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The Kitten's Ball of Ideas (seeking M, F, or anything else and multiple partners RP's

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Mar 31, 2012
On a fluffy pink cloud
Hello all. I'm kinda new here and I have a few ideas I'm looking to play out. First let me tell you a little about myself.

I'm open to pretty much to anything, the only thing I WILL NOT do is scat. Sorry, but poop is just beyond my limits. I also won't do kids, but seeing as how that's a rule of the site, I shouldn't even have to tell you that. I will oddly enough do urine since it's kinda within my kinks, but only if it suits the RP and my partner's comfort level. I don't like beastly or animals, but might be willing to make an exception to that. I'm not a fan of anal, but again, I'm willing to an exception. Beyond that, I'll pretty much do anything if it suits the story of the RP.

I'm a slow poster and will probably only post once a week at the most.
I am an advanced RP'er and I prefer partners that can write posts that are at least two paragraphs long.
My favorite genres are Science Fiction, Fantasy, Supernatural, Superhero, and other similar settings. However I am willing to do more realistic things.
I prefer human or human-like characters such as Elves, Neko-jins, angels, humanoid aliens, ect, ect. But I am willing to branch out and try monsters and such. Having seen one too many Hentei, I have a bit of a fetish for trying such.
I am willing to play any gender or sexuality. I'd actually currently like to do a M/M RP for some reason.
I only RP via PM or forum. Sorry, my IM is only for chatting.
Do not ask me for personal information such as real name, where I live, or email address. Personal information stays personal, I'm only here to further my writing experience and create interesting stories with other writers.

Now, I think I covered it all.

Currently I really want to write in a harem or orgy type RP of any genre. Preferably one with one male and two or more females. So if anybody is interested or has a suggestion that is along those lines, please let me know.

Below is a list of ideas, I'm leaving the vague because I like to work out a plot with my partner. My preferred role (if I have one) will be in quotation marks. However, I'd be willing to play either role in most of them.
"Mistress"/male slave or pet.
Master/"female slave or pet"
F/F or M/F/F versions of the two above.
"Rape victim"/Rapist (this could be any combination of anything (although I'd prefer a none-realistic scenario) and I could play either role).
Hired assassin/the assassin's mark.

Currently those are the only ideas I have at this moment. However, I may update this thread soon with more ideas or at least more detailed plots.
RE: The Kitten's Ball of Ideas

It doesn't matter. As I state above, if I have a preferred role I put it in quotation marks. And my on's and off's aren't a big enough deal to do that right now. Again, as I state above, I'm open to just about anything.
RE: The Kitten's Ball of Ideas

Since I already have seven RP's lined up and I'm limiting my roles here since it's not my main RP site. I am not accepting any more RP requests as of right now.
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