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The School in the Afterlife (Always Accepting)

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"Heh..." He would have said that she was very talented but he did not want her to break his cock or balls off, as they were already in the palm of her hands literally. He moaned out as she continued, feeling a bit awkward to just stand there while she did this, so he pulled away from her so he could just sit down next to her and smiled, allowing her to continue. He reached past her and began to massage her ass as she continued, giving her a small and sometimes hard spank every now and then.
She moaned out when he spanked and it drove her head down more, eventually taking half of his length into her mouth. She sucked hard on it and licked his shaft when she could, enjoying the mutual pleasure. She squeezed his balls every now and then, rubbing them together or separately, hoping she was doing a good job. She bobbed faster, feeling him begin to grow and get ready to release.
"Yasibel..." He moaned out with one last spank before he felt his seed begin to shoot out. He moaned out as his warm love juice fell into her mouth thanks to her skills and he smiled gently as he laid back and looked to her. "Well now...wasn't that interesting..." He murmured and wondered if Yasibel was satisfied now, though he could have gone for more if she was up for it. Though...he began to wonder about something she was so curious about before. He wondered why it was exactly she wanted an edge over Amelia by being able to blackmail her.


Darian shook his head. "I'm not dancer. Sorry. I prefer to watch than to dance." He said with a smile as he made a motion for her to continue if she wanted. "Though...I am skilled at...other things...if you would want some extra fun rather than dancing."
Kelly gave Darian a odd look at what he said and let out a soft giggle saying "and may i ask just what are you thinking ". She then turned off the radio and picked up her notebook she walked back over to him. She looked about the gym losing interest in the place . she was kinda nervous about what he had in mind for a thought cam across her mind as to what he might be thinking and the last time she had sex she could remember she was being forced to sleep with the man not her choice but maybe she could make it her choice and over come the past.
She grinned when he came and swallowed his seed, feeling the warm slush roll down her throat. "Mmmmmm, tasty." She licked her lips and swallowed the some that gushed out. She rolled onto her back and laid with him on her bed, looking at the ceiling in contentment. "Alright...get out now before my happiness wares off." She giggled and she made sure he didn't know if she was being serious or not. She enjoyed laying topless and with her pants basically was freeing. Plus the smell of sex in the air...she was happy.
"Hey. Let me be happy as well..." He smiled and moved over between her legs, rubbing the tip of his cock along her pussy, wanting her to feel his cock within her. He wouldn't rape her though, if she wanted him to stop, he would. He reached down and rubbed the tip of his cock along her pussy, wanting her to get ready for him as he teased her. "Want some of this inside of you? I promise I'll make your happiness last as long as possible, Yasibel."
While she did moan out when his cock rubbed her area, she did grab it and moved it away. "No...not today." She sat up and crossed her legs, revealing a cum stain under her. "Maybe next time...?" She reached up and grabbed him by the collar, not caring that he didn't have clothing on, and nodded towards the door, which swung open. "Out you go." She flicked her wrist and sent him rolling out the room. She giggled and tossed him his pants. "Night big boy." She closed the door and walked over to her bed again, tossing off the rest of her clothing, and laid down naked, sighing and rolling under the covers. She felt spent..
When she stopped him, he seemed to have already predicted what it was that she was going to do, especially when she grabbed him. He braced for impact when he felt her grab and throw him out the door, feelign his pants land on his head when she threw them out to him. Putting them on, he smiled to her. "Heh...Seems like today has been my lucky day. I think I'm getting on the good sides of the Angels...pretty soon I'll be able to kill them and take this world for my own." He said with a grin before turning to walk away, finding his way out of the dorm to head back to his room.


(Wildkat before I post, can you edit your post just a bit to be a little more readable for me...?)
Darian smirked. "You and my or your dorm room...Lights off..." He smiled and wrapped his arms around her and began to kiss up and down her neck. "Love making...The moonlight shining in and being the only light that hits the room to show our bodies as they glisten in it....what do you say?"
Kelly was caught off guard by kissing but gave into it. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan from the kissing on her neck. Kelly manged to say "okay but know this your the first guy I gave in willing not cause I had to. " She then broke away and grabbed his hand saying"I will take you there just let me lead".
SpecialKay said:
Julian smiled wide, the applause and compliment made him blush a profuse and crimson red. His eyes lighting up at the tea, a single memory flowing back into his mind from when his mother was still alive. She has given him tea every day from the moment he got home and the lot. His hands extended grabbing hold of the tea cup. Nodding his thanks as his eyes peered up from the cup a gentle smile on his lips. "Th-thank you."Julian said with a smile as he sipped the cup ever so gently. "I'm supposing all those other...people are NPC's then."Julian said with a laugh. "They seem awfully dull...and boring."Julian said emphasizing the last word as he gave a mock yawn before chuckling slightly.

