Jugger x Lily


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
In the starship Hyperior, two jedi are the important passengers and cargo of the ship. They were a master and her apprentice. The apprentice, Jod'an, is the most important person aboard the ship. The Republic was losing the war against the Empire, though Jod'an knew of something that could easily turn the tide of battle for the Republic. Three artifacts of ancient Jedi Order design were hidden on three planets, and through a vision given to him by the force, Jod'an knows what planet each one is on and heads toward Dantooine to tell the Council his news, unaware of what dangers were to happen to him on the way. Sith starships were heading in face, suddenly appearing through warp drive and they surrounded the starship. Jod'an stays in his quarters as he stays quiet and ready to fight if anyone should come after him, his master having left to go deal with the problem as the Sith were trying to force themselves to board the ship.
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