Fox and Wolf. Zoids! Team-up! (Lustfull_SinxJugger82


Sep 26, 2009
Reign Catrier has always been pretty sure of herself. She's won at least ten fights thanks to this new Zoid she had gotten...well...borrowed.....alright she stole, but only because the douche bag that owned it didn't really know how to pilot it. She did that bastards a favor. Now having to fully enjoy this Shadow Fox for the past week, Reign felt invincible. Some pilots picked fights. Fights they couldn't really win. Reign was practically a master at handling any Zoid, alright, some, but she was proud of herself either way. For a woman of only 23, Reign has made quite the name for herself. Her father taught her how to pilot Zoids when she was no more than 9. From there, she kept practicing on any Zoid she got her hands on. By 20, her father had passed and Reign was left to fend for herself, having to sell her father weapons and parts shop in order to get some money for food and pay off her tiny home, but that didn't last long. Now at 23, Reign was a top notch, bitch, attacking random pilots and their Zoids, taking their parts and selling them as well as taking whatever bit of money and food they had. Here in this world, you have to fight to survive and Reign used the skills that were taught to her in order for her to survive. The Shadow Fox that she had stolen had been a great asset to her survival. Picking fights and winning them without so much as a challenge. With the stealth and fire power this Fox had, Reign felt truly invincible, nothing and no one could tough her.

Today of all days though, she hoped that this new opponent would be a much better match. His Konig Wolf didn't have parts that she needed. Reign mostly liked to take detachable turrets and cannons from other Zoids. She picked a fight with this Wolf because she knew how strong it was, though only if the pilot knew what they were doing. She had seen him walking, minding his own business along the desert until she appeared. Well, she had been there, just invisible, unmoving until someone stupid passed by her. There had been rumors spread (mostly by her), about a pilot who lurked in the desert, using an invisible Zoid and attacked unexpectantly. She was that pilot and she attacked. It wasn't her fault the other pilots couldn't handle themselves. Shooting a warning shot at him, she disengaged the special camouflauge system, revealing herself to her new found opponent.

“Didn't anyone tell you?”She asked her opponent via com link. “Loners shouldn't walk alone, especially in this part of the desert. You're gonna have to pay a toll to pass by. If you don't, then I'm gonna have to rough you up and take it by force.” She aimed her Shadow Fox's Vulcan gun at the Wolf, locking him in her sights. “So. Wiill you pay the toll or risk having your ass handed to? And I will admit, that Konig is rather lovely looking. Would be a shame to have to damage it. But if it can't be helped, then oh well. I'll just sell some of the decent undamaged parts and by me some more features for my Shadow Fox.
Nathan - Avatar


Nathan was roaming the desert in search of a town where he could get some small repairs to his Konig Wolf's right hindleg, as he had damaged it in a long jump to strike an airborn zoid pilot he had faced earlier. His Konig wolf was his ally, even if it was just a regular zoid with the only AI attached to it was simply one that told him of damages and calculations during battles, he still treated it as if it were a living being. The Konig wolf was somewhat limping as it made its way through the hot desert. "Sorry Konig..." Nathan murmured as he patted the dashboard, hoping it would reassure the wolf. "I'm sorry I don't have a Hover Cargo. Then you could rest up while I drive the thing out of here...But maybe if we're lucky we'll make some money to get one when the Zoids Tournament starts up. Then we can buy one." He smiled until he felt the ground shake when a warning shot landed in the sand next to them. Nathan braced for the attack and looked on his comlink and saw that a girl was yelling at him about how stupid he was for travelling alone.

