Levure Marycurse
- Joined
- Jun 19, 2012
- Location
- In a horribly hot location x_x
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Levure Marycurse

- Elemental Slayer: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=208292
- Sacred Something:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13330197#post13330197
- Relentless Sorceress: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13376264#post13376264
- Acronyms- http://www.enworld.org/forum/general-rpg-discussion/126441-d-d-book-acronyms.html
- Exalted Expansion -http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207221
- Dread Vampire- http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/dread-vampire-cr-3
- Undead- http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#TOC-Undead
- Elna- http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13365502#post13365502
- Divine Guardian- http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/divine-guardian-template
Levure Marycurse is an old vampire, several centuries old. Having overcome the weaknesses instilled in Vampires, even vampires older then she, Levure is an anomaly among the undead. She appears perfectly living and has a "catch and release" mindset when it comes to feeding and will never willingly kill an innocent.
She is an Eln, a type of magically attuned race on par with Nymphs. They have a pair of ears like a Neko or Kitsune, but it is very light can blend seamlessly with their normal hair when it, flowing with the rest until they are used and stand upright. (This is not to say they do not have normal humanoid ears as well). Like an Eln, Levure already had fangs. When she became a vampire these fangs were changed. But unlike the standard vampire, she can retract them.
She is very skilled in using magic, and using Sex Magic she can heal almost any injury. Outside of the bedroom, Levure can be extremely commanding and carries a huge force behind her spells making them hard to resist. She often uses clever spell combinations to produce glorified results. Her primary magics are Enchantments and spells that conjure or alter things. Her most notable offensive spell conjures several spiked tentacles that invade enemy orifices in quite a horrible visual to onlookers and excruciating pain on the victims.
She is an Eln, a type of magically attuned race on par with Nymphs. They have a pair of ears like a Neko or Kitsune, but it is very light can blend seamlessly with their normal hair when it, flowing with the rest until they are used and stand upright. (This is not to say they do not have normal humanoid ears as well). Like an Eln, Levure already had fangs. When she became a vampire these fangs were changed. But unlike the standard vampire, she can retract them.
She is very skilled in using magic, and using Sex Magic she can heal almost any injury. Outside of the bedroom, Levure can be extremely commanding and carries a huge force behind her spells making them hard to resist. She often uses clever spell combinations to produce glorified results. Her primary magics are Enchantments and spells that conjure or alter things. Her most notable offensive spell conjures several spiked tentacles that invade enemy orifices in quite a horrible visual to onlookers and excruciating pain on the victims.
Levure is, at default, a silent person. She doesn't speak just for the sake of speaking and keeps to herself unless she has something she wants to say or she needs to in order go achieve some goal.
She gets angry if someone ignores her when she does speak, as it tends to damage her vampire nature's urge to be dominate an prideful, but she controls it and does not speak again to that person for some time, holding a small grudge. Unless she needs to communicate information to or obtain information from them.
Levure dislikes males of any species and considers them to be little more then inferior creatures that think with their cock rather then their head. She is open to be proven otherwise, but few males have ever been able to do so.
She is something of a flaming lesbian and has an eye for the more womanly form, and is slightly repulsed by that of the male body. She doesn't let this interfere when she must however, its just a personal preference and outlook.
Levure cares for people, females more then males of course, but she still dislikes it when men are treated inhumanely as well since they ARE sentient beings, as much as she'd like to think otherwise.
She has loose, but not nonexistant morals. She values basic principles of humanity and respects sentience, but has it in her mind as most vampires do that "It benefits me, it is good." Though she is able to reason further and weigh it against a principle of humane treatment and fundamental principles.
This awareness of Sentient life inspires Levure to use a "Catch and release" method of feeding. She IS, regretably, a vampire. She needs to feed on the blood of the living. And so she does. But she never kills.
Levure lures people to bed with her. In the throws of passion, she takes her meal. Using sex magic, her partner is healed of any damage she causes and are left feeling much better then before and they're sent on their marry way. Unlike most vampires, who have a habit of draining a person dry or leaving them bitten and weak.
She gets angry if someone ignores her when she does speak, as it tends to damage her vampire nature's urge to be dominate an prideful, but she controls it and does not speak again to that person for some time, holding a small grudge. Unless she needs to communicate information to or obtain information from them.
Levure dislikes males of any species and considers them to be little more then inferior creatures that think with their cock rather then their head. She is open to be proven otherwise, but few males have ever been able to do so.
