The Pokemon Journey (Me & InsaneGamer)


Mar 9, 2009
Natalie couldn't wipe the grin off her face as she walked, adjusting her backpack and humming. Finally, it was her 15th birthday, finally she had gotten her own Pokemon and was leaving home for the first time. Her parents had made the usual sobbing goodbye, tried to convince her to stay for just 'one more day' but she had been determined. She had been looking forward to this day for the last 10 years after all. "Oh man....finally....finally I can't believe it!" She grinned, pulling the Pokeball from her bag strap and staring at it and the Charmander inside. It had been difficult to get such a Pokemon in this region, but somehow she had managed it. "We're gonna have such an awesome time...." She grinned brightly, then went to tuck the Pokeball back into place on her bag strap.

Several days passed rather uneventfully. Natalie had been involved in a few skirmishes with wild Pokemon, but she hadn't captured any. She wanted to make each capture...special. She wanted to capture rare Pokemon, something unusual that people might not expect her to be carrying. For that reason she had left the main path on her way into town, heading instead into a nearby forest. Most people tended to avoid the areas because of rumours of some dangerous Pokemon residing there that were known to dislike humans, but Natalie was sure she could handle anything. "Hmmm....come out come out wherever you are...." Natalie whispered to herself as she crept through the trees, looking around carefully. She was going to make sure she captured something whilst in this forest....if only as proof she had dared come so far in...
(which do you want to show first or how do you want her to find the two? and can you get me link to your picture in a different link. Like photobucket or something like that. or oh can you get it to me through an Image shack link?)
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