Hulk SMASH --Psycho and I--


May 25, 2012
Hulk was so confused. He'd been dominant for nearly three days now, ever since fighting with the tiny human soldiers and being hit with that strange tingly beam of energy. At first it had infuriated him, the burning sensation sending him into a state of rage that destroyed the small people's armored cars and equipment. He'd smashed the metal thing that send the beam at him. Eventually the people ran away....they always did. No one could beat Hulk. He'd wandered off afterwards, looking for a peaceful spot where he'd be left alone. Normally though when he fell asleep, puny Banner always came back, and he went away.

Not this time. He'd woken up, still Hulk, and confused. He was Hulk, but he was calm. Well, calm wasn't the word. He wasn't angry, but he was indeed frustrated. His body had been tense since he'd woken up, and he kept getting erections on and off. Being unable to control it, or figure it out, he'd gotten himself angry again, and destroyed several blocks of jungle. Eventually he found a hot spring in the jungle and enjoyed a soothing, peaceful swim. But still Banner did not come back. Hulk hated puny Banner, but it was strange not going back to him. He remembered at the time thinking that maybe Banner had left somehow, and perhaps Hulk was on his own. That got him angry again even though he didn't know why. However by the end of the second day he'd passed out by the spring, and when he woke up, Betty was waiting for him.

"Hulk....feels strange." Now here he was, with the small human woman straddling his waist. She had claimed to want him...the way she wanted Banner. Hulk was confused at first, but the female was pleasant, soft, and comforting. He liked the way her skin felt against his. His massive green cock couldn't agree more. Ever since she got there it had been fully erect, its eighteen inch length as hard as rock, and as thick as a horse's phallus. Thick, pulsing veins ran its length, visibly throbbing with his heavy heartbeat. And his grapefruit sized balls had been tense for days now, eagerly waiting for release. Hulk wanted the small woman, but he didn't want to break her, so he waited for her to act, growing more and more tense just looking at her soft skin.
A new mutant had emerged. Though, I was unsure of if this mutant was mutant by genes, or by some other means of developing powers. I had never seen the being in person, but I had seen a picture. He was a mean, green, fighting machine. A massive creature with unbelievable strength. He looked more like a alien, but then again, who was I to assume? I didn't look too human either. If anything, we had a lot in common. We were both alien-looking with colored skin. And people often shunned me for it, as I'm sure they've shunned him. Being Magneto's accomplice, I had built a rather magnificent immunity to fear. I didn't fear anything. So whatever Magneto said for me to do, I did, since I lacked the fear most would have to accomplish these tasks. And this task would deep to be literally insane.

Find a way to implant a secret micro chip on the back of a savage, wild, 20 foot green lunatic that can crush a human with one finger? Challenge accepted. I had done my research on the incident of the Hulk, the laboratory, and even, the woman... Betty Ross. A fairly attractive woman for a human... but I would have to duplicate her without ever meeting her. Only through picture and a bit of imagination. And so that's what I did. I ventured off into the jungle in search for him. It took a couple of days, but finally, I found a strip of smashed trees and followed that to a hot spring, where I found the ginormous beast amidst, relaxing in the water. I transformed in his precious Betty Ross, pretending I had search long and hard to find him, and commencing into my savvy seduction technique.

I couldn't believe the amount of sexual arousal the Hulk was under. I had never, in my many endless years of mutant encounter, seen a being so gargantuan in every way shape or form, and I had slept with many people. None of them held a cock as massive as the Hulk. It was almost terrifying to think of, but deeply arousing all the same. I had to keep focus and I couldn't mess this up. Whether or not I was going to sleep with him, the chip needed to be clipped to the back of his neck. And now, I was facing a monster awakening, and I had yet to find the chip. My eyes widened nervously as I realized, taking off my black lacey bra, that I must had dropped the tiny gadget somewhere in the forest. I bit the corner of my lip, I couldn't blow my cover, “You were big before, but now... you're huge.” I rubbed my slender fingers down his chest.

I had to find a way out of this. Just as I went to toss my bra behind me, a hanging branch above suddenly broke off; smacking me straight in the head and causing me to momentarily lose concentration. With a throbbing headache, I lost Betty Ross. The previous clothes morphed back into my skin and it transformed from a tan to my exotic blue form. Holding my head in pain, I slowly opened my bright yellow eyes, only to realized my form had changed only by looking at the reflection of myself in his big green eyes.
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