She is something of a flaming lesbian and has an eye for the more womanly form, and is slightly repulsed by that of the male body. She doesn't let this interfere when she must however, its just a personal preference and outlook.
Levure cares for people, females more then males of course, but she still dislikes it when men are treated inhumanely as well since they ARE sentient beings, as much as she'd like to think otherwise.
She has loose, but not nonexistant morals. She values basic principles of humanity and respects sentience, but has it in her mind as most vampires do that "It benefits me, it is good." Though she is able to reason further and weigh it against a principle of humane treatment and fundamental principles.
This awareness of Sentient life inspires Levure to use a "Catch and release" method of feeding. She IS, regretably, a vampire. She needs to feed on the blood of the living. And so she does. But she never kills.
Levure lures people to bed with her. In the throws of passion, she takes her meal. Using sex magic, her partner is healed of any damage she causes and are left feeling much better then before and they're sent on their marry way. Unlike most vampires, who have a habit of draining a person dry or leaving them bitten and weak.
Levure looks like a tall younger woman (A cosmetic age of around 20) with exceptionally light skin with a faint pink hue to it. Her skin is soft, without blemish, and unlike most vampires she can choose if her skin is cold or warm to the touch due to her connection with the element of Fire.
She is very carefully proportioned and has a figure one might dream about.
Her innate ability to alter her colors with perfect detail as shared with any Eln allows her to mask any traits one might expect of a vampire, her skin is kept perfectly colored like a living creature, her eyes are kept silvered instead of some red color one would expect.
Her hair is kept from growing too long, its silver to black colored strands reach her shoulders and the back is a touch longer, extending a fourth the way over the small of her back.
She feeds frequently, once a day on average, which keeps her looking healthy and filled out with soft plush lips.
She wears what she is given and usually makes her own apparel through magic. Her typical outfit consists of Blacks, Reds, and Whites.
She carries, usually, a tall ornate black staff that seems to be made of twisting blackwood and capped in what looks to be a ruby the size of a softball. The staff is laced with gold veins and silver flecks.
She also has an orb that appears to be made of red marble and trapped in a cage of black wires that wrap around it.
Her Spellbook has a black leather binding, the page edges are trimmed with gold and its letters are written in a vibrant scarlet ink. Its binding has embedded rubies set into its surfaces and corners.
She wears a ring on her right hand that appears to be made out of solid rainbow. Its multicolor metal shifted slowly, constantly, around the two opals and the deep black gemstones that were set into the ring.
She is very carefully proportioned and has a figure one might dream about.
Her innate ability to alter her colors with perfect detail as shared with any Eln allows her to mask any traits one might expect of a vampire, her skin is kept perfectly colored like a living creature, her eyes are kept silvered instead of some red color one would expect.
Her hair is kept from growing too long, its silver to black colored strands reach her shoulders and the back is a touch longer, extending a fourth the way over the small of her back.
She feeds frequently, once a day on average, which keeps her looking healthy and filled out with soft plush lips.
She wears what she is given and usually makes her own apparel through magic. Her typical outfit consists of Blacks, Reds, and Whites.
She carries, usually, a tall ornate black staff that seems to be made of twisting blackwood and capped in what looks to be a ruby the size of a softball. The staff is laced with gold veins and silver flecks.
She also has an orb that appears to be made of red marble and trapped in a cage of black wires that wrap around it.
Her Spellbook has a black leather binding, the page edges are trimmed with gold and its letters are written in a vibrant scarlet ink. Its binding has embedded rubies set into its surfaces and corners.
She wears a ring on her right hand that appears to be made out of solid rainbow. Its multicolor metal shifted slowly, constantly, around the two opals and the deep black gemstones that were set into the ring.
Many, many years in the past, Levure found herself in the slums of some overpopulated and malnourished city, the latter quality well represented in the populace. Here, Levure set up shop tending to people in one way or another, helping them along in their lives - just happy to aid the poverty-stricken. Having gained a reputation as a great helper, a great healer and a great lover, she drew the attention of many a possible suitor of job opportunity, honest or othewise, from the upper class, yet always refused them, much preferring to modestly help those who need it most. However against the vilest of men with the vilest of intentions. One night, while doing her rounds of the slums and performing her tasks as caregiver to the sick and needy, she was approached by a vampire. A lord-vampire, in fact - a man who, in those days, managed to overpower her in body and mind with but a gaze.
