I love my Pokemon

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Feb 13, 2012
"Well, this is a good place to make camp I guess." Jacob said as he sat his bag onto the ground. He rummaged through his pack, finding the food he will make for both him and his pokemon. Then his can opener. "Come on out girl's". He said as he released all his pokemon. First bayleafe, then charmander, roselie. Next evee, growlithe, and Jolteon. "Well, glad to see you all. Now, let me make you girls some grub." Jacob pulled out a large can, using his can opener he began to pop open the lid. Twisting, and cutting at it until the content's can come out. "Tonight you all have a treat. Oran berry's." He said, before plopping the content's into a bowl. As he left his girl's eating. He went off to collect firewood. Every now and again he would check up on them. Once he was done with that, he tended to his fire. "Charmander, light it." He said, ordering the pokemon to light the camp fire. It did. Then after that he went to go and set up his sleeping bag, and bed roll. Finally, his dinner. Bread and some apples.....

A few hour's of work later, and the work was all done. A fully set camp, with a nice toasty fire to warm their bones. The moonlight shone through the trees. With almost a foreboding glare of light. Both beautiful and romantic. He was done eating his dinner, now starring up at the night sky as he digested. He looked around the camp to see all of them sleeping. But, he felt like having some companionship tonight. So he called for his favorite to join him. "Bayleaf, come here." He said with a soft and demanding tone. Patting the ground next to him for her to lay down at his side. Recently he has been feeling more lonely then ever before. It used to be that he wanted someone to join him, someone to talk to while he moved on in his journey. But now he needed that! The only real companion he had was Bayleaf, and all his other pokemon. All of them elegant, and unique. He then sat up from his bedroll, smiling at his favorite girl. His starter pokemon. The one he raised since it was a little egg, and he was a curios little boy who couldn't wait to see what hatched. The one he raise. The one who stuck with him throughout his entire child hood. His number one girl.
Bayleaf didn't take long to respond, waking herself up, and moving at her master's command, right by his side. She lay down next to him, looking with eyes open at Jacob. She was pleased with how Jacob ran things, his choice of pokemon, how he treated them. Bayleaf had digested her dinner from before, but she was still satisfied and content. She did wonder what Jacob wanted her for now, in the night, but she was willing to do whatever it was.
As soon as she was at his side. He began to pet her, rubbing his hand down her neck, then down her back. Moving it back up and down her soft skin. He then began to hold the pokemon in his arm's. As he they layed down on the ground. "Beautiful night out tonight. Right Beyleaf?" He said to her. As he began to rub her tummy. He scooted his head a little closer. Resting it against her. As he looked up at the night sky.
"Bayleaf" was her only reply, in a happy, relaxed tone. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the cool air, and her master's head on her tummy. She felt calm, and her long neck rested near Jacob. She supposed he just wanted somebody to comfort him, and she was happy to give it to him.
Jacob smile as he laid with her. His hand now rubbing around her tummy. But, he moved a little lower. His finger's started to toch her most private part. He realized what he was doing. But only paused for a moment... Contemplating on what it was he was really doing. He never thought of this before. But can he?... Jacob then continued to rub her. As he slowly began to kiss up her long neck. He can allready feel himself begin to stiffen up. As it pressed against her side.
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