He growled. "Don't fire! I said don't fire! I'm not able to fight at the moment! My zoid is damaged and I just need to take it in for repairs!" Though the Konig Wolf would still be able to fight, with a severe lack of its usually extreme speed, he did not want to push the fight beyond Konig's limits and possibly damage it beyond repair. He didn't want to leave his friend behind. "Do not fire!" He hoped that if things did come to it, the Ion Boosters that the Konig was packing would be able to at least jet him across and strike the Shadow Fox to get him out. He hoped that Konig would be able to handle the speed due to his leg injury.
"Dont fire? Oh come now. Do you honestly think someone like me is going to listen to your pleas. "She chuckled." I can't just let you walk away now. Your Zoid looks real good, especially with the type of weapons it has." She walked her Fox forward, circling the Wolf a bit, giving it a wide birth. If he pulled something stupid, she would catch it. He couldn't fight, so this fight would be her's, but then again, never underestimate your opponent.

"If I let you go, what do I get in return, hmm? You should have enough to pay me to pass, only fair, right. Since I can't have your Zoid, I'll take whatever is in your wallet. What do you say?" She continued to circle him slowly, her Vulcan gun trained. She noticed the right hindleg was a bit damaged, black staining the armor outside of it. She frowned. It would have been nice to sell the whole Zoid itself, undamaged and intact, but with that damaged leg, shit. She didn't want to have to pay to get it fixed, then sell it. Better to get money out of the pilot rather than dealing with the selling of the Zoid.
"All the money I have is going toward my Konig Wolf's repairs!" Nathan said as he began to check the systems on his Konig wolf to try and get it prepared for a fight. She was close enough for a quick rush where he could just get a strike with his Electron Strike Claws or his Electron Bite Fangs and then make a run for it while she was in the confusion of the speed. The Shadow Wolf she was piloting was mainly for stealth and he knew it could not keep up, he just had to worry about its ranged weaponry as he'd make a run for it. When she was directly in front of him, he whispered to his zoid. "Konig...brace yourself..." He said before activating the Ion Boosters and the Konig Wolf began to shoot straight toward her with jets pushing it faster. It was faster than a Liger Zero with the speed boost from the Ion Booster and he readied his Electron Strike Claws, calling the name of the weapon as the Konig Wolf readied its attack and leapt toward her Shadow Wolf, its claws radiating with electricity as it readied its attack.
"Oh you didn't need to bother in fixing that thing. Don't you know how much it costs just to fix that leg. Trust me. I'm saving you from a big investment. Just give me the money and simply get rid of that thing. Or better yet. Sell it yourself so you can get another Zoid, one that's cheap enough for your taste."She laughed uncaring about his situation. She wasn't aware of his movement, until the Shadow Fox's combat sensor went off, making Reign stop with her laughter and pay attention. "Hey what the-"She screamed, her body slamming against the side of the cock pit as her Fox was attacked, sending it back and forcing it down to the ground. "Son of a bitch."She hissed, the system going off, warning lights flashing on the dashboard. "Bastard."She shiften the control, forcing the Shadow Fox back on its feet. It front left leg was scratch, but no serious damage.

"Oh, big mistake. Youl should have simply given me the money and walked way." Pushing a few buttons in order to shut the warning beeps off, Reign aimed her gun at the Konig and readied her shots. "She began to charge her Vulcan Laser, Reign taking aim and locking onto the Wolf. "Say good bye Wolf."She grinned evily and fired. A bright, pale orange and yellow beam shooting from the cannon and aimed straight for him."
"Konig dodge it!" He yelled out as he made the wolf jump to the side with the aid of his ion boosters. The warning signs went off and warned him about the leg of the Konig wolf and Nathan ignored it as he pressed on, hoping his friend could take the damage as it still rushed forward quickly, jumping randomly from side to side so she could get much more difficulty with the lock on. "Come on Konig...Come on...You gotta hold it together..." Nathan kept saying to his ally and friend while it made its way toward the Shadow fox. "Electron Bite Fangs!" He roared out as the wolf's teeth began to electrify and aimed to strike her weapon to destroy/cripple it and then make a mad getaway toward the nearest town his sensors could pick up.
"Hold still you little bastard."She said as she aimed and shot, but he moved. She hated the boosters that some Zoids were equipped with. They were so damn annoying. Reign was quick to notice him moving closer and closer and she backed away every few steps, until he decided to unleash another attack. "Sorry love. Shadow Fox. Smoke Discharger." she called out, her Shadow Fox unleash a wave of black smoke, hiding her inside the black cloud. When the Konig attacked, it hit nothing. "Hmph."She grinned and hit a switch, turning on the Shadow Fox's camouflauge system, making her invisible to the Konig's radar.

