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Protagonist Needed. [Male]

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Rune Viero
May 20, 2012
Ever wondered if you could save the world and get the girl? Seeking male protagonist to wander through a personal world of my own creation. Bonus points (like, 4,000) if he can fit my request but not required. I'll stop taking players after I get three, so it is a bit first come first serve.

The requirements are as follows:

  • Male character who is full human.
  • Comfort with possible mature themes and a long term plot.
  • Be accepting to a high fantasy setting and having to learn about the setting through RP.
  • You will get to pick your characters name, personality, skills, ect.
  • Enjoyment of playing in a modern to cyberpunk setting.
  • Willing to play through IM or PM, as I hate threads.
  • Ability to play late evening or at least be understanding of the fact I have to go to work to keep the net on.

This is going to be a casual two person game. I might open it up for more than two if it goes well, or if two of you are good friends and want to try this “together”. If more than one wants to play I will make an exception to the thread rule. The game will be casual. All posts should be in deep third person. A standing role of godmoding and autoing exists. I will act as a type of GM as well as post at you about the world, where you go, ect. As long as you can keep realistic physics in mind and remember that if you do an attack post you hit “at” and “toward”, never assuming contact, we'll be great. Below I'll give a small warm up to the story. If you find yourself interested, drop me a PM. The button below will start our tale.



Fate was a funny thing. There were people who said it was nothing more than simple math. You could calculate what someone was going to do, when, why, and how and because everything in this world was a simply case of action and reaction, fate could not be battled against for the fight one would give fate... Well, it was already fated itself. Which is why the two very small boys who stood on the street corner watching the people who walked by seemed to be waiting. They were smallish, no more than eight or nine, with twin dark black bowl cuts, blue eyes, and mouths set into the determined line that only little boys seemed to be able to master.

They'd stand there in their raggedy jeans and worn tees until, in unison, their eyes stilled on a male form walking across the street.

“Is that him?” Asked one boy in a whisper to the other.

“Feels like him.” Was the second's answer.

“Well, how do we know?”

“What does it matter? The book was pretty clear. If we like that one, that one is the one we're meant to get. The rest will take care of itself.”

“I don't know about all this...”

“Don't be such a baby.” Growled the obvious leader of the two, pausing to wipe at his nose with a bare, pale skinned arm. “Everything will be fine. Now let's catch him before he gets away!”


This will operate as the opening post to the story. So, the next step is your post. The question now is if you want to see where it goes...
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