It's the Devils against the Witches (Vash x lunarlight)


Mar 19, 2012
A lone man sat alone in a large cathedral. He looked around at the damage still there. The painted glass window at the front was still shattered, the sword still ripped from Spardas, and and some the pews still tossed around the cathedral. The man sat with his back lurched forward and his arms resting on his knees. The left arm had his sleeve rolled up showing tan, battle scarred, skin. On his opposite arm he had the sleeve rolled down, a faint blue glow emanating from under the sleeve. His face was contorted in anger, aggravation, and stress. His silver hair was matted down, messily, and it hung over his face. This lone figure in the church was a young man by the name of Nero. He was a member of the former Knights of the Holy Order, but they disbanded when it turned out their leader was a crazed lunatic. Now Nero was just a freelancer doing any job that came his way. Gods he was starting to become Dante! On top of him being out of a job his relationship with Kyrie was now over, it turns out killing her brother caused a much bigger rift than what Nero expected. So he came here to the Cathedral to try and think things over and figure out his next move.

He was about to get up to leave when he heard the large oak doors swing open, the groan of the iron hinges ringing in the cathedral. He turned his head to see a small man in white and gold robes shuffle into the cathedral. The man was old, wrinkles lined his face. Nero stood up and turned to the man, "Can I help you sir?" The man stopped and spoke in a giant voice that seemed to carry in the room, "I'm looking for the leader of the Holy Knights, I am requesting aid." Nero chuckled and shook his head, "Your about three moths late gramps. We closed up shop." The man looked saddened by the news, "Oh... Thank you anyway young man." He then turned and began to walk away.

Nero pondered for a moment, if this man had an aid request then that means he had the money to pay for it and Nero was light on that. He quickly jogged to catch up with him. "Hey gramps, what's the job? I used to be a Knight, hell I was the best of them." A smile then returned to the mans face, "Oh thank you youn man! You don't how much this means to my brothers and sisters!" The man moved to shake Neros right hand but Nero jerked the hand away. "Just tell me what I need to do." The old man then went into detail about how he was a part of a cult called "The Followers of the Light" and that their members were starting get picked off by a woman in all black. She could summon demons and torture devices at will as well as slowing time down. Sounded like a challenge. "Ok," Nero said when the man finished, "Where to?" The old man took out a slip of paper, it had directions to a city called Vigrid. As well as directions to a bar called "Hells Gate" the old man said that was her suspected base of operations. Nero was about to leave to prepare when the old man held out his hand to stop him, "Wait. There is another we must get first." Nero had a feeling who he was talking about....

Dante was bored out of his mind! There was nothing happening at all. Lady or Trish weren't here with there drama or anything to at least make something exciting happen. Plus no jobs had come in to alleviate his boredom either. So he was taking a sabbatical, that being that he had his feet up on his desk and his eyes closed, napping. That changed quickly when the bell on his door dinged, someone was coming in. He continued to nap while the two people walked across the floor. His nap continued until his feet were shoved off of the desk and Dante opened his eyes in anger, but they quickly laxed when they saw who it was. "What do you want Nero?" Nero was standing there with an old man beside him. Nero nodded smugly, "Aw sorry there lazy bones, didn't mean to wake you from your beauty sleep. This guys got a job for us." Nero then went in and explained what it was. As he listened Dante became intrigued, this job could prove to be fun. He sat up and gathered his coat and weapons. "Well old man, I hope your willing to pay for my services." The old man chuckled, "Oh yes my brothers and sisters have a vast amount of funding and are prepared to compensate you for helping us in this dire emergency." Dante smirked and headed out the door, "Then let's rock!"
At Hells gate, a beautiful young woman who possessed a slender yet rather curvaceous and tall figure entered. her black hair wrapped into a beehive-like hairdo and gray eyes; also, she has a mole located at bottom of her left cheek close to her lips. Her main attire is composed of a skin-tight suit made out of her hair that has a rose design on the abdomen as well as long white gloves, black and gray heels and thin, gold chains; she also wears glasses that have the design of butterfly wings close to the lenses, three small belts strapped on each arm, and a pair of gold, cat-shaped earrings. She wears an Umbra Watch over her bust that contains red jewel previously thought to be the Left Eye. Four metal symbols are attached to her hair, three of them are the shape of the crescent moon, the other is the symbol of the Umbra Witches; also, Bayonetta has a hair ribbon wrapped around her hairdo that extends down to to her legs covered in demonic language.

