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Boys, Boys, Boys! (Death Note, Black Butler ect.)

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Aug 28, 2010
Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory
(Looking for someone to play Sebastian.)

Sebastian x Ciel x Avery

Sebastian Michaelis is a demon, a tall, handsome, black haired demon with red pupils and a lusty personality. He turned the fifteen year old Ciel into a young demon and holds his fate; one of his eyes is now purple. On the orphan Avery's 13th birthday, they kidnap him and bring him back to the manor where Sebastian bites him, demonizing him as well.


(Sebastian Michaelis)

Sebastian has sexually corrupted Ciel already, but this new innocent addition is fresh meat. Sebastian wants the boy's virginity for himself, but as punishment and to taunt, he allows the lusty curious teenage Ciel to play with Avery in his presence.

I figured this story could include rougher, more experianced sex between Sebastian and Ciel, fooling around between Ciel and Avery, and some sexual teaching between Sebastian and Avery, possibly including the older boy at times for example. Let's get creative!

(Looking for someone to play Mello)

Mello x Matt

20 year old Mello is full of surprises; he's a tight clothes wearing, slender, sexy pretty-faced blonde guy, yet he rides a motorcycle, works for the Japanese FBI and isn't afraid to pop a cap. He's a nice guy though, right...?

He used to be. The Kira Case has taken hold of his life; he smokes now, drinks way more than he should, and has taken to beating his room mate Matt. Though they're about the same slender body type, Matt finds it hard to fight off a guy backed with such anger. They were friends, and started to become more, but something broke. One night, in a drunken state, Mello overcomes Matt in a tussle and sexually violates him, leaving his best friend wondering just how out of control their relationship has gotten.


(Mello with his chocolate, unfortunately after he gets his scar)

Matt fights back in this (though still loses), lots of dark themes, blood and violence, non-consensual sex. Mello goes back to normal, quiet self when sober.


(Looking for someone to play Mello)

Mello x Near

Mello and Near grew up in the UK and have now moved to Japan to work alongside L. Mello is interested in Near's body, and Near wants desperately to leave his unexcepting foster home and start anew. Once they get there, the abuse starts, and Mello reminds him that he is the one who saved him, who took him away, that it would be unwise to leave... He tries to keep Near down, in the apartment and away from society, keeping him for himself and treating him roughly behind the bedroom door. Near however, begins finding ways to break free and go out behind Mello's back, finding peace in an old friend, peace away from the yelling, the fighting, the fists and the blood; it doesn't last. Near belongs to Mello, and the blonde will be dead before he let's him go.

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