Slowly, she creeped around the Konig, easy to see him through the smoke, that and her radar pinpointed him out. "Sorry, but this ends now."She readied her own Electron Bite Fang and called out to her Zoid." Shadow Fox. Go! Electron Bite Fang." Her Fox charged, aiming straight for the Konig.
When the Konig wolf attacked and landed nothing, it fell in the sand and slid across before it slowly stood up. 'We can't hold out...The leg's too damaged. And she's hiding in the smoke...' Nathan thought in his head as he looked around and tried to see her on his monitors. "Dammit...!" He said as he looked around and frowned. "Konig we gotta get the hell out of here...Get ready to use the Ion Boosters just a little longer...alright buddy...?" Nathan patted the dashboard and prepared to dash off but he was stopped suddenly when the Konig wolf was attacked from the side. He was bouncing around in his seat from the impact as the Konig wolf fell to the ground and on the dashboard of the computer read the words Frozen. "Dammit...! The system's froze! Come on Konig...Come on...!" The Konig wolf laid there and was unable to turn on. The damage to its leg was even worse and the shock to the zoid from a direct attack froze the system from the shock. "Dammit! Come on Konig! We gotta go!"
The sound of metal hitting against metal sounded so lovely. She laughed, hearing the Konig roll about in the sand until it stopped. The smoked dispersed revealing her Zoid. "Your luck has run out."She said, walking towards him. She raised the Fox's left foot up and pressed it down on the severely damaged hind leg. "You couldn't walk away no could you." A message appeared on her dashboard monitor, the built in system revealing a bit of damage to left side of the Fox's body armor, but nothing to serious.A little patch work would help it. The Konig though. It's luck ran out.

"You're really strong. Best fighter I've faced so far. Sad that your Zoid had to be damaged though, else, this fight would have lasted much longer and a bit better."Reign sighed. "Though we all can't get everything that we want unfortunately. Look I'll even be nice. Give me the Zoid and walk away. I'll leave you with whatever you have on you, expect the Wolf." She kept a good pressure on the leg, pinning it down. "Don't be stupid. I promise that your friend here will go to a nice new home and a better pilot."
"He doesn't need a pilot other than me! Konig is my friend and my ally in battle!" Nathan said to her via the comlink. "Don't worry Konig I'll do something to get us out of here..." He murmured as he began to hit buttons and such as he hoped it would trigger the Konig wolf to turn on and be able to get them out of there but it would seem like their luck was actually running out. "Come on come on Konig!" Nathan said as he slammed his fists down on the dashboard. He growled as he looked up to see the Shadow Fox out of his window. He didn't know what to do. Its times like these where he wish he had used some money he saved up to buy an Anti-Zoid rifle and just open the cockpit and just fire at the Zoid to get it off of Konig. "Dammit! I'm not letting you take him! I'll die before you touch him!"
“Then you must truly be stupid. Dying just to save one Zoid. Pathetic. “Though she had to admit, she admired his commitment and loyalty. Perhaps she would be the same way as well, having fallen in love with her Shadow Fox. “I’m sorry, but unfortunate to say, I’m not backing out from this fight or this win. Don’t worry, I promise he’ll go to a loving pi-“The warning was too late to notify her of the attack. Reign was hit from her right side, sent flying a few feet away from the Konig, rolling until she stopped. Her Fox’s right side was damaged and her systems were in a frenzy. Reign had managed to hit her head on the dashboard, cutting at her skin, blood trickling down her forehead. “What…..the…”She looked around and there, yards away from the Konig were three Diablotigers. One of them had its cannon aimed at her, steam coming from the entrance.

“S-Shit. Fox….get up. Come on.”She said, trying to force her Fox to move, but it only seemed to tremble, trying to get to its feet before falling back onto the sand. She wiped at her forehead, trying to get the blood from going into her eye. “Dammit. Who the fuck are you?” She demanded, opening a comlink to the pilots.

