(Krys Snape & Gashnaw)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Ryan wiped the sleep from his eyes as he sat up in his bed, the young man yawned then stood up stretching his arms out before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. After he finished showering he put on his best suit and made his way into the dining room for breakfast. As he sat down the house elf brought him his plate of food. When he finished eating he had the elf bring his trunk out to the car that had pulled up in the driveway. He gave his mother a hug good bye before leaving the house and getting into the car with his father.

When they got to King's Cross station Ryan got out of the car and walked toward platform 9 3/4 with his father. His father gave him a hug when they got to the gate and Ryan made sure no one was looking before he ran through the barrier and onto the platform. He stood and waited for the train to arrive, even though it was early people were already starting to arrive. By the time the train arrived the station was full of students and their families.

The young man made his way down the aisle of the train looking for an empty compartment. Not that he minded sitting with people he just liked to be the first into the compartment so it was easier for him to put his stuff in the overhead. After getting settled he sat back and relaxed and opened one of his textbooks to get a heads up on what he would be doing in classes this year.
Alexandra headed onto the train, her red hair down up into a ponytail as she pushed past other students, Mainly Slytherin students who had a strange strong hatred for her, although that was how it was for many students. Being sixteen she was reaching her seventh year at Hogwarts. Though most students bugged her due to certain conditions, such as her canine side.

Reaching on compartment she sighed realizing it had been packed full of Slytherins and so she continued along her way finding one full of Griffondors and although they gave not rude sneer towards her, there was no where to sit. Finally she found one Moderately empty aside form one student who was busy sleeping on the opposing seat. Examining his robes he was a Ravenclaw, although she didn't recognize the boy, though he looked as though he was her age.

"He's kinda cute" She thought to herself but decided to push on. She hated waking others and she had the tendency to do so during long rides like the train to hogwarts.

Finally she found another compartment and opened it up seeing a lone Slytherin boy. She figured he would shoo her away but decided to ask regardless.
"Do you mind if i sit here, everywhere else is taken."
If he said no as she expected, she would go take the compartment with the Ravenclaw, after all this boy was a slythrin, and like everyone else she was around, they all dismissed her existence, she doubted he would be different.
He was enjoying a chapter on hippogriffs when his reading was interrupted by someone asking if they could sit with him. Ryan looked up his eyes scanning the girl for a moment before he replied, "Yes make yourself comfortable it's a long ride and I'd hate to see anyone having to stand the whole way" ,he said jokingly. The young man flashed her a kind smile before looking back into his book. Ryan wasn't like the other Slytherins he was kind and normally didn't mind the other houses he was sorted into Slytherin because he had ambition and was smart, the hat had told him he would make a fine Gryffindor as well but in the end seen more of a Slytherin in the young man.

Not wanting to be rude he looked up from his book again, "I'm Ryan James what's your name? Do you like magical creatures at all"? He asked trying to make conversation with the young woman.
Alex's eyes darted towards the young male when he spoke. She was not use to people being nice around her, and she wondered if it would have been different has she not been a lycan. Or if the boys she had dated had not broadcasted the fact that she was.
"Alexandra" She said calmly and then gave a sheepish smile when he asked her on her standpoint on magical creatures. She was one herself so it was kind of a given that she did, but his question confused her. Maybe he didn't know who she was exactly.

"I have nothing against them." She replied. "But in retrospect, i prefer to keep to myself usually. Just because i have nothing against them doesn't mean i like to spend my days surrounded by them."
For one reason or another her smile grew. If this boy liked magical creatures maybe she could date him this year, though she quickly shook the though away. Her silly immaturity always though about a boyfriend and that was what usually hurt her in the past, even if he did like magical creatures.
"Oh I find them fascinating I'd love to work with them one day, dragons preferably I know they seem dangerous to most but I find them to be misunderstood like most magical creatures in the world" ,Ryan said in response he didn't mean to ramble but he was very outgoing and liked conversation. He sat quiet for a few moments, the smile still on his face. "So Alexandra that's a lovely name if I may say so, well seeing as we have a whole train ride together maybe we could get to know each other a bit, I'll go first if you'd like".

