The Twins of Tattooine (Terentatek and Wingshadow)



When the suns of Tattooine descended below the distant horizon, they gave the inhabitants of the outer-rim planet a brief and welcome respite from their intense rays. The city of Nar Shaddaa seemingly came alive even more so than it did during the day, with busy streets full of all manner of shady individuals and underhanded dealings. Not even one of them paid much attention to a young fourteen-year-old girl who wandered the streets and sidewalks, her dirty blonde hair which was pulled back from her face into a simple ponytail and her bland, rough-looking clothes capturing none of their interest.

Eris bent down and picked up what remained of a long-forgotten pendant, its hinge rusty and the picture that it contained long gone. She smiled and dropped it into her bag of odds and ends that she collected from off the streets, hurrying along one dark alleyway toward the little nook that she and her brother called home. She slipped between two tightly nestled buildings, batting away some laundry that hung between them out the windows and continuing on her way, her wrapped feet padding silently upon the dust-covered streets until she reached a small alcove and dipped into a small entryway.

"Aurak! Are you home yet?" closing the door behind her, she called out for her brother while setting down her bag in the dimly lit room. Their house was comprised of only a single room, with a small stove in the corner and a sink, while their beds were merely cushions with bed-sheets laid over them.
(Please delete. There was an error while I made this post)
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