“We were wondering about the invisible Zoid that attacked anyone who crossed this part of the desert. Never expected it be a woman, especially one who couldn’t even keep watch of her surroundings.”The man said, a devilish cackle leaving his lips. The other two joined in, in laughing and commenced in approaching both her and the Konig. “Who would have thought I would come across a Shadow Fox and a Konig Wolf. My lucky day. I’m sure gonna make a pretty penny selling your Zoids.”

“Fuck off.”She said pushing buttons, silencing her systems warning, trying to get her Fox to move. It seemed that the interlinks and connectors for the Shadow Fox’s limb were shot up, the right front and hind leg not connecting with the control system. She could still move her Vulcan gun, but at this angle, she couldn’t get a shot. Perhaps if she- Reign began to force the Fox’s left working limbs to push her up, hoping to get the Fox on its belly at least. “Come on love. Come on.”The strained against the controllers was grueling, especially since the Fox didn’t want to move, but it finally did. She was facing away from the Diablotigers, but at least her gun could move in any direction. She disconnected the link to the tigers and focused on the Konig. “Hey. You okay?”She asked, not really caring. “What other weapons do you have that work? I’m thinking of using my Vulcan gun on them, but I need them distracted or else they’ll scatter. I want to hit at least one of them. What do you say? Wanna help me?” She hoped he didn’t refuse. The last thing she needed was lack of help.

((Figured I'd add some other rivals to this. Just to add to the rp if that's okay?))
(That was perfectly fine my friend. :] )

When he saw the Shadow Fox fall to the ground, Nathan's systems came online finally and his Konig wolf slowly stood up, only to be surrounded by three Diablotigers. Nathan bit his lip. He couldn't believe more people were here to fight. This wasn't his day and his Konig wolf was quickly turning into scrap metal due to today's events. Hearing her ask if he had any weapons that could work, he shook his head. "All I have are close ranged combat weapons. My small 30mm shockwave cannon was destroyed in a battle before I came here." He murmured as he looked at the system's report. "I'll try and provide a distraction if you take them out with covering fire...Got it, girl?"

(Sorry if its a short post. I just woke up and we're packing up to leave the hotel and people are rushing me to hurry up.)
She smiled. "Thanks. If they scatter, rangle them up as best you could. Let them closer, I want a clear shot on the one of the right. "She said to him, slowly position her Vulcan gun, hoping they wouldn't notice.

"Oh look boys, seems that dog boy overe here still has some juice in him."He tsked and shook his head. "Pathetic. Stay down man."He said, seeing that he didn't comply. "Your fucking stupid....and pathetic I guess. What can you do. Your leg is busted and I know that Konig only have short range weapons. You're worthless and so is that Zoid. Always stick to long range man, it would come in handy."

Reign shook her head." Full of himself prick."She muttered. "Alright, I have a lock. Do not make a move. There focused on you, but do not move, give me ten seconds."She said, making sure she was locked on to the Diablotiger on her right. "Just a little closer."She whispered, five seconds gone. "Just a few more seconds."She assured and right when all three were just a few feet away, Reign fired her shot, hitting the Diblo wolf directly on his side, blowing off a good chunk of his right front leg. "Take that you dick."

"What the fuck?" The pilot cursed, seeing his teamate go down. "You little bitch. You're gonna pay for that." The remaining two started on a sprint, aiming straight for them.

