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Craving Heinlein Inspired RPs

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Jun 28, 2011
Well if you are looking at this it is either out of curiosity or you are a fan of Robert Heinlein. Either way, welcome! I'm currently on a Heinlein binge (when it comes to what I am reading) and I am finding myself needing an outlet for some muses that are popping into my head because of it. So, here I am!

Starship Troopers
No, this is not a fandom for the movie, but rather for the book that it is very loosely based upon. My role will be bolded.

Cap Trooper Lieutenant / Pilot (female): My cap trooper is a lieutenant, commanding the platoon of troopers stationed aboard the corvette that your character pilots. We have eaten meals together, since all the officers do, and sit beside one another. We've conversed several times and it isn't long before one of us makes a move. Which one will it be? Will we be found out by the other officers once we've started having relations?

Cap Trooper Sergeant / Cap Trooper Lieutenant (female): This one would have to be either alternate universe or in the future, when women are allowed to become capsule troopers.

My character has been in the same platoon since he was out of boot camp and you are a new transfer, fresh out of officer's training. I am your senior non-commissioned officer and have disagreed with you on several points, in private of course. Finally you've had enough and decide you are going to set me straight and order me to go with you to the washroom (to beat some obedience into me). A fight ensues and we find ourselves entangled... rather awkwardly... and then one of us goes over the edge' they kiss the other. What happens afterwards? Awkward sexual tension for weeks before it boils over? Or was that already the case and we get it out of our systems?

Stranger in a Strange Land
I have yet to read this book in it's entirety, so please, no spoilers!

Valentine Michael Smith / Anne : For some reason I would really like to have these two be together. For some reason it seems a better pairing to me. Mike sees something in Anne that reminds him of the Old Ones after all. After the little kissing episode in Jubal's office (during which mike kissed all the girls living on the property), Mike finds himself curious about how water bothers can grow closer still, especially the male and female ones. He had known Jill a long time of course, but in light of his grokking of Anne, he decides to go to her about his curiosity.

I'm thinking that there could be some rather deviant fun between these two, since Anne seems to be the time that would want to be thorough (being a Fair Wittness and all) and with Mike's superhuman abilities, well, who knows? Levitating sex perhaps?

Well that's all for now folks! If more pops up I will be sure to add in more plots!
While I'm not a female, and generally don't even try to play them....much too complicated for me....fist bump for Heinlein!

Also, I'm surprised there's no mention of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress in your thread. A Mycroft Holmes pairing with just about any willing female would be very interesting.
Thanks for the bump! And I have yet to get to The Moon is a Harsh Mistress yet! It's on my list. Just getting into Heinlein, so I'm trying to catch up with all of you fanatics :p
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