Grimm: The Lost Episode.

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May 18, 2012
Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Bureau learns he is descended from a line of "guardians" known as "Grimms," charged with keeping balance between humanity and the mythological creatures (called "Wesen" however use of Germanic pronunciation renders it sounding like "Vessin") of the world. Throughout the episodes, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures, with help from his friend Monroe (who is a reformed creature), and his partner Detective Hank Griffin.
A new Detective
Nick Burkhardt's partner Hank Griffin was ill. He couldn't work for atleast a month. Captain Sean Renard had found a new detective to assist Nick.
Nick didn't knew anything about the new detective yet. The only thing that he could do was wait. So Nick sat in a chair and waited for the new detective to arrive.
This was Taylor's big chance. She recently graduated from the cadet college and has been looking for her 'big break'. The cop work she had been doing for the Portland police has been dull, at best. She had been on coffee trips for the higher ups and simple paperwork, not even being allowed in the field for any length of time. If this was all police work was, she wanted to quite right then and there.

Taylor Kole wasn't made for paperwork. It was hard to tell for most people, but beneath her amber hair, the Fuchsbau woman was something much more. Her family was on the 'wrong side of the tracks' for generations, dating all the way back to aiding Jack the Ripper. Taylor wanted to be different, to use her skills and family knowledge for good compared to the shady deals her family had been used to dealing with. She was about to collect coffee orders when a message came down from the higher ups.

Captain Renard had a job for her with the detective sector of the station. The woman paused and smiled at the note. She grabbed her jacket, backpack and of course, large ball of hair rubber bands and started to the elevator, showing the note to any who questioned her. Taylor had wings on her heels at this point. She was so excited and prepared to do this. Within a minute, she was on the upper floor, eyeing the multitude of desks outside of the open doors. Smoothly, she exited the lift and started towards the Captain's office, passing a few of the detectives as she went.

Many of them gave her curious looks, but Taylor simply ignored them, knocking on the door before being summoned inside. She spoke to the captain for a few minutes, getting her exact directions before heading to her new 'partner' for the day.

"Nick Burkhardt?" she questioned with a slight smile. "Captain Renard told me I'm your new partner." She held a hand out to the man. "Taylor Kole."
Nick waited and waited. Then he saw a younger girl then himself walking in the room. She can be my partner he thought, laughing a bit. Of course he didn't knew that she was going to be his partner. He didn't even saw that she was a Fuchsbau or that she aided Jack the Ripper but if he was going to find out that she was a Fuchsbau, he was just going to Monroe and asked him for some information.

"Yes? Are you my new partner?" Nick asked as the girl walked over to him. He held his hand out too and shaked his hand. "Nick Burkhardt. Nice to meet you but you already seem to know me." He smiled at the girl and he noticed that she wasn't really experienced. "Can you tell me something about yourself and your experience as a cop?" Nick asked curiously.
"I just graduated last year," Taylor told him with a small shrug. She set her bag down in the chair beside Nick's desk. "Top of my class, with honours, all that sort of thing." She smiled, pretty proud of herself. Sadly, no one had the chance to see what she can do out on the field. "I've been working on little to nothing downstairs. Just mostly coffee runs." She shrugged lightly and leaned on the back of the chair slightly. "Haven't had a chance to do much else..."
"So you are a rookie?" Nick asked to Taylor as he looked at her. When she sat down, he decided to listen to her experiences. "So you are a top rookie?" he asked to break the ice a bit. "I don't think that someone gets better at being a cop when they just need to get some coffee. And now that you are here, you are lucky because probably we are going to get some chances in the field." Nick looked at her and noticed that she was different as all the other girls that he knew but maybe it was just his imagination.
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