Ninetales' Curse

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Aug 6, 2011
The laboratory was very quiet today, which Chikorita certainly hadn't expected. She knew what day it was, certainly. It was her moving day. The day when she was assigned herself a rookie Pokémon trainer. It was an interesting thought, and while she could have quite easily decided that she wasn't going to go, it seemed like fun. Time outside of Sandgem was seldom spent, and Chikorita would often feel like she had gotten far too used to this place. Outside seemed much more exciting to her, and today was finally her chance to find out what it was like... but nobody had arrived so far, and it was nearing midday. For a while she had worried that nobody was going to come around, and that she'd be trapped working in the lab for the rest of her life. It wasn't a bad place, but it was a little boring.

It might have been a little easier to relax if she couldn't smell... whatever that was. Some kind of indescribable smell that made her skin tingle. It seemed to be growing stronger as the day went by, and while she tried her best to rest for an hour or two before someone arrived, it just didn't seem to be working.
Ace Masters was family of Samuel, Gray and Daisy Oak but also of Ash Ketchum. He was a far relative and a few generations younger. In his heart, he was the same as Ash. Ace always wanted to be a Pokemon Master but he didn't looked up to Ash nor to Gary. He looked up to an Arcanine, his father's Arcanine. His father was one of the greatest Pokemon Trainers ever existed. Ace also had a sister, Lily. Lily was 13 years and made her four years younger then Ace was. Professor Rowan was replaced by Dawn and Lucas and they were even better as Rowan ever was.

But something was wrong with Ace. He started to jerk off on his sister sometimes and the mysterious Pokemon named Ninetales found out about that. The Shiny Ninetales was considered as a Pokemon that could use black magic so she could curse somebody. When Ace was about to wake up, he got a dream where Ninetales told him about the fact that he wasn't a good person and that he was going to be cursed. As Ace woke up, he just went down the stairs and didn't thought about the dream. He was already dressed and ready to go get his first Pokemon. "I'm going mom!" Ace shouted as he walked out the house.

On his way towards Sandegem, everything was okay but when he was just inside of Professor Dawn and Professor Lucas their lab, he felt a bit weird but he didn't gave any attention to it. "I'm here," Ace said as he walked towards the two.
As a figure burst through the door, Chikorita's head immediately flicked up. Was he the first trainer to arrive, perhaps? Chikorita hoped so. The excitement was begining to wear thin, and the smell, whatever it was, had grown stronger. She was eager to get into the fresh air where it wasn't so strong, whatever was causing it. It was actually starting to smell quite pleasant, but it was still a little bit overpowering. Almost immediately she clambered up onto her short legs and too the time to examine the man as best she could. He seemed fine enough, although the scent was still making it difficult to think straight. Her cream skin still continued to tingle, almost like a winter breeze.

Dawn turned around hearing the man behind her speak. It was one of those wanting to start their Pokemon journey. Pokemon labs were usually a good place to start. "Hey," Professor Dawn said, holding out a hand to shake. "You must be Ace Masters, correct? Here for your Pokemon?" It wasn't a guess. A few other people were booked in for today, but Ace was the only male trainer on that list.
Ace shook his hair back good. "Yes. My name is Ace," Ace said as he shook the hand of professor Dawn. After the handshake, Lucas arrived with a Pokedex. "Dawn, I put the Pokedex on your desk," Lucas said. Ace hadn't finished his sentence when Lucas interrupted him but then he continued, "And yes, I'm here for my Pokemon." Ace was quite curious about what choice he had, he hoped a Growlithe like his father had picked but he only saw the Chikorita walking around in the lab. He tried to be polite so he wasn't going to ask when he was going to get his Pokemon, he just looked at both of the Professors. "Can you handle this, Dawn?" Lucas asked. "I'm going to call Professor Junior Oak from Pallet Town to inform him about the Pokemon he had sent us." Dawn nodded and Lucas went to another room.
"Well, you're the first one to arrive," Dawn said. "So that means you've got plenty to choose from." She moved over, carrying a few sheets of paper which we quickly moved around the laboratory. Bringing a suitcase over to the table, she flicked it open. Inside there were two Pokeballs. There appeared to be a space for a third ball, but it was empty.

Pulling out the two, she pressed the buttons on the end, and a beam of red light shot out of each. Upon the table appeared two small Pokemon. One with enough knowledge of Pokemon would recognise them as Torchic and Squirtle. "And we've got a Chikorita over there," continued Dawn, pointing over to the corner.

As if on cue, Chikorita began her slow approach towards the soon to be trainer. She gave a smile, moving up towards Ace's leg. That smell. That delightful smell grew stronger as she moved closer to him. Was it him, perhaps? It grew sweeter and more delicious as she moved closer. It was so strange. Chikorita brushed her head against the man's leg, almost like a cat. She wasn't sure what it was, but that smell just made her want to purr like a kitten.

"Seems like she already likes you."
"I don't really like a Squirtle," Ace said, analyzing all of the Pokemons that were standing in front of him. "The Torchic is also not one of my favorites but I do like that Chikorita." As Chikorita approached him, he lifted it up and petted her head. "I'm going to call you Acacia," Ace said to this little Chikorita. "Professor, my choise is this Chikorita," Ace said with a smile. He didn't knew that he was smelling different then he was smelling normal because of the curse that he was told about in his dream. "Is this everything?" Ace asked to Dawn, she shook her head and walked over to her desk, taking a Pokedex. "This is the Pokedex and it records data of all Pokemon that you have encountered on your journey," Dawn said to him as she handed it over. "Thanks!" Ace responded with a smile. "Good luck on your journey," Dawn said, polite. Ace walked out of the lab and walked towards the beach where he was always sitting to calm down, it was close to the woods and he sat down against a rock where nobody could see him. "Acacia? How are you?" Ace asked with a smile.
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