"Bayonetta, help me!" A fat man, by the name of Enzo said to her as his neck was squeezed a bit harder by a woman with platinum colored hair. Jeanne.

"Now, now Enzo, she's only having a bit of fun." Bayonetta said, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Rodin, an exceedingly tall black man was standing behind the counter cleaning up a few cups with a dish towel. "So, What'll you have today, Bayonetta?" he said before she leaned onto the counter. "The usuall." was all she said before a shot of peppermint Schnapps and a cherry sucker was given to her. She took the shot, then place the lollipop into her mouth.

Jeanne then played the song, Fly me to the moon and as if on instinct, Cereza, began walking toward the Jukebox saying "As long as there's music, I'll keep on dancing."
Vigrid was nothing different then what he was used to. Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, standard human issues. He was not used to things such as these. Being a half-demon he was raised in seclusion, away from print and judgemental eyes. Thinking of his heritage brought back painful memories, ones of his brother and mother. His mother had fallen in love with a demon, ironically she was a nun at a church. He couldn't remember what the real story was, but from the fragments he could remember it was that they met on a stormy night when his father saught shelter. He stayed for a few weeks and over that time he slowly wooed her and she left the church for him and they started a family together his brother, Vergil, came first. His mother was surprised to see that her eldest son had snow white hair, much like their father. 5 years later they would be greeted by another son, him, with another head of white hair. His parents also recognized that the boys had heightned abilities and could see things that no one but their father could. Dante grew up happy with his family, they were close and thigs were great. Until one day when he was 8, his father didn't come back from work. They didn't worry since they just thought he was working overnight. Then he would be subjected to the sight of watching his mother get cut down by an invisible force. His eyes would change and saw what did it, demons. His mother then begged for Dante to hide in his room and not come out until she came and got him. He did... but his mother would never come. He would wait and then come out to find a bloodied room, his mother and brother gone. He didn't know what to do, but something in the back of his brain told him to run and never look back and he hadn't ever since. The only time being was when Vergil suddenly popped back into his life, only to be thrown back into Hell and have Dante fight him again and this time he killed him for good, or so he thought. Vergil didn't come back, but his son sure did. That would be Nero, he kid didn't know it yet but Dante had his suspicions.

Nero trailed behind Dante as they walked their way through Vigrid. He felt for these people as he saw them walk by. He himself used to be in that situation before he was taken in by the Knights. He even helped a few of them by giving some money to them. Dante only chuckled at the sight. "Come on kid we're on a job, not with the damn Salvation Army." Nero stopped and gave Dante the directions to the bar the old man gave them.

They quickly found the place, the neon sign flashing the name of the bar in a gaudy color. The pair entered the bar to an interesting sight. A platinum blonde in a red leather jump suit strangling a fat man in a cheap suit and hat. Nero eyed her and reacted by rolling up his right arm sleeve to reveal his demonic arm to her. She wasn't part of the deal but it was useful target practice. Besides she was strangling an innocent fat man, what else was he supposed to? Dante turned his attention to the main target, the one they call Bayonetta. She was dancing around in a black leather cat suit to a song he used to know. "Well this should be interesting." He allowed her to continue dancing and he just watched until she noticed him.
Bayonetta was dancing with her eyes closed, her body moving swiftly, yet gracefully.

"Looks like we've got company." Rodin's gruff tones, pulled her mind away from the music and her and Jeanne's attention turned to the White haired men standing near the entrance. They looked like brothers, perhaps twins. Although, one of them had a strange glowing claw for a hand. Jeanne finally released Enzo from the western Indian leg lock and stood next to her Umbran sister, her gun equipped heels clinking as they made contact with the hard wood floor. She eyed the man with the claw suspiciously, before giving him a smug grin.

