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Arch-Angel's playhouse.

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Jun 19, 2012
A lack of response to my introduction leaves me wondering if I should have included more info. It is too late for that however, so I shall remedy the situation with a good old tell all request thread. We shall start off with a small list of definite "No way" topics.

Scat/Restroom themed topics: There is nothing that could change my mind about this.

Lactation: I have only done this twice and did not care for it. I will avoid it unless you can present it in an intriguing way.

Those are the only two things I typically rule out. I would say Incest, but it depends on several factors: the age of those involved, aswell as the pairing. I tend to steer away from parent/child incest. With those small formalities out of the way. Let's begin listing some of my favorite "Yes!" topics. I can and will not list everything I enjoy, but I will list my top five, settings.


Video game based rp's: I prefer original characters but will also work with preexisting figures.

Medieval Era/Renaissance Era rp's: A personal favorite above most other settings, can also be combined with video game, and other settings.

Present day gone wrong: many possible scenarios for this, zombie apocalypse, post-nuclear wasteland etc.

Futuristic: this is a 50/50 for me. It depends on how futuristic, and the entire approach really.

Movie rp's: as with video game settings I prefer original characters, but will not shun previously existing characters.

The pairings I could list depend on the plot, and setting. Such as a fantasy medieval with elfxhuman. It all depends on what I am in the mood for and what you want. I like to please, to an extent of course. However I have needs aswell. So please tell me what you want, and we'll go from there.

As for literacy I am very much a grammar Nazi at heart. Yet I will not let that ruin a good roleplay. If I can understand what you're trying to say I won't say anything. If I can't tell what every other word is I will tell you I no longer wish to roleplay with you. Not because I think you're unintelligent, I just like to be pulled in by the story, and barely legible writing takes away from that.

That concludes my requests for now. I will post cravings at the bottom of this post, and will update the title whenever I change something.

Cravings!: Elder Scrolls, Magic the Gathering, and Dragons Dogma. If you have a question or interest, please pm me. Ciao'
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