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Massage [Amarena&Tsumi&Order]

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Mar 31, 2011
Tsumi Okasaki said:
Placing Amarena's head in her lap, she smiled and let her fingers brush across the woman's lips as Order continued to work her legs. "Just lay down and relax." she said, brushing a lock of dark hair off of her shoulders and stroking the woman's cheek. "I'll be sure your nice and well taken care of."

Her smile mischievous, she let her hands wander the woman's back and neck, then down her arms as she took a firm hold of her wrists. "There's a good girl. Just hold still."

Amarena said:
She sighs deeply, chest rising then falling in a fluid motion. The breath leaves her lips as Tsumi's fingertips brush across them. For a moment, the tip of her tongue glides out, but it vanishes as soon as it had come. She shifts into a comfortable position, then adjusts the pajama shorts she is wearing to allow better access to her legs.

"Just be careful," she warns in a soft, but stern tone, "Don't do it too hard. It'll hurt." She smiles lightly while wriggling her wrists playfully, not attempting to break free, but only give the feigned impression of doing so.

theswordoforder said:
She nodded, smiling as she watched Amarena and Tsumi getting into position, walking over to her legs and kneeling down. She placed her hands gently on the woman's left leg, running it up and down like a cloth was being moved on it. "Wow...such great legs" She spoke, barely ever going up to her knee. "But sooo much stress...what do you do to these things? tie them to coals?"

She encircled the leg with both of her hands, running them gently up and down again as she did so, moving lower to be able to do more precise work. She put an elbow on her leg, pinning it down. "Just relax...come know you'll enjoy this"

Tsumi Okasaki said:
Grinning as the woman playfully struggled, she made a slow ordeal of pulling the woman's hands behind her head and grabbing a length of her hair to grip. Holding them firmly in place she tilted the woman's head back, looking deep into her eyes. "Now you wouldn't be trying to get away would you? After all the trouble we went through to try and help."

A slow wicked grin parts her lips as she cups the womans chin and lifts her head till their faces are inches apart, having to crouch slightly to meet her gaze. "We'll just have to keep you better occupied." she said bringing her lips close to the woman's and allowing them to brush ever so slightly against her companions. "Order I think our patient needs to be restrained. What do you think?"

The switch from soft hands to a more aggressive grip surprised her, but she merely glanced down at Order with a light frown on her lips. "I'm on my feet all day," she sighed in exasperation, shrugging her shoulders. "It's to be expected." And definitely not welcomed, thus, her enjoyment of delicate hands massaging away the troubles.

Amarena clenched her teeth to stifle the breathy moan from the sudden grip on the short lengths of her hair. After, she did not struggle, but does quirk a brow at Tsumi's suggestion. Her eyes flickered, as if worried, but only momentarily. The grin given by the other woman is matched. "Restrained?" she questioned, the smirk widening. "Think you can, hmm?" With the tease of lips at her own, she shoved her chest upward to connect their mouths in a forceful, commanding kiss.
She barely had time to smile as Tsumi and Amarena started kissing, letting her arms leaves the woman to give her some sort of movement. She kept her hands on though, moving above the knee, practically crawling as she moved her hands up the woman's thighs. she didn't say anything. leaving the pair to their kiss as she worked.
Tsumi pulled the woman's head in closer, her tongue pushing past her lips and seeking the woman's in an intimate dance. Shifting her body, she slid her right hand down the woman's side in a leisurely pace. Slowly breaking the kiss she grinned once more at the woman. "Well it seems you have plans already. Now should I just do away with those and implement our own? Or allow you a little fun." Looking over their captive patient's shoulder she watched Order, smiling softly before letting her hand slip back up the woman's side and stopping just shy of her fourth rib, right beside her breast.
Eagerly, she parted her lips to allow the woman entry into her mouth. As the dance continued, she became more aggressive, and even nipped at the woman's lower lip with a devilish smirk adorning her own. The tickle of Tsumi's hand at her side caused her to flinch, as well as the dextrous, nimble fingertips working higher, past her knee to her thigh. Breaking the kiss with a deep inhalation of breath, she reached an arm down to the other, gently, but almost desperately, clawing to bring her closer. "Maybe I'll like your plans, too," she commented, softly scratching her fingernails down Order's cheek. Her free hand reached for Tsumi's, holding onto it as it slid down her side.
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