"Who da fuck are you Douchbags?" Enzo asked in a course voice due to the strength of the hold he was just released from. Rodin, promptly beamed him with a spoon, before tossing Bayonetta another Lollipop. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" Cereza's politely sarcastic tone, which would have normally made her 'Cheshire' blush or gape, didn't even faze the people in the room. Although, she wouldn't necessarily call them people.

She slowly made her way toward the man, more specifically, the one with the large guitar case strapped around his back. When she got close enough to touch his, she tapped his nose and said "Now, little one, what can we help you with?" with a flirtatious wink, her English accent accentuating every word.
Dante didn't have to wait long to get noticed around this place, the bar tender announcing it. That yanked the girl with the black hair stopped dancing and opened her eyes. The blonde let go of the fat man and went to stand next to what seemed to be her friend. Her heels clicked along the floor and it drew Neros attention. He looked down to see that there were guns attached to her... feet? How the hell do you shoot a gun from her foot? If she could then he would be dealing with double trouble, but he highly doubted it so she would be easy to get rid of. Then the fat ass decided to open his fat mouth and call them douchebags. "You know what," Nero responded back, "I'm starting to regret saving your hide." Nero then crossed his arms, sliding his right hand into his coat and wrapped his hand around the grip of his pistol, the Blue Rose.

Dante continued to eye the black haired one and watched as the bar tender tossed her a lolipop and by the color it was Strawberrt flavored, Dante's favorite flavor. He especially loved a good Strawberrt Sundae, which reminded him, he could go for one right about now. "Hey barkeep, how about a strawberry sundae?" Dante continued to stand until the black haired one stepped forward to tap him on his nose asking him in a sultry British accent.

Dante smiled at her, "We're just here to get some drinks." He slid the guitar off his shoulders and set it down against the bar. He sat on one of the stools and waved Nero over. Nero took his hand off his gun and sat next to him whispering, "What the hell are you doing Dante? We're here, let's just do this and get it done!" Dante shook his head, "Relax kid, all in due time."
Rodin was a bit surprised by the kid's order but began making the sundae.

Cereza decided to take the stool opposite to the man with the claw and leaned over the counter, her ass jutting out into the air ever so slightly, before saying, "Rodin, that reminds me. Did you fix our little problem?" while adjusting her glasses. She was tired of using the cheap toys the fallen angel had given her. She wanted her Scarborough Fair back.

"Just fixed them." he answered before placing the Sundae on the counter in front of Dante. Then he turned to Enzo and said "That's going on your tab, deadbeat mother fucker." but before the stout man could say anything, the chair he was sitting in toppled over. Suddenly, Rodin reached down and pulled out a platter with a sheet cover what it held, the sheet had a rose insignia on it. Pulling the cloth off, four guns were revealed, then Cereza began Examining them(Skid to 5:25) while Rodin made her a Strawberry Martini.

Then the fallen angel said, "You know, if those followers of the light keep fucking with you, shits really gonna hit the fan."

"True, but i'm getting a bit tired of these weaklings they keep throwing at me." was her only reply before pounding her drink down.
Dante was happy when the bartender set his sundae in front of him. He smiled and even chuckled a little, his sweet tooth was about to sated. Nero only rolled his eyes, "Jesus Dante I swear your sweet tooth will kill you someday." Dante didn't reply and dug into his sundae. It was actually great, the ice cream was at the perfect consistency, the whip cream was light and fluffy, and the strawberries were fresh. Yes Dante was a bit of a sundae conesieur due to the fax that he ate them almost daily. He continued eating until his eyes turned to watch the woman flip a set of derringer revolvers in the air and latched them on to her feet and grabbed another pair of them in her hands while the bartender made her a drink. The theatrics were cute but he knew what this was about to boil down to. He finished the rest of it and slid the glass to the bartender.

He sat back and listened as the two talked. Nero on the other hand was taking in every word, making notes of what they were saying. The. The cult came up in their talkings and both of the hunters ears perked up. "Speaking of the followers," Dante chimed in before pulling out his duel pistols, Ebony and Ivory. "They've contracted us to kill you." Nero quickly pulled out his pistol, Blue Queen, and aimed it at the blonde. "Don't get any ideas blondie."
Bayonetta and Jeanne were a bit surprised when the two men pulled out their guns. However, when Nero pointed his gun toward Jeanne, she used her witch time to get behind him, lifting her leg and aiming the gun on her left heel at the back of his head before saying, "Bitch, Please!" one of her most famous taunts. The only thing heard after that was the click of the gun getting ready to be fired.