Ryan waited a few moments to start speaking, "Well first off I'd like to say pleasure to meet you, I'm a seventh year Slytherin" ,he pointed to the emblem on his chest. "My favorite subject is Care of Magical Creatures I also like potions and Herbology, I am looking into becoming an animagus and I am a chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team" ,he told her hoping she didn't find him too forward. "Ok your turn".
Alex's face flushed slightly quite embarrassed to have anyone openly speaking with her. It had been a while since she had a chance to actually hold a conversation with someone. "I'm a seventh year Hufflepuff, but I ill not be turning 17 for a few months, and I am, well I'm just me. I don't play quidditch and I don;t have many subjects I'm particularly fond of. I guess I'm pretty good at charms, and possibly herbology." She did have to excel at herbology, but more so just know how to make wolf's bane. And although she did not play quidditch she did have a Golden snitch given to her by her father the first year she attended Hogwarts, and she tried out for the team but didn't make it. Her father had been a seeker and that snitch was the first one he ever got, and thus was a prized procession for him. For Alex though, it was just something fun to chase around.

"Why would you want to become an Animagus?" Alex asked not understanding why someone would choose to change, she hated being a werewolf being unable to control it, so why would this boy choose to change.

The weather outside began to darken as a storm headed their way and Alex cusses quietly, she hated storms, like most dogs it bothered her, the loud thunderclaps hurting her ears. She knew most dogs fear it due to their lack of understanding but it still bothered her regardless. Thus she pulled her robe tighter around her as though it would provide protection.
Ryan looked at the girl confused, "Why wouldn't I want to become an animagus? I want to work with magical creatures after I graduate and what better way to understand them then to be able to change into a creature myself" ,he said in response. He knew a lot of people weren't too fond of people who chose to be an animagus due to the fact it seemed odd and conspicuous in a way. The young man watched as the girl wrapped her robes around her, he noticed it was because of the storm coming in, "Does lightning bother you"? He asked quickly, "Would you like me to pull down the shades"?
"Lightning doesn't bother me too much" She said calmly knowing full well what caused the lightning. "Its actually the thunder, i have sensitive ears." She explained as he pulled down the shade. She loved the rain, even if from time to time would leave her smelling like a wet dog, in truth it was the storms that she hated.
"I still don;t understand why one would choose to be an animagus, but i guess that is just my opinion." She knew not everyone could be an animagus and it took a lot of work to be one. Some were born with the natural gift while others had to really work at it. And then of coarse there were those who were cursed with it, but they were considered werewolfs.

Hearing a bunch of younger students run down the corridor she snarled. "Immature children." Really she was thinking about the ravenclaw who was sleeping and worried they may have woken him. "So why are you different form the rest of your house? Most students from slytherin shun people like me."
She was referring to the wereworlf part of here but luckily, being in hufflepuff would mask that easily. Along with that she was only half-blood, and a girl though she doubted he would even take note of that.
After closing the shades he sat down, when the younger students ran by he jumped a bit startled by the sudden loud noise. When the girl asked him why he was different he simply smiled, "I was raised to respect all people whom are kind and show me respect, regardless of age gender, sexual orientation, or blood status" ,he told her. His parents were pure bloods but they always taught the young man to be kind and not judge.

He looked at the girl as they sat there not sure of what to say next, finally the silence was broken by the lady who pushed the snack trolley. "Anything sweet for you today"? She asked the two. Ryan stood up and grabbed at least one of everything, he usually never finished everything he bought but he stashed it in his dorm for when he had cravings for something sweet. He thanked the woman after making his purchase then sat back down opening a chocolate frog and stunning it so that it wouldn't hop off before he could eat it.
Alex loved the chocolate frogs as they always gave her something to chase after and noticing Ryan miss his chance to grab it she lunged snatching the frog in her hand.
"Um here" She said with a slight blush heading it to him. She realized that she should have not done that but her own instinct to chase got the better of her. She also made a purchase of a few treats but didn't really feel like eating any in truth. In fact she usually gave her treats away anyway, it just made her feel normal to buy them.

"I guess not all slytherins are raised as total jerks" She sighed as she made herself more comfortable wanting to take a bit of a nap, even though she could hear the thunder outside making her body twitch some. "Thanks" she added closing her eyes. She wouldn't fall completely asleep but she did want to catch a few winks before arriving at school, plus she would have to meet with a few professors before joining the other students in the great hall. Although it was meant to just check her condition and make sure she had the proper dosage for the year. Some girls would take birth control every day, Alex had to take wolf's bane.
"Oh thank you, feel free to have whatever you like I don't mind sharing" ,Ryan said as the girl handed him the chocolate frog. He sat back and took a bite of it. The young man noticed the girl looked rather tired and smiled warmly, "You can fall asleep if you'd like I know how tiring this trip can be and I won't be offended at all" ,he told her. It was true he wouldn't mind if she fell asleep he'd hate to see anyone being tired during the sorting ceremony as it was one of the years biggest events, if she did chose to doze off he had plenty to do himself, he could continue to read his book or even take a nap as well.
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