She writhed within the cell she awoke, her fangs longer and body in an eternal state of thirst and degradation where she was left alone for days until her captor, the vampire-lord, Loxrug, appeared. It didn't take long for her to beg for just a drop of blood from her captor as she felt herself quickly dying. With a smile, he obliged you, by simply opening the door and letting you loose upon the mortals. She descended into a blood frenzy, her body driven on by bestial and blind instinct until she found her first kill; she didn't see them as human, not until she had drained the last of their blood and stood above them, recognized for one of the many she had spent months assisting. She felt her blessings from the gods leave her, her Vows of goodness ruined by the blood of the innocent on your hands... and on her fangs. She stood for a long while, waiting to wake up, hoping it was all a dream, looking for stability, and that vampire who sired her obliged.
A sudden change in circumstances can cause one's entire being to flip on its head. She found herself in the company of the vampire elite in their (literally) underground covens, living lavishly - fancy clothes and succulent 'cattle'. Some voice in the back of her head told her it was all wrong, but she remembered the three months Loxrug had left her alone in the city, how poorly she could control her bloodlust. He did his best to see you taken care of - no one touched her without his say-so, being perhaps the second most powerful vampire around, who was highly protective of his mate. She told herself there was no other way... there was no life for vampires on the surface, no way to reverse vampirism yet known. She was undead, a beast, and as long as she stayed underground, she could perhaps be kept from the judging eyes of those she had cared for...
That all changed one morning when they dragged in a familiar face for the feast. A young girl, a virgin, whom she recognized from the slums, the one who had looked up to her, as her model. levure would not drink her blood, the order from what she thought was subdued came - her morality, what little was left of it, would not let her kill the girl. She recognised Levure- too late to turn her face, she called her for help and she lost it completely. She jumped to her aid, trying to keep the other vampires from her, but... she was too weak then. The power of a sorceress did not flow through her as it does now. As the girl breathed her last, Levure fled that place, not caring for herself, she who was too weak and too vile to live. She stepped out of the cave, into the rising sun, begging it to strike her down...
Then came a voice. A voice that made a pact with her. The Head Priestess appeared before you, leader of the church of Ra Sun-God. She asked her if death was truly what she wanted, standing tall above Levure to block the sun, the radiance of her master. Upon the slopes, she made a deal with Ra himself. The Vow of the Daywalker. She could return now to society unafraid of the sun, unbound by her bloodlust, and her other vows and goodness redeemed, but in exchange she would fight the undead scourge. To kill them or turn them to the light, that was her divine mission now. But she was too weak in those days. And in those days, certain recent events had made vampires unwelcome within Academy. So for the power to complete her task, she turned to the renowned brutality of the Hall of Sorcerers to teach her, studying wizard manuscripts in private, her time as a vampire noble having taught her the true meaning of what it means to do battle.
Years passed and, having attained power, she descended upon the vampires once again, newly restored with a balanced sense of good against her vampiric desires. A new person now. Confident. Vengeful. Capable. She was more intelligent now, common sense and reasoning coupled with vampiric patience and will to dominate balanced out her purer heart that desired wellbeing and charity. She used her magic to make her own things, she never took and gave away what she did not use.
From within the vampire ranks she rose, becoming one of the Nobility on her own power. They remembered her, of course, but she was able to talk her way through it all with guile of tongue and a sharp mind.
She prowls the streets of the nearby cities, she follows the vampires when they leave the cave, she protects the innocence and leads the vampires, invisibly at times, to those humans who are foul of mind and black of heart. She does what she can, on days when they capture innocence they mysteriously disappear and Levure sates the appetites by turning water into blood- a cheap alternative in their eyes as they preferred to feed off of flesh, but it did the job.
Over time she grew in rank, becoming one of the most notable vampires. From there she is able to champion the idea that they should not kill the living, but should "catch and release" as it were, which would prevent the eyes of Hunters to fall upon them as the mysterious disappearances cease, and that they would never run out of their "cattle" if they did not kill them. The idea is slow coming, but it adds some political turmoil among the vampires. Still, it does not solve everything. Many times has Levure killed the other vampires in secret whenever she uncovers that despite her efforts, they have returned to an evil manner of draining an innocent to death.
Still, the others were unaware- Levure was a master of stealth and deception. Levure kept her vows, but she did not outright kill without substancial evidence meanwhile it was her goal to not kill, but convert the Vampire society.
Her position opens her up for political feats, know how, and she was given the invitation to the Academy on behalf of the vampires.