"I need another clear. Distract one."She said, waiting for her gun to charge back up. "Five minutes.
"Five!?" Nathan cried out in surprise when she said that she needed to charge her gun. "What kind of tactical use is a gun that needs five minutes to charge up!?" He said before making his Konig Wolf begin to go off toward the two diablotigers, rushing toward them and leaping forward, striking one in the shoulder but not damaging it too much, just enough to hopefully distract the pilot by angering him. "Just hurry the hell up! Konig can't hold out forever!" He began to pat the dashboard as the Konig Wolf ran from the two Diablotigers. "Come on Konig...Just hang in there..." He said as he suddenly turned, using most of the weight on his two good legs and began to play chicken with the two diablotigers, readying his Electron Strike Claws and Nathan roared out with his zoid as he leapt toward one and cut the foreleg off of one of the diablotigers and did not stop to bask in the glory of the destruction of that zoid, for he needed to keep moving to prevent Konig from being destroyed. "Hurry! Fire your damn gun! I can't hold out much longer!" He had made a note as to where the leg of that zoid fell off...he'd be sure to scrap it for parts to repair Konig's leg. That was his intent from the attack.
"It isn't my fucking fault. The bastard that owned this Fox did some stupid modifications that are to expensive for me to remodel back."She said and cursed. She was soo glad she had taken this Zoid. Ruined. The bastard thought it would be nifty to have the cannon charge to give it a bit more of an umph in its attack, which was unnecessary. Seeing that the cannon was at 69%, she figured that would have to do. She watched as the Konig was kind enough to sever the leg of one Tiger. "Alright. Keep him right behind you."She said and aimed her gun, keeping it trained on the tiger.

"Won't get away from me you damn bastard."She hoped that it was enough to immobolize the Tiger. Licking her lips a bit, she took aim, steadied her shot and fired. The sound would be heard as he went across the sand and had direct contact to the Diablotigers front legs. Both were shot through and the tiger went down. "Eat it asshole."She smirked in triuamph.

"You fucking bitch."Said the pilot to his tiger, wiggling his controls and pushing switches.

All three Diablotigers were down, but it seemed that the pilots weren't all to happy about it. "Think you two are fucking awesome. Heh. Will take your Zoids without havin to use ours. Thanks to those nifty Anti-Zoid Rifles, scum like you aren't problems."He said and laughed along with his buddies.

Reign cursed. "Shit. Hey....Nathan. You wouldn't happen to have a plan or something. By the time I get another shot charged up, those guys would be on eyes like vultures."She said, seeing as one cockpit door slowly opened and a slender looking male in a black and orange jumpsuit popped his head out and then stood, rifle in hand.
(Yaaay you replied :D )

"Just one!" He replied as he turned suddenly, in a direction so that the weight on the damaged leg of the Konig wolf would lessen. He ran back toward the Diablotigers and slammed down hard into the ground after a high jump in the air had him land on his front legs, causing sand to fly everywhere in the area and into the eyes of the pilots who had gotten out of the cockpit. He looked to Reign and ran past her, the Konig wolf limping severely as static seemed to spark everywhere from the wounded leg. "Go! Lets just get going! Before they get a clear shot!" He called out as he began to run out toward the direction he was heading ot originally so that he could make it back to town. "Come on, girl! We gotta get to town and repair our zoids!" He didn't know if he could repair his zoid though. This worried him...but he would do whatever he could to keep Konig alive and able to live. "Don't worry friend...I will make sure you're always around..." He patted the dashboard and looked to the monitor to see what Reign was doing.
She watched as he moved, rather amazed at the smart move. Frowning though, she looked at the dash board, seeing a major problem with two of the Fox's limbs." Two of the connectors to the right front and back leg aren't responding."She said, pushing switches here and there, trying to get her Fox to move. She needed to get out of here.

"Come on. Move for me. Move for me."She chanted, trying to pull at the controls but they seemed to hard to move. She checked her systems and saw the the hind was damaged, the connectivity shot up though the front leg seemed to be okay, though she could only go so far. Routing connection to that leg, she focused a bit of the Fox's power supply to that leg, hoping it'll keep until she made it into town. "Come on. Dammit. MOve."She said, hearing the systems go off, telling her that what she was doing was against the Fox's system. "Fuck this. JUST MOVE!."She screamed, slamming her fist on the dash and everything quieted down. The power shot into its leg and Reign moved the Fox. "Oh God, yes."She said and turned, shooting behind the Konig and trying to keep up.

