed between Bobby and Travis, plopping her knuckles on the table a few times, "So what was a handsome guy like you doing up there when you could have been in some lucky lady's room?" She asked, resting her head in her hand, elbow on the table, facing him.
Travis blushed a little bit at Valerie's statement, "I was up there practicing my shield ability, it's not that strong yet and Jean and Xavier say that if I can get it down perfectly I can stop a bullet, hell I can shield myself from and explosion if necessary, s for being in some lucky lady's room I haven't exactly had many offers from ladies to come into their rooms" ,Travis said in response.
"Hmmm, interesting ability!" She exclaimed, her fingers slowly marching up his arm until she threw subtlety out the window and just flopped her head onto his arm, looking up at him, "Oh REALLY?" She asked, "What, you not into ladies?" She asked. This seemed like one of the more likely and plausible reasons why he wasn't getting on the hanky panky train every night in this school.
"Oh I'm definitely into women I've just haven't had many girlfriends due to being busy all the time" ,he told her. Travis didn't mind the closeness coming from Valerie in fact he kinda liked it. "Also if you think that's a cool ability you should see what else I can do" ,he told her with a hint of pride in his voice.
She laughed heartily, rubbing her head on his arm, "Busy hmm? That's too bad!" She heard him boast of another power and she raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Do tell!" She giggled, "I'm sure you're FULL of surprises and what not!"
"Well I can stop time and I can also cause shockwaves with my mind it's a very dangerous power if not used correctly thank goodness Xavier found me when he did or I dunno how much damage I would've cased to this world" ,he told her. "I have those two powers perfected though so everyone's safe unless of course they piss me off". Bobby just shook his head as Travis talked about his powers, yeah they were cool but he didn't have to go into such detail whenever anyone asked about them. "So what is your power or powers"? Travis asked curiously.
Valerie listened. Three different powers? Seems he was quite the powerful individual. She was especially interested in that time ability. Possible uses ran through her mind, "Oh, me?" She shrugged, "Oh not much, I can just make plants grow a tiny bit more than normal." She hand waved, "So, what are you plans for today?"
"Interesting, have you mastered your power yet"? He asked curiously. "Well seeing it's the weekend I don't usually do much except stand on the roof and practice, I know it's a bit lame but I'm not really into the parties that go on around here" ,he said in response to her question. "What are your plans"?
Valerie played with his hair and let her head loll from side to side, "Oooh, not much. Perhaps I could join you on the roof and we can get...better acquainted?" She whispered in a husky tone, her voice very breathy and leaving little doubt in what she meant.
Travis smirked at the woman's offer, "Hm perhaps we could" ,he stated in response. His eyes looking her over very blatantly as he bit down on his bottom lip. "So what time should we meet up? Or do you just want to go now"? A devious smirk came across Travis' face after he asked these questions letting her know he knew exactly what she meant by getting better acquainted.
"Well, I'm going up now. You do what you want..." She gave his shoulders a squeeze then left the room then left the cafeteria, going to the courtyard for a tree to get her to the roof.
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