The Code (Vash x LilyRoseBlack23)


Mar 19, 2012
Obi-Wan Kenobi was relishing this time off from the constant missions and training. He found it so amazing and peaceful. He sat on the fresh green cut grass, the dampness from the free sprays of the rushing waterfall settling themselves on the strands feeding it and soaking into his leggings, marking the cream coloured cotton a light tea brown shade. Closing his eyes, Obi-Wan began to slip himself into a heavy meditation, wrapping himself into the welcoming arms and rippling currents of the Force. However, this did not last long for Obi-Wan, and he sighed in quiet frustration before slowly opening his suddenly heavy eye lids. Turning around he saw Master Adi Gallia approaching him; her walk slow and sluggish. "Good day Master Gallia. Back from Anison I see." He greeted cheerfully, covering up his frustration. "Morning young Kenobi," Adi dipped her head in respect to the younger and heroic padawan learner as he did the same to the wise Master. "Negotiations were… Unsteady, but my team of Kinghts and I pulled through." Obi-Wan smiled in satisfaction at the older Jedi. "What other reason are you here Adi?" The younger man asked rather sceptically. Her face turned quizzical at the young leathers reaction to her presence, "Why is one not allowed to be reacquainted with ones friends? Especially that of my former padawans friend." Obi-Wan winced inwardly of the reminder of Adi's former student, Siri. It wasn't exactly a happy memory to remember; despite the many ones they shared. It had been a few months since Siri's death on Azure - and it still pained him now to be the one who watched her die. Adi seemed to notice how Obi-Wan's eyes clouded over from reconciling the memory and so quickly decided to change the subject. "The council requests for you to meet them, your Master Qui-Gon is already there. They say they need to discuss a matter of importance to you. A matter that would be found as only important to you and Master Qui-Gon." Obi-Wan groaned. 'So much for the off duty' He rose off from the grass, quickly brushing off his tunic and drawing his brown hooded cloak over himself as to cover the wet sticky patch on his leggings. He made his way to the turbo lifts that would deliver him to the council chambers.

Walking through the silent halls, he passed some fellow Jedi brothers and sisters, who all greeted him with a small wave of their hand, or a nod of the head and a brief smile. He made his way to the turbo lifts and stepped inside. While the lift was stopped he gathered his thoughts, most of them were wrapped around what sort of mission the masters had in store for him and Qui-Gon. His thoughts were stalled when the turbo lift began it's quick ascent.nStanding alone in the silence, Obi-Wan contemplated in his thoughts what the council could possibly want his presence for. 'Perhaps another mission? Or the possibility that Qui-Gon believes I am ready for the trials?!' That last thought made him excited. Finally his training would be complete and he could go off on his own adventures and not having Qui-Gon correcting him on everything he attempted and lectured him about his actions and their effects. Interrupting his thoughts, the turbo lift grinded to a sudden halt at the top of the centre spire of the Jedi Temple. Stepping out, Obi-Wan's eyes quickly wondered to the city life outside the window of the flowing sky line traffic of Coruscant in the orange and pink tinted sky.Once again, snapping him out of his delusion of the view, the heavy council doors slowly swung open, moaning as the metal scraped across the door. Obi-Wan faced the doors and stepped in, confused at why the seats were empty, save for two, who were Master Yoda and Master Windu, Qui-Gon stood in the center and all eyes turned to him. Obi-Wan remained standing just inside the doorframe, his hands linked together in front of him. "Apprentice." Mace greeted rather warmly, giving him an extremely rare smile, which both the other two masters found highly surprising. Qui-Gon quickly waved him in and Obi-Wan walked quickly to his Masters side. "Obi-Wan," Yoda began, "Good to see you it is. Warms my heart it does."

"As a pleasure it is to see you too Master Yoda." Obi-Wan bowed, before turning to Mace to bow at him too."Wonder why you are here?" Yoda asked, seeing the look on Obi-Wan's face and sensing his confused emotions. Obi-Wan sighed loudly, his sigh echoing off the walls. "What do you require of my Master and I?" Yodas hands rested on the notch at the top of his walking stick as he cleared his throat. "The planet Mandalore you shall go. Protection, their new Duchess requires." Obi-Wan's confusion deepened. "Forgive me master, but isn't Mandalore under a clan system led by Mand'alor?" Yodas eyes shifted to Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon then turned to his apprentice to continue, "A year ago you would be right. Mandalore has recently come out of a civil war, one side, The True Mandalorians. Believed they should all live under a strict code of honor and work as high-priced mercenaries. The other, The Death Watch as they call themselves, believed they should return to their old barbaric ways. The Death Wath succeeded in wiping out the True Mandalorians, but they themselves suffered great loss, only about fourty remain. After the fighting Mandalore was left in shambles, nor government, no law, just survival. Recently another faction of pacifist Mandalorians have taken control, inserting themselves as the governing body of Mandalore. Their leader is Duchess Satine Kryze. With this sudden change in the way of life on Mandore the council has suspected that still rebellious citizens may try and take Kryze's life to further their cause. They have asked us to go and guard her until they believe she is safe enough with her standard gaurd." Obi-Wan nodded after the briefing and turned back towards the masters, "When shall we be leaving?" Mace leaned forward in his chair, "Within the hour." Obi-Wan jumped in surprise, "So soon?! I don't have anything packed." Master Windu smiled, "That has already been taken care of. Your things are waiting for you on the transport." Obi-Wan bowed his head in compliance and gratitude, "Thank you Master."

Yoda, feeling they have had given enough information, waved his hand. "Dissmisse you are, to the transport you must go. Guard the Duchess well, and may the force be with you." Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan bowed together and left. When the pair had reached the lift it had been silent. As theory began it's descent to the hangar bay Obi-Wan couldn't help but smile slightly, "This ought to be fun." He stated in a sarcastic tone. His master chuckled, "Ah my young apprentice, do not underestimate this assignment. Just because it is not as glamorous as you would like it to be it is still important. So be on your guard and mindful of the force and your surroundings." Obi-Wan nodded in reply. He really wondered if he was going to enjoy this or not. Guarding and old Mandalorian Duchess? How much more boring can you get?
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