Her Fox lost control a few times. She would go straight, until Shadow spazzed out and went left or right suddenly thanks to the messed up leg and how she forced the system power to change. She didn't want to look back and see how the pilots for the Diablotigers were doing. She didn't want to deal with them at the moment or ever. "Thanks alot for the distractions."She said.
"Thats all I'm good for with this broken leg of mine." He called back as he saw her on the monitor. "You that you aren't trying to kill me and I can see you without the threats in the way, you don't look half bad. Though...Who are you? You speak as if you should be someone I know. Then again, I'm not from around this area so don't be mad at me, girl." He said as he shrugged and saw on the monitor that the next town would not be for another three miles. That was good. "Hey you think you can keep up for another three miles? My sensors say that we'll be in town by then. Hopefully we can repair our zoids there if we're lucky." He replied. Though...little did they know, that the town they were going to was under rule of a nearby group of bandits who controlled zoids as well. Currently they would not be in town and would moreover be in an old fort to the east of the city. Perhaps the two of them could bargain with the town...asking for free repairs in exchange for taking out those bandits?
"One, don't call me girl, alright. My name is Reign Catrier. A.....collector of sorts."She said, not really wishing to use the words Zoid pilferer or thief. Yeah, that wouldn't sound so nice. "Let's just say I'm very known around these parts, though some people don't know my name personally, just what I pilot and what I do." There. That should be enough info for him to be satisfied. "As for being okay looking, thanks for the compliment. You're pretty....okay yourself." More cute than alright, but until he learned how to give a girl like her a better compliment, then she would gladly straight up tell him he was fuckable, but she would just keep that to herself.

Checking her system, she wasn't sure how far Shadow could go. A few more miles, five the max. Cursing, she looked up when the other pilot spoke and was relieved to hear how far they had. "Yeah. I can hold out, though at a slow steady pace, which I know isn't safe, but I can't make Shadow run." She pattedd the dash board. "Sorry Shadow. Hope you're not mad at me for being reckless." The Shadow Fox growled, letting her know that he was mad. "Thanks buddy."She said and guided her Shadow along, moving at a slow easy pace, though not a snails one. She had to keep slow or else Shadow would simply guide itself into one direction.

As for fixing their Zoids, chances were slim that the only thing they would get is a simple systems check and nothing more. Reign had been meaning to fight the Konig, strip whatever parts she could for repairs and that was it. It would have been cheap that way, but since she had no parts, not much money either, she wouldn't be able to pay fully for getting her Zoid fixed. Not only that, but she needed a new Vulcan gun or simply reset what was done to this one, since it was annoying to have a charge time. Dumbass of a pilot who owned Shadow didn't know a thing about Zoids.
When they would arrive to the would immediately seem to be deserted, a sort of ghost town...except for the fact that the food stands had little food on them that looked fresh and some cars looked like they had recently been used or cleaned of dust from this desert. Nathan frowned as he looked around and soon found a large plot of land that was the remains of a building. It would serve as a place to put their zoids as they would go out. Once he had put Konig down and shut his systems down, he hopped out of the cockpit and onto the ground. "What the hell is wrong with this town, I wonder?" He called out to Reign as he looked around, calling out for anyone who could help them with repairs for their zoids. "We'll pay!" 'Somewhat anyway....' He thought in his head. He looked to Reign and frowned. "Think we just stumbled upon a ghost town? Some of the stands still had fresh food on them...looks like they're trying to avoid us or something...Perhaps?"
Reign wasn't very familiar with this town, then again, she didn't really go this way. Right after she was done with her pirating, she tended to head back towards town to the West, not the South. Following Nathan, she settled Shadow next to his Konig and shut down his systems, patting the dash board gently, then pop the cockpit open and climbed out. Looking around, she frowned. Not a living soul milling about. Stranger. All if not most towns were usually busy and lively. This one was dead. Climbing down and landing on the floor Reign looked at Nathan. "Either there hiding from something or from someone. My bet is someone."She said looking over to the fresh fruit stands.