While Bayonetta had aimed at Dante's heart, before saying "And why, may I ask, would they do that." Then moved closer to him, until they were mere centimeters apart. Her leather covered breasts pressing against his bare chest. "Besides, they deserved the spanking I gave them." Cereza added, before teasingly licking some left over ice cream from his lower lip. "Mhmm, Strawburry, my favorite." she said as she jumped back, ready for any retaliation.
Nero kept his gun aimed at her forehead, it was steady as he had already done this to so many demons it was almost like that was his arms natural resting position. Rather than delay things with banter and witty reparté he wanted to get this done and get paid. His finger squeezed the trigger and then came the muzzle flash, then the bang, but no splattering sounds, no half screech half screams, nothing but the sound of the bullet digging into the wall, she was gone! Where could she have gone, how could she just disappear like that?! Nero soon learned where she went when he heard the click of a gun being cocked right by his ear. He looked to see that she was using one of the guns on her feet to threaten him. He decided to pull one out of Dante's book and grinned. "Flexible... I like that." He then wheeled around and ducked for when she fired and had his gun back a her again, "So this is going to be fun."

Dante's head turned when he heard Neros gun fire, he had to do a double take when he saw the blonde disappear. His head turned back when he felt her chest press up against his. He saw that she was a matter of centimeters apart from him and she still had her guns at his heart. "So you guys have a couple tricks up your sleeves, not bad." She then asked about why the old man hired the pair. "Well to answer that apparently you like picking off defenseless humans and while human problems aren't really my thing, he made you seem like a nice change pace for me. So tell me why-" He was interrupted by the woman licking ice cream off of his lips, hot. He smirked as she jumped back, he then continued, "So tell me, why are u picking off all of these humans? Kicks, amusement, are you paid to?"
Jeanne nearly had to switch her left leg with her right when Nero turned around, and although normally she would have ended it there, she decided to prolong it. 'May as well get as much information from them as possible.' she thought as she cocked and eyebrow. Then did a back hand spring, landing next to Bayonetta.

Cereza, winked at Dante's smirk before saying, "Well, I guess they didn't tell you the whole story, now did they." Then without warning, she fired a single bullet at Nero. She wasn't aiming for him, just his gun. He seemed to be very similar to Jeanne in wanting to get the job done as quickly as possible, a trait that meant she would need to make a little time to explain all that was going on.

Jeanne realized what her Umbran sister was doing and decided to attempt at distracting the clawed man, so he ran to his side and simply held her gun up to keep him in check.
Nero wasn't one for theatrics so the back hand spring was a little over the top if you asked him. As she went to the side of her friend so did Nero. "Something's up Dante, I don't think the old man was shooting straight with us." Dante only laughed, "Well duh kid! He's a member of a cult of light so I wasn't surprised to find you with him when you guys came to the shop." Nero gave him a look of confusion. "Look, you're from an order, well former order, of Holy knights. If they wanted to get rid of some demons then of course they would get some holy guys to do it. Since the order is gone they came to me as a last resort to get the job done and they were probably hoping that we would just kill each other off so they wouldn't have to deal with me later." Nero only had to think for a second before Dante's explanation clicked. That was about the time the black haired woman shot Neros gun out of his hand. Nero wasn't phased, even when the blonde haired woman put her guns back to Nero. "Well," Nero began, "Since this is about the second time we've done this, are you at least going to tell me your name?" Nero kept a small smile on his face knowing that she probably thought he was now defenseless, but he had a trick up his sleeve.

Meanwhile Dante kept his attention to the black haired woman. "Nice shot. Anyway since you seem to know more about these guys hen we do you mind filling in the gaps as to what we're missing?"
Jeanne smiled, although her eyebrows raised in suspicion before she said, "My name is Jeanne. Who, may I ask, are you, little puss?" Before putting one of her lemon flavored lollipops into her mouth.