Julian laughed slightly as she ate the tart his ears perked up at her moan. "Woah now keep it in your pants."Julian teased with a laugh as he reached for a different tart as well biting a small piece his eyes widened. "Wow that's delicious."Julian said setting it down as he listened to the story, it was a strange explanation. A world in between two worlds? That was an odd thing to hear. The angel thing was understandable , however knowing he couldn't die...oh that was so nice to know. "So if I were an angel would I be beautiful too?"Julian asked as he took another sip of the tea, his eyes lifting as he listened to her speak.

"If I were to break the rules then...would you be the one coming to punish me? Oh and what about the weapons then? It seems that everyone has a weapon and is trying to kill eachother or something. I have no such thing so...I really don't know how it works I guess."Julian said with a small laugh as he finished the tea, setting it down as he looked at her gently, tryin to keep his eyes from wandering. He didn't really feel like eating, even if it wasn't really eating to much. So he picked up the remnants of his tart and lifted it to her lips across the table. "Here, try it."Julian said with a bright, slightly goofy smile.

"NPCs are there as added background. Its to keep and give the admosphere a more...lets to keep the backround from looking dull."She bit her lip, not sure if that was the right way of saying it. She shrugged, not caring that much, even though she's suppose to. "They are a bit dull and the do not interact with Dead Souls. Only we Angels can, using them to our liking."She sipped her tea and took another pastry, biting a small amount, chewed, savored and swallowed.

"And you can't be an Angel. You're not allowed to choose what you can and cannot be. You were choosen to be a Dead Soul. I on the other hand-"She stopped, unable to remember how she happened to become an Angel. She just woke up one day and basically knew what she was and what she was suppose to do."well..that's not important. But like I said. You can't be an Angel. You have to be choosen for it. But I do thank you for calling me beautiful. You're quite the looker yourself. "She smiled sweetly at him.

She chuckled a bit. "Break the rules and either I or Yasibell will come after you, though Yasibell's form of punishment is simply killing you over and over again. My punishment...can vary at times. "Her eyes twinkled at that, her mind remembering the punishment she laid onto Nathan."As for weapons, Darian does them for the newbies that arrive. You can kill each other and not really..well...die....if that makes sense. Basically, you can cut off your own head, gauge out your eyes, breaks someones neck, do anything that would lead to death and they would revive or heal within a few minutes or hours, depending on the severity of the injury. Some Dead Souls have banned together to try and get rid of Yasibell and I, though I don't know why. It isn't like I have done anything bad. Though..there was that one time....but it wasn't was rather innocent. And she liked it...alot. "She babbled a bit, before catching herself and focusing back to her guest. "Oh sorry. I ramble a bit. But if you feel like wanting a weapon, talk to Darian."She finished her tea and set the cup down. When she looked, her cheek flushed, seeing him offering her the remaining small bit of his tart. "Thank you."She said and leaned forward, her mouth parted and took not only the tart into her mouth, but his index and thumb as well. She moaned, licking his fingers a bit, before she pulled away every so slowly, sucking his fingers clean, until she sat straight again and smiled. "My, that's delicious."She mused and smiled sweetly.
"So the NPCs main purpose is to provide this world with a sense of life, orthe real world. Although being dull characters they're simply here to provide a...real life like experience even though, apparently we're all dead."Julian said calmly with a smile, he understood it, if he were to lie forever he'd at least war to feel as completely normal as he possibly could. Being immortal had its perks and faults Afterall, obviously you got to live for FUCKING ever, but the problem is, you got to live for fucking ever. A sigh escaped his lips, although he understood everything, the people, the souls, the was still a lot for any single person to absorb and understand at one time.

"I understand completely, Im obviously not an angel. And that's for reasons I'd rather not state out loud."Julian said with a smile, blushing at the return of his own compliment. "Oh're just being nice, I'm not that good I suppose. I'm just..."Julian paused trying to think of a word that wouldn't completely make him look like shit. "Average." A laugh escaped his lips before listening to her continue.

"So it would be sort of like gambling then? If I were to purposely get in trouble for I don't know whatever reason right now, it would be you or yasibel to come then?"Julian pondered the question, it was obvious, but he will felt like asking. "I can wait on the weapons, I'm not to keen on carrying one around at the moment, I'd rather just relax time kind of alive."Julian said laughing a bit."Id rather spend my time here for a bit, I'm in no hurry."Julian said blushing at how openly she ate the tart. His fingers tingled at the sensation of her lips suckling on them, his cheeks a bright crimson tinge. "O-oh...y-you're welcome."Julian said still blushing and hesitant with his words. What was this? This heat he was feeling, he was getting all hot, and embarrassed...yet he liked it. However he didn't want to look like a pervert or something so he thought of some kind of subject. "Do you mind explaining what that and this yasibel did to get them angry with you?"Julian asked a bright smile on his face as he observed he tea, finishing it before setting it down.

"Oh...and if you don't mind me askin..."Julian paused scratching his head slightly. "What do you guys do around here for fun?"
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