She writhed within the cell she awoke, her fangs longer and body in an eternal state of thirst and degradation where she was left alone for days until her captor, the vampire-lord, Loxrug, appeared. It didn't take long for her to beg for just a drop of blood from her captor as she felt herself quickly dying. With a smile, he obliged you, by simply opening the door and letting you loose upon the mortals. She descended into a blood frenzy, her body driven on by bestial and blind instinct until she found her first kill; she didn't see them as human, not until she had drained the last of their blood and stood above them, recognized for one of the many she had spent months assisting. She felt her blessings from the gods leave her, her Vows of goodness ruined by the blood of the innocent on your hands... and on her fangs. She stood for a long while, waiting to wake up, hoping it was all a dream, looking for stability, and that vampire who sired her obliged.
A sudden change in circumstances can cause one's entire being to flip on its head. She found herself in the company of the vampire elite in their (literally) underground covens, living lavishly - fancy clothes and succulent 'cattle'. Some voice in the back of her head told her it was all wrong, but she remembered the three months Loxrug had left her alone in the city, how poorly she could control her bloodlust. He did his best to see you taken care of - no one touched her without his say-so, being perhaps the second most powerful vampire around, who was highly protective of his mate. She told herself there was no other way... there was no life for vampires on the surface, no way to reverse vampirism yet known. She was undead, a beast, and as long as she stayed underground, she could perhaps be kept from the judging eyes of those she had cared for...
That all changed one morning when they dragged in a familiar face for the feast. A young girl, a virgin, whom she recognized from the slums, the one who had looked up to her, as her model. levure would not drink her blood, the order from what she thought was subdued came - her morality, what little was left of it, would not let her kill the girl. She recognised Levure- too late to turn her face, she called her for help and she lost it completely. She jumped to her aid, trying to keep the other vampires from her, but... she was too weak then. The power of a sorceress did not flow through her as it does now. As the girl breathed her last, Levure fled that place, not caring for herself, she who was too weak and too vile to live. She stepped out of the cave, into the rising sun, begging it to strike her down...
Then came a voice. A voice that made a pact with her. The Head Priestess appeared before you, leader of the church of Ra Sun-God. She asked her if death was truly what she wanted, standing tall above Levure to block the sun, the radiance of her master. Upon the slopes, she made a deal with Ra himself. The Vow of the Daywalker. She could return now to society unafraid of the sun, unbound by her bloodlust, and her other vows and goodness redeemed, but in exchange she would fight the undead scourge. To kill them or turn them to the light, that was her divine mission now. But she was too weak in those days. And in those days, certain recent events had made vampires unwelcome within Academy. So for the power to complete her task, she turned to the renowned brutality of the Hall of Sorcerers to teach her, studying wizard manuscripts in private, her time as a vampire noble having taught her the true meaning of what it means to do battle.
Years passed and, having attained power, she descended upon the vampires once again, newly restored with a balanced sense of good against her vampiric desires. A new person now. Confident. Vengeful. Capable. She was more intelligent now, common sense and reasoning coupled with vampiric patience and will to dominate balanced out her purer heart that desired wellbeing and charity. She used her magic to make her own things, she never took and gave away what she did not use.
From within the vampire ranks she rose, becoming one of the Nobility on her own power. They remembered her, of course, but she was able to talk her way through it all with guile of tongue and a sharp mind.
She prowls the streets of the nearby cities, she follows the vampires when they leave the cave, she protects the innocence and leads the vampires, invisibly at times, to those humans who are foul of mind and black of heart. She does what she can, on days when they capture innocence they mysteriously disappear and Levure sates the appetites by turning water into blood- a cheap alternative in their eyes as they preferred to feed off of flesh, but it did the job.
Over time she grew in rank, becoming one of the most notable vampires. From there she is able to champion the idea that they should not kill the living, but should "catch and release" as it were, which would prevent the eyes of Hunters to fall upon them as the mysterious disappearances cease, and that they would never run out of their "cattle" if they did not kill them. The idea is slow coming, but it adds some political turmoil among the vampires. Still, it does not solve everything. Many times has Levure killed the other vampires in secret whenever she uncovers that despite her efforts, they have returned to an evil manner of draining an innocent to death.
Still, the others were unaware- Levure was a master of stealth and deception. Levure kept her vows, but she did not outright kill without substancial evidence meanwhile it was her goal to not kill, but convert the Vampire society.
Her position opens her up for political feats, know how, and she was given the invitation to the Academy on behalf of the vampires.