Bayonetta began walking over to the bar while saying "Well Cheshire, these followers of the light are quite unique. You see, when they die they become angel, these angels are trying to resurect the creator, Jubileus. However to do that they need me."

Then she waved her hand behind her head and her pistols were gone.
Nero scowled when Jeanne, as she said her name was, called him a little pet name... puss. "Look for starters, I'm not a cat! Second of all my name is Nero." Nero always found his name a little baffling. He had a small idea who his father was but still nothing about his mother, he couldn't think of a name or a face... the only thing he could remember about her was that her eyes were two different color. Blue and green came to mind but he could be wrong. He was getting side track, his name was what started this. He knew it meant black but why his father or mother chose it for him. He shook his head to get rid of his train of thought and looked back at Jeanne. "So knock it off with the pet names, I'm only warning you once." He also noticed the lolipop in her mouth, "Man am I the only one who doesn't have an addiction to candy?"

Dante was ignoring Neros whining and paid attention to her. "So what about you? Are you going to drop your name or am I going to have to guess?" The intel she gave him was interesting. When they die they turn into angels? Wasn't that already the common conception? Either way he knew what he was dealing with. "So another deity worshiping cult.... Nero this is your kind of thing, deal with it." Nero merely rolled his eyes at the younger son of Sparda. Though one thing did baffle him, "Cheshire?" He asked. Nero walked over and passed him saying, "She's calling you a purple striped cat that smiles all the time and poses philosophical questions in some children's book." He went to the bar and grabbed the guitar case. He opened the clasps and pulled out his sword, Red Queen, that was lying next to Dante's Rebelion. "So what's the play Dante? We finish the job or sit around and talk bull shit?"
Jeanne Huffed at the idea that she was addicted to candy, she could quit anytime she wanted, but then said, "Calm down little puss, no need to get your tail all in a fuss." amusement filling her voice. Usually Bay would be doing the teasing, but this one was just too much fun already.

Cereza was a bit surprised to hear the one called Nero explain an odd version of her use of the word 'Cheshire' she had always used it as another way of saying pet. This child version of the word confused her but she ignored that, and the rude comment from his friend, and simply answered Dante's question. "My name is Bayonetta, and this isn't your average religious cult, as I said they're unique." pulling the strawburry flavored lolli out of her mouth, she added "I quite agree with your friend there, I'm not much for the talkative types. How about we have a little fun, instead? You did plan on having fun with me, right? There'll be plenty of time for pillow talk afterwards." before flipping her hair behind her back, making her guns, Parsley and Sage. While making sure the two on her feet, Rosemary and Thyme, were in proper order.
Seeing that the pair were going to talk more Nero sat down a the bar and pulled out the tool kit he had and started working on Red Queen, she was feeling a little heavy in the pommel and that wouldn't do for Nero. The sword had to be perfectly balanced in order for it to be used to its full potential. He had just finished fixing the problem when Jeanne taunted furthe. He whipped out his pistol and fired a bullet that took off the stem of the lolipop still in her mouth. "I said only one warning. There's your warning." More like warning shot. He grabbed the sword in his left hand and jerked the handle on the crossguard and the sword revved like it was an engine in a muscle car. He had to admit Agnus was a bastard, but the man knew how to make a sword.

Dante saw Neros reaction and smiled even wider when Bayonetta tossed her hair back and made her guns reappear. He spun Ebony and Ivory in his fingers and laughed. "This Party is gettin' crazy, let's rock!" He then fired rapidly, almost like the pistols were actually machine guns and not pistols. That's how his dad did it and that's how Dante would.
When Jeanne felt the stick of the lollipop in her mouth break, she instinctively fired a shot at Nero, just catching a few strands of hair. Then said, "That was your warning, don't fuck with my candy." while glaring daggers at him.

When Dante had said 'Let's Rock' Bayonetta couldn't help but respond with "Let's Rock, Baby!" Although, when he began his rapid bombardment of bullets she almost got hit a few times before using her witch time. Using this to her advantage, she entered Purgatory and took a place behind the white haired Halfa, teasing him by fluttering his coat and tripping him up.
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