"Usually, whenever people hide away is because something big just happened or is about to happen. Let's go find out what's going on alright. Perhaps we can find someone to help repair our Zoids, though unfortunatly, I only have so much."She admitted, sighing. "Your Konig was suppose to be a means to help get Shadow repaired, but since that back fired, we might have to run once repairs are done or find a means to make income in order to pay off." Looking at Shadow, she considered her choices. Getting Shadow fixed was her priority, nothing more. Turning away, Reign made her way towards town, making her way to one of the fresh fruit stands there was. No one greeted her or rushed out to say hello. "Hello?"She called out towards the small building behind the stand. "Can someone help me? I need to get my Zoid fixed."She called out, getting no responce.

"This is fucking ridiculous."She whispered to herself.
"We're uh...not here to hurt you or anything!" He called out. "We just need repairs for our zoids! We're uh...famous zoid pilots and we just finished fighting off a band of desert bandits that nearly destroyed our zoids! We could...Use some repairs!" He did not mention the fact that they did not have any money. Soon enough, a small man would appear behind them. He looked like a child, only...much older and harrier, his entire head covered with a fuzzy mane of hair. He looked up to the two of them, and Nathan was trying his best to hold in his laughter. He looked like a mini lion standing on all fours, and his nose was pretty much a ball-like growth with nostrils that was a slightly tinted pink. The man cleared his throat as he looked up to them and began to request his aid. "My people of this town, I am their mayor...And we have been under attack from bandits for several months now. We're going to eventually dry out, and none of us can manage a trip out of the city without being attacked by the desert bandits. Their snake and scorpion zoids...What were they called? The scorpions are called Golgias I believe...? I am old and slowly growing senile so I may not remember correctly...but if you agree to aid us in our time of need, and defeat these bandits...We will repair your zoids for free." Nathan frowned and then looked to Reign. "What do you think?
Reign was about to shout out again, until she sensed something behind her. Turning suddenly, she didn't see anyone, until she heard a slight cough and looked down. "What the..??"She didn't finish. Her eyes focused on that fuzz of hair and that short height. Man was this old geezard tiny as fuck. Looking at Nathan, she could see his body tremble, no doubt he wanted to laugh the ass.

Raising a brow, she looked at the old man then frowned. "Desert Bandits?"She said, no hearing anything about certain pilots, but like she said before, she never came this way.

Shaking her head, she looked at Nathan. "Seriously. You're actually going to contiplate. No one fixes a Zoid for free...ever. There has to be a catch or something. I mean. How many our there? And why do they keep attacking? When it's over, I know or get the feeling you want something else from us."She said. Reign was never one to just jump on something as great as free Zoid repair. The damage that both mech animals received surely cost more than thousands, for the parts would be high in value and price, plus the time, labor and patience it would take to fix them both. "Also old man. Our ARE damaged at this very damn moment. How do we fight with damaged zoids. Will you fix them before and after that fight?"She asked, needing to know.
"You need to calm your woman there, sir." He said as he pointed a small stick that looked like a mini walking stick that he seemed to just pull out of his poncho from nowhere. "I have mechanics who will fix your zoids as soon as they could and as fast as they can." He sighed and wiped some sweat off of the little places of skin that actually showed on his face. "We will repair your zoids. And in turn...You will go to the bandit hideout and clear them out. Even decide to keep some of the parts. And you know what? If you decide to bring the parts back here for us...We might even throw in a little extra. This will be because we can build our own zoids to protect our town, rather than being forced to repair others'. Will you help an old man and his town in need?"

Nathan turned to Reign and frowned. "He has a point...Its a good deal. No matter how many there are. They can't take us on. We took on three Diablos Tigers with one and a half zoids already. I'm sure we can take on a base full of a whole bunch of bandits! Whats the worse that they have? I doubt they'd have anything like a Gojula waiting for us." The Gojula was known for being a destroyer. It was based off the Tyrannasaurus Rex and had heavy firepower. "I say we take him up on the offer. Don't wuss out. I can't just let my new partner be a pussy and just back off of a free repair and a fight."
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